Calm before the storm

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It had been about a week since Jen had gotten back from Arachnitopia on the train ride back she told team Shadow Gear the truth about where she came from it felt good to have more people know, she planned on telling Lucy and Natsu Soon Jen felt as if she was lying through her teeth any time she would talk with her best friends l, speaking of Lucy and Natsu Jen was meeting up with them at the town market today

once Jen had caught up to the two wizards they began to explore the market together they had made a habit of meeting up like this every week, "Hmmm" Natsu looked at Jen as he looked deep in thought and bent down slightly

"What is it?" Jen asked as Natsu had been staring at her for about a minute now and it was starting to get on her nerves

"You're pretty short!" Natsu answered as he laughed much to Jen's annoyance

"Hmm you're right" Lucy added

"Oh come on I'm probably the same height as you without your heals" Jen replied grumpily

"Let's see" Lucy said as she took off her boots and stood up next to Jen revealing that she was still an inch or two taller than her "Well would you look at that" Lucy replied smugly

"Shut up" Jen said displeased she was proven wrong

"So how tall are you?" Natsu asked

Jen let out a sigh "I'm 5'4" she was used to being the shortest in most groups but she still didn't like people bringing it up

"Cute" Lucy mumbled under her breath but Jen managed to hear it and her entire face went red

fairy tail guild

after an afternoon of shopping the three guildmates were having their dinner at the Guildhall "So after the incident with Lullaby Erza got arrested and put on trial" asked Jen as she at her chilli fries they weren't as good as the ones back home but they were growing on her

"yeah the magic council came pretty soon after you and team shadow gear left" Lucy explained the incident that occurred while Jen was away "She wasn't really in trouble though they just needed a scapegoat for all the property damage that occurred"

"I probably would have been sent home with nothing more than a slap on the wrist if it had not been for Natsu barging in dressed in a poor disguise" Erza added while glaring at the dragon slayer

as Jen was laughing at her friends' stories of their adventures she suddenly found herself feeling very tired before she knew it her head was resting on the table

Jen awoke groggily from her magic-induced sleep "What the hell was that!" She asked as the rest of the guild roused to their feet seemingly caught under the same spell Jen did

"that young Jennifer was Mystogan one of the strongest wizards in the guild" master Makarov explained from atop the bar

"every time he comes to take a job he puts everyone under a sleeping spell, the old man's the only one that knows what he looks like" Gray added

"that's not true, I've seen him before" an unfamiliar voice called down from the second floor "Mystogan's just a little shy, you should respect his privacy" laughed a tall muscular man with spiky blonde hair and a lightning bolt-shaped scar over his right eye

"Laxus!!" Natsu yelled as he jumped up onto the table "Get down here and fight me!"

"oh please I heard you couldn't even beat a newbie, you wouldn't stand a chance against me" Laxus laughed as he looked down at all the fairy tail members

"the hell's that supposed to mean"Jen glared at the large man

"oh did I strike a nerve little lady why don't you come up here so I can show you exactly what the strongest wizard in fairy tail can do" Laxus laughed

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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