Koku's Cookies

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 I was on a random prompt generator and got "Koku bakes Muzan cookies out of love. Unfortunately Muzan is pretty sure these cookies are a biohazard." and I knew I just had to do it lol. 

Theme: Fluff

AU: Normal 

Setting: Infinity fortress kitchen 



Kokushibo was wondering around the infinite fortress, awaiting Muzan's return. He walked around for hours, hoping to not encounter anyone. However, when he caught a good smell. He then leaped down from the higher platform that he was on, landing softly near the door and peaking in. 

What he saw was Douma and Daki plating some cookies. They were laughing, and they looked like they were having a good time. In addition, their cookies looked and smelled really good. (Surprisingly.) After they finished laughing, Douma looked over and noticed Kokushibo staring with a confused face. 

"Kokushibo-dono~~!"  He exclaimed as he motioned Kokushibo to come over to them. "How are you~?" He asked as Kokushibo hesitantly stepped forward, slightly afraid to enter the kitchen as his previous experiences with the appliances were... unpleasant... to say the least. 

"What... Are you doing...?" Kokushibo asked.

"We're baking cookies, Kokushibo-sama!" Daki excitedly chimed in, licking some extra batter off  her finger. 

"Isn't.. that for.. humans...?" 

"Normally, yes. But, we figured out how to use different parts of humans to make ones that we can eat!!" 

"That's right~! We really need to thank Rui's family for this recipe later~. Remind me about that, will 'ya, kiddo~?" 

"Sure!" Daki said with a small salute. 

"Mhm..." Kokushibo nodded, intaking the information about the cookie and it's recipie. 

"Say, why don't you try one, Kokushibo-dono~?" Douma said, handing Kokushibo a cookie. The cookies was tinted a light red, because of the blood and mussels that they used.  Mixed in with that, they had used teeth for chocolate chips. 

Kokushibo slowly bit into the cookie, a bit weary of taking something edible from Douma, as he didn't find him trustworthy at all. As he chewed on it, his surprise increased. This.. 'cookie' was actually good. Better than most humans he's eaten. 

"This tastes.. good.." 

"We're so glad you like it!!!!!" Daki jumped up and down a little, then turned to Douma and said excitedly under her breath, grinning, "YAYAYYAYA!!! He likes it!!" 

"Anyways~," Douma started, picking up the tray of warm cookies. "We're going to deliver this to the other demons~. See ya, Kokushibo-dono~!" Both him and Daki walked out, and after the strum of a biwa, leaving him alone in the castle, aside from Muzan who was in his office. 

Kokushibo stared at the ingredients. He then walked over to the counter, and looked at the recipe. Baking and then giving the results to someone was considered affectionate, plus the cookies tasted good.  

"It... cannot be.. that hard.. I suppose.." he thought about trying to recreate the cookies that Douma and Daki had made and giving them to Muzan. He thought about how proud Muzan would be if- when.. (He was trying to have a positive attitude) he got it right. He only had to follow the directions, which he considers himself pretty good at. Especially when the thing he's doing will please Muzan. 

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