Modern AU (pt.1?)

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Modern AU except It's before they become politician and secretary 

Theme: Fluff

Setting: Present (Starting the story in 2013*, the timeskips will go to 2020** then to 2023***)

AU: Modern

Question- I might want to make multiple parts to this, so should I just make it take up multiple chapters here or put it in a separate story? If I put it in a separate story this one and the hypothetical other story would just be updating less often... 




In a small neighborhood in Japan, there stood two houses. 

Okay- there were more than two houses in the neighborhood, but the aforementioned two houses are the only relevant ones.. 

On the left, there lived a family of four. The Tsugikuni family. In this family, there was a mother and a father, and two twins, Michikatsu and Yoriichi Tsugikuni. While on the right, lived a family of three. Muzan Kibutsuji and his parents. The two houses mostly have no relevance to each other, except for two rooms being connected by a small bridge. The bridge was built fairly recently, due to the friendship of the two children with the 'M' initial grew closer and closer. 

They were incredibly close, as they would spend everyday together. Well, everyday Muzan isn't at the doctor's, that is. The child of the Kibutsuji family had a chronic illness, which caused him to be in the doctor's office and/or hospital quite frequently. However, as of late, his illness has been improving. 

Yes, his illness has improved quite a bit. He was nearing being fully recovered. 

... until middle school hit. 

** (In this AU the pandemic did NOT happen) 

Just into a few months of seventh grade, Muzan's illness had a devastating relapse. This caused him to be back in the hospital full time, and caused him to miss the entirety of middle school and the first year of highschool. What's worse is that the hospital that Muzan stayed at was far away, and didn't allow patients to make calls.  Leaving Muzan and Michikatsu unable to contact each other.

But what happens when a 'new' student enters as now a highschooler? 


Timeskip to 2023 in highschool. Muzan and Michikatsu are both 15/16 ish.


"Class, we will be having a new student joining us today! I expect you all to give him a warm welcome and make him feel comfortable, as he hasn't been in school for a while. Tsugikuni, he will be sitting next to you." Great, Ithought, the luxury of having the empty seat is being taken away from me. Knowing people... I probably won't even like them. I bet they're just going to join the popular kids anyways.. I hope they don't try and talk to me.. 

"You can come in now!" The teacher said as the new student walked in. 


No way! Is it really him...? No, I'm sure it's not and I'm just getting my hopes up.. 

"Please, Introduce yourself." 

"Greetings, I'm Kibutsuji Muzan." No way. For real?!  I... I can't believe it.. I thought.. and how..? 

"...." The teacher seemed surprised at his lack of elaboration on his intro, but she continued. "You will sit next to Tsugikuni over there." She pointed at me, and he walked over, and gave me a small grin while I was just staring... I hope he doesn't think I'm being rude....  

"Heeeyy Michi! Long time no see, huh?" I kept just staring at him, shocked. 

"... Oh come on, you have to remember me! Please, say you remember me!" 

"I.. I haven't forgotten you... sorry.. I was just.. uh, surprised, that's all.." I said to him. "I missed you.. I missed you a lot... But.. I thought you were in the hospital?? How are you suddenly back? And.. Why didn't you tell me...?" 

"Well, they found a cure for my illness! I didn't tell you because, well, one, I just got out a day or so ago, and two, I wanted to surprise you!" He smiled at me. I started to smile back, but then I caught one of the popular kids glaring at me so I stopped. He then quickly looked behind him to follow my gaze, then turned back to me and continued. "Ugh, I hate those kind of kids. Glaring for no reason?" He sighed. "Don't worry about them! They're stupid and they don't even deserve to have you anywhere near them." He then hugged me, which surprised me quite a bit. I'm glad though, I missed hugging him. 

"Uhhh..." He said as he pulled away and looked at the clock, "I think they give us a open campus break soon,  so do you wanna try to find an empty place with me? I'd like to be able to catch up with you.." He paused for a second, as if to make up his mind on something. "And even though it might be a bit sudden  but it's been on my mind for a while now and I'd like to tell you." 

I nodded in agreement. "I know some spots where people don't usually go..." 

"Great!" He responded. 

I wonder what he wants to tell me... I shouldn't get my hopes up, though. It's most likely not that


Words: 891 (Yes, quite a lot shorter than the last chapter.. I just made that one real long.. this is probably gonna a more average length for chapters) 

Hahahahaaaa lolll yes I ended it before the confessionnnn get wreckedddd 

dw tho I'll write it soon.. probs sometime this week or maybe even today.. 

tysm for reading!! <33

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