Alphabet headcannon thingys

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Idk, I've seen these before and wanted to do my version!

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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

Koku: Cuddling, training together, infodumping, and just being around Muzan in general.

Muzan: Mostly through like dirty jokes and physical touch, honestly. It's easier for him to process/accept emotions that are linked with a physical reaction due to his fear of being "too human". He can be solely romantic, but it's a little harder for him to outwardly express.

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

Koku: I think he would be a good friend. He's not that good at staring friendships, but he'd be loyal and supportive. He and Nakime are besties, they gossip about the other moons that they don't like *cough* Douma *cough*.

Muzan: Brutally honest, though a pretty good friend. Talks shit ALL THE TIME. Regularly joins Nakime and Koku. Destroys the people that annoy him or his friend group.

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

Koku: LOVES cuddles. Only from Muzan, though. He likes to lay on Muzan's lap while he's working- basically like one of those dogs that think they're lapdogs but are just too big. Muzan endorses this, he thinks it's cute, (which it is). He also loves to get cozy under a fluffy blanket and just cuddle, or maybe cuddle and read.

Muzan: Laying on Koku's man-tits 😜

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

Koku: Yes. He wants to be with Muzan forever and ever and ever. He's good at cleaning, he likes to keep things organized. He tries cooking, and used to be pretty good, but he sorta lost his ability as technology advanced. He doesn't understand the newer stuff, and that's okay! He's trying his best :::3
Malewife Koku (and Yorii- even tho this isn't about him I need to mention it) real btw

Muzan: Similar to Koku, he wants to be with him forever and ever. However, he's not really inclined to do work himself. He can cook and clean, but if it doesn't have to be him doing it, it won't be. For cooking especially: he can cook, and he will if it's what's needed or he wants to make something extra special for Koku, but generally prefers to go out to eat or make some lesser demon do it. He likes trying out the new technology though- seeing how it works is interesting to him. He just doesn't want to cook all the time.

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)


F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

Koku: As mentioned before, wants to be with Muzan forever. Good with commitment when he's happy, he's very loyal. He didn't want to get married too quickly though. He feels like rushed his last relationship, and didn't get a chance to think about what he wanted and his happiness. He's very glad that him and Muzan worked out well.

Muzan: Doesn't like change. Very committed.

G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)

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