Lullaby's defeat

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Hey just want to say I really appreciate everyone who's read the story

the girls ran through the halls after Erigor, as they turned a corner they had reached a balcony where Eigor was sitting waiting for them "keheheh I always wanted to fight the queen of the fairies, unfortunately, I don't have time to play with you today" and with a purple glow from Erigor's hand a massive wall made of gale force winds surrounded the building "now I've wasted enough time with you pitiful flies, I'll leave you to your gruesome fate" Erigor used his magic to slip through the Bari of wind

"that cowered just what is he planning" Ezra cursed as she tried to break through the barrier with sheer strength only getting her self injured in the process " Ezra cursed as she tried to break through the barrier with sheer strength only getting her self injured in the process

"so it was all a trap the train station was never their target, they didn't have much time to plan this whatever their real target is must be on the train line which means their real target is Clover that's where the train line ends" Lucy deduced

"THE GUILD MASTERS MEETING!" Ezra yelled as she came to the horrific conclusion "damn it, we can't break through this barrier, that man from before he broke lullaby's seal"

"that's the guy Natsu's after right now" Jen mumbled under her breath before looking at the barrier "Ezra I can get through this barrier and chase Erigor while you help Natsu"

"hmm good plan, you go ahead and slow him down take Lucy with you, I'm placing a lot of trust in you don't let me down" Ezra glared sending shivers down Jen's spine

"Jen wait you can't be thinking about taking on that monster by yourself, I know you're strong but you shouldn't go alone, what if you get hurt," Lucy asked her mind thinking of a million ways this could end badly

"hey I've been up against guys like this before and I've always come out on top, so have a little faith" Jen reassured her friend, Jen smirked as she selected her alien "alright it's hero time" and with a green flash she was transformed into a lanky blue moth-like alien with large wings "Big chill," she said in a slow spooky voice as she flew up and turned intangible this allowed Big chill to pass the barrier unharmed, Jen sped off after Erigor following the train tracks

clover canyon

in no time at all Big Chill had managed to catch up with Erigor who was flying over the canyon towards Clover "Hey buddy you should really chill out" she joked as she sent a blast of ice at the reaper that Erigor narrowly avoided

"you must be that take-over wizard form earlier, it doesn't matter how you got past my barrier I'll squash you like the fly you are" Erigor gloated as he lunged threw the air at the necrofriggian swinging his scythe, the weapon just passed through the alien causing it to become I cased in ice

"I'm just full of surprises aren't I" Big Chill laughed as Erigor's face contorted in rage, the dark wizard broke the ice with his wind magic and sent multiple wind blasts towards Big Chill that the alien narrowly dodged as she flew towards Erigor and hit him with a fist encased in ice sending him hurtling towards the rocks below, it didn't take long for Erigor to recover and send a massive wind blade hurtling towards Big chill, the moth-like alien was hit out of the air but moments before hitting the rocks she managed to recover

"ok wind bag time to cool off," said Big Chill as she used her ice breath to freeze Erigor, but as the dust settled Erigor was unharmed laughing maniacally

"you flies are always such a nuisance" Erigor sighed as he sent off multiple shots of wind blasts making it hard for Big Chill to get close enough to attack

both combatants stoped as they heard yelling getting louder and and louder until Erigor was struck by a flaming fist from Natsu and Happy flying in, "try to leave some of the fun for me!" Natsu laughed as he landed on the rail way tracks "now let's finish this, FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" Natsu yelled as he ran towards the dark wizard but his attack was cut short by Erigor surrounding himself in an armour of wind

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