Kokuzan Nutcraker part 3

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Continuing from where we left off!! 



The pair sat silently on their hot air balloon like cloud, with Muzan resting his head on Kokushibo's shoulder. The ride was surprisingly peaceful. The view was nice, even though they had no idea what they were flying above, it was relaxing. It seemed that the land below them was slowly but surely transitioning out of the snowy forest and into a flowery garden. 

The flower garden has many stone paths leading through it, with sakura and wisteria trees being periodically placed in between flower beds. Different types of pollinators, such as bees, humming birds, and most prominently in this area, butterflies, flew all around the vast flower beds. The climate was warm but the air was breezy, creating a constant feeling of the perfect spring day. 

There was a large palace in the distance, which was adorned with beautiful vines and flowers. The two travelers spotted it, wondering if that was where the cloud was taking them. It was possible, as the annoying ice guy said he was sending them to sugar plum and flower fairies. The cloud continued to encroach upon the palace, eventually landing and letting Kokushibo and Muzan out. When standing there, Muzan noticed something peculiar about Kokushibo. 

"Hey, Koku," He started, giving the samurai a nickname while he was at it. "Are you.. breathing?" 

"Breathing...?" Kokushibo repeated." 

"Yeah. Your shoulders and chest are subtly expanding and contracting, as well as air seems to be traveling through your nose/mouth, depending on if you're talking or not."

"That's... weird..." he contemplated. "Perhaps.. It is an effect of this realm...?"  

"Yeah, Maybe.." They were left to stand there again, as they were unsure with how to contact the people in the palace, if there was anyone actually inside. After about 5 minutes of waiting, a voice came through some sort of speaker and shouted at them: 

"WHO GOES THERE? Sate your names, where your from, and who sent you." 

"Uhm, I'm Muzan, the cute one on my left is Kokushibo, and we came from some forest place because some ice said some sugar plum and flower fairies could help us get un-lost." He answered truthfully, but also not missing out on the chance to complement Kokushibo.

"God not that ice moron!" The speaker voice said, clearly annoyed by the mention of him. "Let me guess: he said that my sisters and I were his 'beloved' sugar plum and flower fairies?" they said mockingly. 



"He for real seemed SOOO annoying." Muzan agreed. 

"He is. Now, you said you were lost, right?"

"That's right." 

"Okay... Well since you're lost, my older sister would probably want me to let you in.. but, If you have a message from that ice guy, or if I hear one more thing about him, you're getting kicked out. Do you understand?" 



"Good." The gates of the castle opened up, revealing a path similar to the ones that they previously flew over. The inside smelt like flowers, and it had a large ballroom on one side with many people dressed in flower-esque attire waltzing. The path led to what they assumed to be a throne room, with three empty thrones. 

"Hey! Don't you know that you're supposed to wait?!" The same voice from the speaker scolded them, running down the staircase, with two figures following close behind her. The owner of the speaker voice appeared to be about 14 years old judging off her voice, but she seemed short for her age. She was wearing a purple romper, a purple butterfly clip, and the ends of her bangs faded into purple. 

The two girls following behind her seemed to be approximately 17 and 12. The oldest girl had long black hair, and two pink butterfly clips on the sides of her head. She was wearing a pink dress that made the skirt look like the pedals of a flower, and a white, teal, and pink haori that looked like a butterfly's wings. 

The youngest girl had a much more shy demeanor than the other two. She carried herself much more slowly, and avoided looking at the people she didn't know and wasn't comfortable with yet. She had a side ponytail and bangs, and a butterfly clip that was identical to the eldest girl's. Her outfit was similar to Kokushibo's, except her top was light pink and her pants were a deep magenta. 

"Welcome, travelers." The oldest sister said. "Excuse my sister's scolding, she's just trying to keep us safe from the Ice King... Anyways, I'm Kanae, and my younger sisters are Shinobu," She pointed to the owner of the speaker voice. "And Kanao!" She pointed to the youngest girl. "May we help you two?" 

"We're lost." Muzan said flatly, then went into a bit more detail. "We randomly ended up in that snow area, and don't know how. Then that Ice guy sent you to us because he thought you could help in some way..." 

"I see..." Kanae pondered for a moment. "Well, it's getting pretty late, so why don't you two watch tonight's performance with us, and then we can give you one of the guest rooms and sort your situation out in the morning." 

"That sounds good, thank you." 

"Yes.... Many thanks..." Kokushibo had said something after a while. It was pretty clear that he was letting Muzan do the talking in this situation. Muzan couldn't tell if it was that he was shy, uncomfortable, or didn't know how to process the information.. maybe he'd ask him after the performance thing Kanae mentioned. After he got his kiss, of course. 


The performance was interesting, to say the least. It just seemed to be dancers from different regions (?) representing different gifts, such as tea, coffee, chocolate, and candy canes. It was a pretty performance, but overall not that interesting. To Muzan, at least, who had been to performances like this before. Kokushibo, however, seemed to be really interested in what was happening on stage. It was clear that he had never seen anything like it before. 

After the preformance ended, Kanae showed them into the guest room. She apologized that they only had one set up right now, but that wasn't a problem for them. The room was nice. It matched the flower aesthetic of the rest of the palace. The bed was large, and the blankets were comfortable. The two of them cuddled up next to each other, similarly to how they went to sleep before all of this started.  

"So, do you remember our bet~?" Muzan asked. 

"I do...." Kokushibo responded. It almost looked as if he was.. blushing? It seemed like this realm was making him more human like. 

"Can I kiss you, then?" Kokushibo nodded. Then, Muzan cupped his face in his hands, and brought him close, so that their noses were almost touching. Kokushibo's breathing was more noticeable now, and if it weren't for his six eyes and ball joints, he could have been human. Muzan leaned in closer, and their lips- 


Muzan awoke. He was still holding Kokushibo in a close embrace. 

'So was it a dream...?' He thought. 'Ugh, I wish it lasted a few seconds longer...' He lamented that he didn't get to kiss the samurai, even if it was just a dream. As he gazed upon Kokushibo's sleeping face, he noticed something strange. It seemed that Kokushibo was breathing, just like in his dream... 

He looked over to the clock on the wall. 7:15 AM. Kokushibo mentioned that his sleep button timed out at around 8 hours of sleep, so he had around 45 minutes until he awoke. He kissed the sleeping samurai's forehead, still taking note of his breath and more human like qualities. 

Which left him to wonder: 'How much of my dream was actually a dream....?' 


1310 words 

If anyone doesn't know the last 3 chapters I uploaded were based of the ballet "The Nutcracker"!! Tbh I still don't know the meaning of the ballet, but this was fun to write!! :::3  

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