farmer/vampire au idea from freshbeans

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Anyways here is yet another idea from @freshbeans6479 :33

Idk why I'm starting new things when I already have so many drafts 😭😭

I'm too lazy to give a summary right now.. I'M SORRY 😭😭


All that week's effort, flushed down the drain.

The Tsugikuni family was exhausted after another long week of hard work. What's worse, though, is that half of their produce have been either tampered with, missing, or half eaten! The strangest part about it was that only red plants, such as apples and strawberries, have been affected. Everything else was completely fine.

Michikatsu shut the bathroom door behind him as he walked into the room he shared with his brother, Yoriichi. He ploped his day clothes into his laundry bin and took his hair down, giving it a quick brush and then braiding it so it wouldn't tangle while he was sleeping. His brother was already in bed, reading, as he tired earlier in the day than Michikatsu. Unfortunately for him, since they shared a room Yoriichi had to end up staying awake later than he would like. 

"Yoriichi..." Michikatsu started, as he climbed into his bed. "What do you think.. is going on with our crops...? ..I. just don't understand..." He was more so thinking out loud than asking his brother, but maybe Yoriichi would have an idea.

"Well.. I also don't really have an idea." He responded. "However, ..when I last went to the city... the bookstore that I usually go to had a book.. that was similar to our situation.. It was about these terrible monsters that feed on produce.. so that when farmers, like us, went to go check on it.. it was all gone!"

"Huh!? For real...!?" Michikatsu had never heard of anything like this before! He didn't want to think that a monster was what was wrong with their farm!

"No, I was joking with you... Michi, I love you very, very much, but sometimes you can be a dummy."

"Shut up! Just because you're smart, and talented... and better at school and stuff in general than me, ..doesn't mean you get to belittle me with your stupid jokes!" Michikatsu then slammed on the light switch, making the last room in their mid-sized farmhouse go dark.

"I.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to upset you..."

"It's fine.. we both know it's true, anyways.." He mumbled, turning over so that his back was to Yoriichi's bed.

The Tsugikunis lived in a medium sized farmhouse, just on the outskirts of the city. Their main business was apples, which was why the recent events have been so devastating. Michikatsu pondered as he was falling asleep. Could what Yoriichi said, even though he said it was false, be true? It was probably a creature of some sort that was causing this, but could that creature be a monster? He hoped not. And he definitely wasn't going to find out.

At least, that's what he planned...


"What!?? But father, what if the thing that's doing this is dangerous?! You're an adult, why are you making me stay out all night?!" Michikatsu half-shouted. He was annoyed at his father, and nervous because he knew deep down that he couldn't get out of it.

"I understand that you're worried, but nothing out there can hurt you. We're fortunate to live in an area where those kinds of animals don't live. And plus, you need to be more helpful." His father responded.

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