First Day On The Job

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Hope you enjoy the chapter and who do you think Jen should be shipped with

Fairy Tail guild hall

after a lot of running Jen and her new friends were standing outside a large building with a strange symbol on the front, "welcome to Fairy Tail" cheered Happy

Natsu kicked open the door to the guild hall and started yelling and fighting with the other guild members much to Lucy and Jen's surprise, soon enough the whole guild was in an all-out brawl "there's not one sane person in this place" Lucy whined

"Hello, are you two new here?" Asked a beautiful girl with long white hair

"it's Mirajane!" Lucy started to fan girl

"is she famous or something?" Jen asked her blond friend

"what how could you have never heard of her, she's featured in sorcerer weekly all the time" Lucy freaked

"um, don't you think we should stop this or something?" Jen asks starting to worry

"don't worry this happens all the time" Mirajane replied

suddenly a massive shadow came over everyone "will you fools stop bickering like children!" The giant figure yelled, this caused everyone to stop what they were doing instantly

"oh I didn't know that you were still here master" Mirajane giggled

"well it seems we have some new recruits" the shadowy figure laughed, suddenly in a poof of smoke the giant shrank into a little old man wearing an orange jacket and a funny hat

"whoa he's tiny, is this guy really in charge here," Lucy asked

"yes that's master Makarov"

"Now let's get you two ladies signed up shall we," said Makarov leading Lucy and Jen over to the reception desk, Lucy was the first to be signed up and got a pink Fairy Tail symbol magically tattooed on her right hand, next it was Jen's turn she decided to join the guild as it was probably the best way to search for a way back home, "now, Jen was it what kind of magic do you use, just need to know for some legal documents," Mirajane asked

This caused Jen a slight panic, and she decided that it would be impossible to keep up lie "actually I can't do any magic, but my watch allows me to transform into different alien species" Jen hoped that would be enough of an explanation

"I'll put that down as takeover magic, miss Alien" Mirajane laughed, not too far away Markarov overheard what Jen had said and decided he'd ask for an explanation another time

"of course, no one would believe that" Jen mumbled under her breath as the registration continued, Jen got a green guild mark on the lower left side of her abdomen

then Mirajane explained how the job board worked and helped Jen pick out her first one "now, getting rid of a couple of bandits, that should be easy enough" the white-haired beauty smiled

once Jen was set up for her first job she knew she had one more thing to do before she left, "Natsu can I talk to you privately for a bit" Jen asked the Dragon slayer who was sitting at a table with Happy and Lucy

"um yeah sure" Natsu replied getting up and following Jen to the side of the courtyard "what's up?"

"what the hell were you thinking back there in Hargeon, your attacks burned down half the town," Jen asked sternly

"What that, I guess I always cause a bit of property damage" Natsu laughed

"It's no laughing matter, those are people's livelihoods" Jen responded sternly but still calmly she wanted Natsu to know what happened was wrong and that actions have consequences, she knew yelling at him wouldn't get her anywhere, "what would you have done if debris from those buildings hit Lucy," Jen asked

Jen 10: Alien of Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now