Playing Catch Up

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Oshibana station

Our heroes rushed to the Oshibana Station in the Magic Mobile "Erza, slow down will you? You're going to drain yourself at this rate," Gray protested.

"I can't slow down, if this lullaby's song is played countless lives will be lost," Erza snapped back as she continued to drive recklessly.

Once they arrived at the station, they could see a large crowd of people gathered outside. "Excuse me, what's going on?" Erza demanded as she approached a guard.

"why would I tell you that lady?" The guard questioned, before Erza could pummel the man for talking back to her Jen jumped between them

"What my friend is trying to say is that we're wizards from Fairy Tail, we can help" Jen said hoping that Erza wouldn't take her anger out on the brunette

"Oh thank goodness you're here, there's a large number of dark wizards inside the station," the guard answered, Jen gave him a thumbs up and the Fairy Tail wizards ran inside.

"Thank you, Jen," Erza said to her as they ran down the hallway. "It seems I got carried away back there."

Don't mention it, I'm used to working with people who don't know how to talk first," Jen laughed as she remembered Rook's first few months on the job.

Once they entered the main section of the building, they were met with what must have been the entire Eizenwald Guild, led by a man with gray hair and wearing a purple cape, wielding a scythe.

"I take it you're Erigor" Erza readied herself for a fight

Kageyama noticed Jen among the Fairy Tail wizards "You, it's your fault I got in trouble with Erigor" he snarled

"just what's your plan with Lullaby" Lucy shouted out

"oh so you haven't heard, hehehe, just tell me what do all train stations have!" Erigor laughed, the Fairy Tail wizards immediately knew he meant the loud speakers all over the station, "thousands of onlookers have gathered today to see the commotion, who knows if I play it loud enough maybe I'll take out the whole city"

"so then what's your motive" Jen asked firmly, Lucy noticed that Jen looked rather calm in this time of crisis almost as if she was experienced with situations like this, Jen didn't really talk about what she did before Fairy Tail other than mentioning her family so Lucy often wondered

"this is a cleansing of all the fools that fail to appreciate the rights they hold so dear, who remain wilfully ignorant of the plight of those who've had their rights stripped away" Erigor continued his speech "they've committed the sin of turning a blind eye to the world's injustice therefore, the reaper has come to punish them"

"but killing them is just going to help, your only going to make it worse it's the reason you were kicked out of the wizard league in the first place" Lucy shouted

"we've given up trying to regain our rights, we want power then we will be able to dictate what happens in the future" Erigor smiled while brandishing his blade

"you're completely insane" Lucy argued

"We're bringing in a new age of darkness" Kageyama yelled as he launched dark tendrils at Lucy,as the blonde braced for the impact their was a flash of emerald green and the Tendrils had been knocked back by a tall rock based alien I had one green eye and it's arms and horn were made of pink crystals

"not gonna let that happen" yelled Chromastone, having heard similar speeches countless times it starts to lose its meaning

"I leave these flys to you, now face the full power of dark guild Eizenwald" Erigor laughed before disappearing with a gust of wind leaving Lucy and Happy in shock

"Natsu, Gray go after him, the two of you combined have the best chance at beating him" Erza ordered, it only took a glare from the fairy queen to get the two boys to agree, Kageyama and another dark wizard escaped in plan to get in their way

"Let's make this quick" Chromastone smiled as she set of a blast of energy into the crowd causing the dark wizards to go flying, then Erza took the opening that Jen's attack made and used her sword to immobilise the downed wizards, Lucy took the opportunity to summon one of her celestial spirits Cancer, he was a fashionable man who wore sunglasses and had six crab legs coming out of his back, he used two pairs of scissors as his weapons and quickly took out a large portion of the enemies

"I don't think these guys grasp the gravity of the situation" Jen smiled as she hit the Omnitrix on her chest and Chromastone and in a flash was replaced by a much larger rock based creature that had red core in it's stomach "Gravatack" Jen yelled, she raised up her arms and suddenly all the dark wizards began to float up she then dropped the dark wizards on the ground hard knocking them out, then in a flash of green Jen was back to herself

"excellent work, I'm very impressed by you newcomers" Erza allowed herself a small smile "now we must catch up with the other two"

Jen 10: Alien of Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now