Moments before and after death

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My take on an idea that me, Freshbeans, and Lolanthe were thinking abt. Sort of a prologue.



Low-key angst (which I'm sure Lolanthe is very happy about) but Kokuzan is still together and in love, so that's rlly all that matters.

May write fluff this weekend, idk. I'm traveling out of state to see  my favorite singer, so I'll be very busy during the time I usually write... I wrote this in the middle of the night last week, so that's why I can post now. I wanted to put smth out this week.

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"Muzan..-" Kokushibo looked up at his husband, who was putting on his jacket. He didn't understand, It was supposed to be their relaxation time, where was he going?

"Yes my love?" He turned, facing his husband with his jacked now fully on.

"Where are you going..."

"Oh, I just have a little errand to run, that's all!"

"Which errand..? Surely, it can wait..."

"This time, it can't!" He chuckled, "You know we finally found the Ubayashiki mansion, right?"

"Yes, I'm aware..." he replied. "Don't tell me... that you're going.. to try and kill them..! Not at this hour... and not on your own..."

"Darling, you worry too much! I just have to go finish some unfinished business, that's all. I shouldn't be longer than 20 minutes."

"...." Kokushibo contemplated this. "Take me with you..."

"Huh? Koku, I don't want to make you do unnecessary work, you've already been training so hard! Rest, and when I come back we'll have fun."

"Just.. take me as backup... just in case... I don't want you getting... ambushed... by the entire corps."

"Ha! Darling, they won't even know I'm there!"

"I.. It's just-" Muzan's whole plan made him feel uneasy. "..Doesn't Ubayashiki have... slight.. future prediction.. abilities...?" Kokushibo recalled from his time as a slayer.

"Future prediction?! I love you, Koku, but that's ridiculousness!" He chuckled again, walking over to his husband and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Muzan... don't underestimate your enemy... you have a bad habit of that, remember....?"

"Koku," Muzan got a little tense. "I just want to get what has to be done, done, in the most efficient manner! I'll be in and out, I promise."

"Muzan I know you... He'll say something... you'll get angry.. or you'll want to boast... and they'll have time to call all their forces... Just- ...take me with you... You're probably right.. I won't even have to do anything... but just in case...."

"And I know you, Koku." He squeezed his shoulder. "You worry too much, you overthink. You spend too much time thinking about what the enemy might do. I know you care, Koku, but I'll be fine, like I always have. There's nothing to worry about." He kissed his forehead, then starting walking towards the door.

"You're being cocky, Muzan...! This is.. an important mission... yet you called it an errand... I know you're strong.. I know how amazing you are... but we must be prepared... for anything they may throw at us... even if.. they're not actually a threat... it's important to take the enemy as such... so we don't end up in a you-know-who situation...."

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