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Jen was looking out the window of the train heading for Mount Aracnidtopia she had met up with Levy and the rest of team shadow gear, currently, she was sitting next to Levy with Jet and Droy sitting across from the two of them "so Levy what's this mount Aracnidwhatever place sounds pretty creepy" Jen asked

"You haven't heard of it? It's a city built inside a mountain, it's famous for being one of the oldest cities in all of Fiore, it got its name from the giant cave spiders that live in the tunnels of the mountain" Levy explained, as she finished her explanation the train went through a tunnel and when they exited they where at the train station, Jen looked out the window and saw a sprawling underground city the markets outside looked jam-packed with people


As Jen and the others got away from the train she looked around and noted how much this place reminded her of Undertown with the countless stalls and the never-ending stream of people going about their day "ok we need to make our way to the south side of the city we're meeting our client at the mine on that side of town" said Levy as the gang followed her

"Shouldn't be anything too difficult right it's just a regular monster-clearing quest" Jen added as she looked over at one of the stalls selling something that smelled like chilli fires

"Yeah but the reward seems unusually high for a job like this, actually the reason we wanted you to back us up on this one" Jet interjected, it didn't take long for the fairy tail wizards to make their way to the entrance to the south side mine there was a large man with a red beard wearing a hard hat and work clothes

"Hey big guy who's in charge around here" Jen yelled out as the group approached

"That'd be me, I assume you lot are the ones accepting my job request," the man said as he gave the group a look that said he didn't exactly have a lot of confidence in these wizards "Lately the mine has been overrun with giant spiders it's been making production grind to a halt, my men are to scared to even step foot in the mines"

"I would have fought spiders would be a common sight around here" Levy interrupted

"Not like these ones they're vicious and far larger than any I've ever seen before and on top of that my equipment keeps going missing" the mine manager explained

"So our job is to get rid of those things sounds easy enough" Jen laughed

"Ya hit the nail on the head, if you lot make sure those vermin never come near my men again then I'll make it worth your while," said the mine manager

"Alright consider it done, we'll have those spiders wiped out in no time" Levy laughed as she gave a thumbs-up

mine tunnels

The Fairy Tail wizards descended into the tunnel network dug out for the mines they were large tunnels that split off in every direction "How does anyone know where they're going down here " Jen wondered

"Oh they use magic items that tell them what directions to take in order to navigate these underground tunnels, I remember reading about it once" Levy answered

"Magic GPS sounds convenient" Jen laughed much to the confusion of the others

"What's a GPS? " asked Levy

Um it's a... thing we used back in my hometown..yeah" Jen stumbled with her words she was never a great lier

"Ok.. sure" Levy said unconvinced now that she thought about it no one in the guild really knew anything about Jen's past before the guild she'd talk about her Cousin and Granpa and maybe a friend or two she had but she was always vague about any details

As the group turned a corner they saw a spider that was roughly the size of a car dragging pieces of scrap metal down one of the tunnels "alright let's get started" Jet said excitedly

Levy grabbed Jets arm "Wait hold on it's taking that stuff somewhere, if we follow it it'll probably lead us to more"

"And then we wipe out the whole nest of these creepy things" Jen smiled giving Levy a fist bump

"Exactly, alright stay close I'll cast a spell to silence our footsteps so it doesn't notice us" as levy explained floating letters spelling out "silence" appeared and hovered around the group's ankles, Levy gave a signal to follow her and as they did their footsteps where completely silent

The group followed the giant spider until it led them into a massive underground cavern it had a central stone platform with stone bridges leading off into tunnels in all directions "We must be directly underneath the city right now" said Levy in awe of the gigantic space that had giant spiders crawling all around the carrying large pieces of metal and machinery

"Hey Levy I don't think spiders would usually build something like that" Jen said as she pointed to a large metallic structure at the centre of the cavern

as Jen and team shadow gear made their way onto the central platform all the spiders suddenly stopped and turned to face them Jen heard a familiar cackle coming from above as she looked up she saw a man with green skin and an exposed brain case with red goggles descending on top of one of the spiders "I should have known you would show up sooner or later Tennyson you always did have a knack of showing up uninvited, I was told I'd have more time before I had to deal with you but nether the less I shall take great pleasure in destroying you and your little band of friends" he laughed as the spiders surrounded the group

"Animo I've been kicking your butt since I was ten, I know this whole dimension-hopping thing isn't your style, so who are you working with?" Jen questioned as she discreetly made her selection on her Omnitrix

"Aghhahaha foolish girl you think I'd reveal my partners in this glorious plan to annihilate you, it was quite the genius idea to isolate you from all your allies wasn't it" Animo laughed

"Jen you've got a lot of explaining to do once this is all over, but we've got your back" Levy said as she and her team got into a fighting stance

"So you're working with more than one person great to know" Jen teased as Animo realised his mistake of letting to much info slip Jen slammed down on the Omnitrix "It's hero time!"

Ok that's some plot stuff dropped but Animo doesn't know as much as he thinks he does of this plan so still a lot to be revealed in later arcs 

Jen 10: Alien of Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now