The Fight

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Ok time for an original arc I'm not exactly sure how long this will take maybe a couple Chapters

it was a perfectly average day at the guild hall and everyone was having a good time everyone except Jen "There's been no good job lately" Jen whined as she sat at a table with Natsu and Lucy "I don't know how I'm gonna pay for rent"

"I thought you've been doing a good number of jobs haven't they been paying well?" Lucy asked as she took a sip from her drink trying not to think of her own money problems

"I may have blown all my savings on a super rare action figure" Jen awkwardly laughed she had gotten very invested in several comics during her stay in Earthland it was no sumo slammers but she'd take what she could get

just then Master Makarov came over to their table "Jen dear could I have a word with you" the small man asked as he walked into his office Jen followed shortly after, as The master sat at his desk he had a serious look on his face that gave Jen goosebumps, "now I'm not going to beat around the bush here dear just what kind of magic do you use, after your little demonstration with lullaby it is clear to me that you're more than just the average takeover wizard"

Jen took a deep breath she knew there wasn't any point in lying and decided to tell the whole truth everything, how she found the Omnitrix when she was 10, how she became an intergalactic hero and how she ended up in this world. Makarov could see the pain in the young woman's eyes it reminded him of another of his children

the guild master comforted the young girl "I see, I haven't heard much about magic that can transport people to other worlds but I'll look into it, you have my word that I will help you get home" the guild master comforted the young girl "you mentioned that the explosion of some kind of device sent you here?"

"yeah whoever made that thing knew what they were doing, it's much harder to send me here than to just blow me to pieces"

"So whoever set off that explosion" the guild master pondered

"sent me here on purpose" Jen finished "But why?" She thought out loud the galaxy had been pretty peaceful since she defeated Vilgax, yeah there were always people for her to fight but they weren't anything special, nothing that the Plumbers couldn't handle themselves

"I'll start researching for a way to get you back home dear" the Guild master said "When do you plan on telling the others?"

"I've been pretty honest with where I'm from so far it's just nobody believes me" Jen laughed at how the rest of the guild must think she was crazy, with that Makarov excused her and she returned to her table where Lucy was sitting

Jen saw Natsu standing on one of the tables shouting about something when he saw Jen sit down next to Lucy and Happy he jumped off the table "You promised me a fight, you've put it off for long enough, I'm gonna fight you now whether you like it or not!" The dragon slayer yelled while pointing his finger at Jen

it was true she had put off her promise to Natsu since they got back from the incident with Lullaby, Jen knew she couldn't get away with not fighting the energetic dragon slayer "Fine then, I'll fight you but first let's go somewhere where we won't cause any trouble" Jen sighed

Forest clearing

Many members of Fairy Tail had come to watch the fight between Jen and Natsu, some were even taking bets on who'd win, "alright then Jen, I'm ready to rock and roll, hit me with everything you got!" Yelled Natsu doing a couple stretches as he prepared

"I'm gonna make you regret saying that" Jen smirked as she made her selection on the Omnitrix and in the usual flash of emerald light Jen was replaced by a tall red-skinned alien woman with four arms "Y'know this might be more fun than I expected" Four arms smiled

Natsu was the first to make a move, he used his flames to blast himself towards the red alien at high speeds "Fire Dragon iron fist!" There was a massive explosion of fire but when the smoke cleared the crowd saw that Four Arms had caught Natsu's fist mid-attack, Jen smiled and then sent two gut punches into Natsu sending him flying backwards, the young dragon slayer quickly got back on his feet and had a massive smile on his face "you're even more fun than I expected" Natsu rushed in again hitting the alien with a flurry of punches and kicks, Jen's four green eyes became stern she knew she could take the punishment and when the right moment struck she hit Natsu into the air with her lower arms and then sent him straight into the ground with her upper arms the result had Natsu left in a crater

Four arms smiled cockily "Looks like I could handle the heat" As she turned to walk away she felt a wave of heat coming from behind her, she turned to see Natsu rise out of the crater fire all around his body

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!" Natsu yelled as a massive vortex of fire came from his mouth, the fire completely engulfed Jen before she could even fully turn around

"JEN!" Lucy shouted in shock but before she could break free of Erza and Gray holding her back there was a loud CLANK! CLANK! CLANK! and slowly a large figure wearing armour resembling a furnace with the Omnitrix symbol on its chest came walking out of the fire completely unharmed

"NRG" yelled Jen as she approached Natsu slowly walking through his onslaught of fire, once she was close enough her arm started to glow red and she gave him a swift punch on the head knocking him out cold, with a flash of red light she detransformed "remind me to not underestimate him again" she laughed she was then greeted by the rest of the guild with everyone cheering her on, she eventually got through the crowd to Lucy and the rest who where by Natsu's unconscious body "sorry for making you worry there Lucy, I really didn't expect him to get up after the first time"

"Well you're my friend I'm obviously gonna worry, just be more careful next time you're lucky it was Natsu and not someone who actually wanted you dead" Lucy scolded

"Lucy's right letting your guard down like that in the heat of battle is simply foolish, that ego of yours will be your downfall if you're not careful" Erza added as she grabbed Natsu and threw him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes and the group made their way back to the guild

Fairy Tail guild

Once Jen had finished a celebratory dinner that Natsu begrudgingly paid for she made her way to the quest board to grab a job she had her eye on this morning but when she got up there Jen couldn't find the flyer anywhere on the board "Dam-it that mountain job was gonna pay my rent for the next couple months"

just as Jen was mid sulk someone was taped on her shoulder Jen turned around to see Levy a short blue-haired guild member and her teammates Jet and Droy "Sorry Jen we just took that job, we don't mind if you tag along with us it does seem quite difficult and a little extra power could come in handy" levy said with a smile holding the flyer for the job

"Really aw thanks levy you're a lifesaver" and with that Jen agreed to accompany Team Shadow gear on the mission

"Alright we should be able to catch a train to Mount Arachnidtopia soon, meet you there," Levy said as her team left, Jen let out a sigh of relief that she would be able to pay her rent for at least a little while after this job

Thanks for reading I'm having Jen team up with team shadow gear for this first arc I want to give her time with most of the prominent side characters in the guild so I think Levy and her team should be a good start

Jen 10: Alien of Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now