Modern AU Part 2!!!

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Modern AU except It's before they become politician and secretary

Theme: Fluff

Setting: Present

AU: Modern

Picking right up where part one left off!!! <33 

⚠️Slight mentions of homophobia 



"Uhhh..." He said as he pulled away and looked at the clock, "I think they give us a open campus break soon, so do you wanna try to find an empty place with me? I'd like to be able to catch up with you.." He paused for a second, as if to make up his mind on something. "And even though it might be a bit sudden but it's been on my mind for a while now and I'd like to tell you."

I nodded in agreement. "I know some spots where people don't usually go..."

"Great!" He responded.

I wonder what he wants to tell me... I shouldn't get my hopes up, though. It's most likely not that.

The 'that' in question was a confession.. even though it's embarrassing, and he'd probably think I'm weird if I ever said this to him out loud,... I'm in love with him.... I don't know why, I really didn't think I could fall in love with anyone.. especially not in love with another man.. my family, especially my father would probably be so upset with me if I told them that.. so it'll be my secret. If I ignore it, it will go away, right? 

I thought about this as I led him to my favorite spot in the school. We went to the library, then crawled through a secret window to get on to a secret section of the roof.. well, it's not really secret, per say, just not many people go there and are willing to do what it takes to get up there. we sat on one of the few benches there. I sat on this one almost every day with good weather.. It has  just the right amounts of sunlight and shade... It was nice. Relaxing. 

"So, Michi," He started "Uhm.. you remember the times before I had to move hospitals, right?? How we were, uhm.. pretty close?" I looked back to our time there.. yes, I remember. We hugged often then. I love hugging him. It makes me feel warm and happy inside.. 

"Yes, I remember..." Muzan smiled a little and blushed slightly.. I wonder why he's blushing? 

"So, uhm.." His blush deepened a little to closely match the shade of his eyes.. Over the course of his treatment, his eyes started to redden, and are a bright, blood red. I love his eyes, they're so pretty and unique... He's so pretty.. It makes me feel a bit nervous to even be around him. "..Would you like to make us.. 'official'??" Hm? 

"W-what does that mean..?" 

"Well.. uhm, I mean would you like to be my boyfriend....?" 

No way.. This isn't real.. he's lying, right? Right?!

"F-For real..??" 

"Yes, for real." 

"Y-you love me....?" 

"I do, Michi. I.. I understand if you don't feel the same bu-" 

"I..!" I wanted to tell him I felt the same, but I don't know how to say it..

"But I wanted to tell you as soon as I got back. I  really missed you when I had to move to the bigger far away hospital.. I missed cuddling you, holding you close.. you make me feel warm and happy, and I love that...." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "So, I'd like to ask you to be my boyfriend.. I understand if you don't want to, if you just wanna be friends.. or if you don't even wanna be friends at all after this.. I just wanted to take a shot." 

I.. I really can't believe it.. he loves me too?! I just stared at him for a moment. He was looking down at his hands. My face probably matched his eyes too by now.. I.. I must tell him..!! 

"I- I.. I want.. I want.." I blushed even harder as he looked at me, awaiting my response.. "L- love you too.. I love you to.. I w-want to be.." I took another deep breath. "I want to.. to be your boy.. boyfriend.. I love you too, I want to be your boyfriend.." 

I looked away after saying that.. Oh no, what if he was playing a prank on me and is gonna think I'm weird now? What if he changes his mind? What if, what if what if...??! 

"Oh I'm so glad!!!" He pulled me into a tight hug while smiling, holding my head in between his shoulder and his neck while kissing my cheek. I put my arms around him and cuddled into him.. He laughed a bit "Honestly though, I kinda expected that.." 

"Huh..!? What do you mean...??" 

"Well, I'm not sure if you realized, but it was pretty romantic how you visited me in the hospital.. Like, you visited almost every day, and we cuddled for hours every time! Heck, I probably kissed you a couple times too!" 

"O-oh.. I guess I really didn't realize, huh.." 

"Don't worry about it, it's cute!! Oh, and speaking of kissing, can I kiss you on your mouth?" He moved me slightly and cupped my head in his hands so we were looking at each other. I really don't know how it's possible, but I blushed even harder.. After a few seconds, I gave a slow nod.. He then pulled my head closer and gave it a quick kiss. "You're so cute, I love you sooooo much!!" 

He kissed me again, for longer this time. Then he went to kissing all over my face... he then paused and looked at me, right in my eyes.. 

"Hey Michi!!! Do you wanna see another side effect of my medicine???!!" He asked. I tilted my head to the side slightly then nodded. 

He then proceeded to put one of his hands under my knees, and the other under my lower back and wrapping around to my waist and stand up. 

"EEP!" I yelped quietly with surprise.. 

"The medicine made me a lot stronger, the doctors said that I have a tiny bit of super strength! That means that even though you're taller than me, I can pick you up and carry you around no trouble!! 

(A/N: The medicine that Muzan got was a mix of the Blue Spider Lily and modern medical tech. He basically is a like.. 1/4th demon, meaning he's still mortal but he has a bit of a strength boost, heals slightly faster than average, his eye color changed and he has very slight fangs) 


He sat us back down on the bench.. I'm now positioned in his lap.. 

"So, now that you're my boyfriend, I have to take you out somewhere! Where do you wanna go!!?" 

"Uhm.. I don't know.." 

"That's okay!! We'll think about it!" I nodded.. "Oh, and by the way, you still have the same phone number, right?" 


"Great!" He then looked up at the big clock that was on the wall that led into the library. "Awh man, it's almost time for class again already?! .... Ugh, well at least we sit next to each other.. I would skip, but.. It's my first day.. plus, you wouldn't let me, would you...?" I shook my head. "Oh well." He picked me back up, quickly spun us around and then put me on my feet and took my hand and took me back to class.. I hope the other kids don't realize I'm blushing.." 


1247 words 

I can start updating again!! Yayyyy!!! 

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