A New Beginning

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Hey, this is a fem Ben fic so hope you enjoy it. Btw this takes place after ultimate alien so we have the new Omnitrix but Omniverse hasn't happened. Anyway on with the story.

Bellwood train yard

Jen was bored there haven't been any real emergencies recently and she knew that was a good thing but the Omnitrix wielder couldn't help but be bored, her and Rook were investigating an odd signal that the plumbers had picked up a couple of days ago, it was the only thing to do so Jen went along with it

Jen and Rook were pulling up to the train yard, "so is this the place those weird signals are coming from?" asked Jen, she was an 18-year-old girl with green eyes and brown hair that she had done up in a ponytail.

"yes the signals seem to have oriented from this train yard" the cat-like alien stated, as they made their way around the train yard

after about half an hour into the search Jen was starting to get bored "come on, we've been walking around this stupid train yard for ages" Jen moaned

"according to the scanner whatever the source of the signal is should be in that train car," Rook said, he was used to Jen's antics at this point, Jen and Rook opened the door to the train car it was filled with science equipment and alien tech

"Now this doesn't look suspicious at all" Jen said sarcastically "what do you think all this stuff is for"

"I don't know, the way these devices are assembled doesn't seem safe, it's a miracle if any of this is working" Rook assessed

suddenly everything started beeping and buzzing, Jen immediately knew something wasn't right "Rook get out" Jen shouted as she shoved him out the door and in a bright flash of light the whole train car was gone leaving Rook on the ground in shock

a dark figure in the shadows watched the incident from a distance "now the fun begins" smiled the dark figure


Jen woke up and all she could see was trees and the blue sky "talk about a killer headache" Jen joked as she got up and wiped her green jacket clean, "Omnitrix where am I" the alien device showed a hologram displaying an error message after Jen stopped complaining to her watch she decided to explore eventually she came across a road "well I guess I'll follow this till I find some kind of town or city.


Jen eventually came across a port town called Hargeon, the young girl explored the town for a while before coming across a crowd of girls gathered, the green-eyed girl managed to make her way into the crowd to see what the fuss was about

at the centre of the crowd was a man with purple hair and a cape, he also had a tattoo above his right eye the man was sweet-talking the crowd "you ladies are all so sweet" said the strange man who Jen assumed was named Salamander as that was what all the girls in the crowd kept cheering about, she honestly didn't see what the appeal of the guy was but she never was that interested in guys

suddenly a young boy came barging through the crowd trampling over Jen in the process "hey watch it, buddy!" The brunette yelled

"oi I'm trying to get igneel's attention here" the boy yelled, he then turned to salamander "who the heck are you" clearly disappointed that Salamander wasn't who he was looking for

"Who am I?" The purple-haired man hyped himself up "I'm salamander, surely you've heard of me" he never got a response since both Jen and the pink-haired boy decided they have had enough and were walking away but got tackled by the fan girls, "well I guess I must be going ladies, I have business to attend to" he then summoned purple flames and flew up into the air "I'm having a soirée on my yacht tonight and you're all invited" he said as he flew off

"Who the hell was that guy?" The pink haired guy said

"I don't know but he was a real creep," said a blonde-haired girl "I'd like two thank you two, so how about lunch on me"


the group went to a small cafe for lunch "my name's Lucy it's nice to meet you, Natsu and happy was it?" She asked the pink-haired boy and his blue cat, she then turned to the Omnitrix weirder "and you're Jen, that Salamander guy was using a charm spell, he was using it to hypnotise those girls into thinking they were in love with him, that type of magic has been banned for years, I totally fell under his spell but I snapped out of it when you two started fighting, I know I might not look it but I'm a wizard too but I haven't joined a guild yet"

Jen kept quiet during her explanation of guilds and magic as it was very convenient for her, it didn't take her much time to figure out she was in a different dimension than her own, "I guess it's like that time with Rex" Jen mumbled to herself

"ah, I almost forgot you two came here looking for someone?" Lucy asked Natsu and Happy

"oh yeah Igneel" the cat replied

"We heard a rumour that a Salamander was coming through this town so we came to see him, but that guy back didn't even look like a dragon" Natsu explained

"your friend looks like a dragon?" Asked Jen, honestly, she had seen weirder

"no he is a dragon" clarified Happy

"oh ok" Jen replied calmly as Lucy freaked out

"well I have to get going, see you around," said Lucy once she calmed down


it was night and Jen was taking a walk on the beach to process everything that happened that day l, suddenly a massive tidal wave came crashing in out of nowhere Jen slammed down on the Omnitrix as soon as she could there wasn't any time to select what alien she wanted she just hopped luck was on her side and in a green flash Jen was gone and replaced by a rocky alien that looked like it was made of lava and had a head of fire "Heatblast" Jen shouted "oh shit" as it turns out luck was not on her side.

once the massive wave hit Heatblast was struggling to stand up "really new Omnitrix Heatblast" the Pyronite shouted at the device on her chest, she then noticed Lucy shouting at a floating mermaid and decided to see what was happening.

"yo Lucy what hell is happening," Jen asked in a raspy voice

"aaaaggghhh!" Lucy screamed, "it's a monster!"

"no, it's just me Jen" Heatblast put up her hands

"wait really ok" Lucy responded, "that salamander guy was trying to sell the girls on his yacht as slaves!"

"What are you ok?" Jen asked, just then Jen saw Natsu fighting on top of the remains of the boat

"I should have mentioned this earlier but Natsu is a wizard from fairy tail so don't worry about him" Happy explained

"well he better leave some action for me" Jen laughed "it's time to turn up the heat" and with that, she used a massive fire blast to launch herself at the fight

"hey there Natsu hope you don't mind me joining in" laughed the flaming alien as she kicked one of the henchmen and sent a fireball at another

"not one bit" Natsu laughed "fire dragon roar!" And with that, a massive fire breath attack was unleashed at the enemy taking out most of the henchmen

"ha not bad, now it's my turn," Heatblast said as she gathered up a big ball of flames and unleashed a massive fire twister at the fake Salamander sending the creep flying back, "alright Natsu let's finish this" Jen shouted and Natsu gave a nod they both launched themselves at the fake Fairy Tail wizard gathering up flames in their hands and with a double punch they sent the creep hurtling straight into the town hall bell.

and with that Heatblast landed next to Lucy but before they had a chance to relax soldiers started marching towards them "wait is that the army!" Lucy shouted, before either of them could react Natu grabbed them by the arm and started running at that moment Jen's transformation timed out and she returned to her original form

"you said wanted to join the Fairy Tail guild didn't you, so let's go" Natsu laughed "wait, Jen when did you get here?"

"Don't worry about dude, just keep running I don't wanna get locked up?" Jen yelled, all of them laughed as they kept running.

and that's chapter 1 finished. Hope you enjoyed please leave a review I love getting feedback

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