A Song Called Lullaby

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Time to start an arc wooo hope you enjoy it

Fairy Tail Guild hall

Jen was enjoying a meal at the guild hall she was sitting at a table with Natsu and Lucy "I'm telling you for the last time I'm not gonna fight you!" Jen sighed ever since she came back from her last mission Natsu has been bugging her nonstop about a fight, despite this Natsu and Lucy were Jen's best friends since she joined Fairy Tail, while Jen was away with with her jobs the two had gone on a couple of missions together, Jen would be lying if she said she wasn't jealous of Natsu getting to spend time with Lucy she was probably Jen's best friend since arriving in Earthland

"What am I gonna do" Lucy whined

"Go on a job and get paid seems pretty simple" Jen joked she knew exactly why Lucy didn't want to do that

"That's easy for you to say, Natsu didn't even take payment for our last job" Lucy cried comically, he refused the payment since they technically didn't do what the job listing asked for, "I know it's kinda morally the right thing to do but I still need to pay rent" Lucy complained to Jen

"my Grandpa Max would always say being a hero is its own reward" Jen laughed "but I don't think the landlady would accept that instead of jewel"

"your Gramps sounds pretty wise" Natsu laughed as he ate, "if you're that desperate for money Lucy go up to the board and pick a job"

"alright" the blonde sighed as she walked over to the request board but didn't see anything that interested her

"found anything yet" Natsu laughed as he joined her at the board

"What can't read the board yourself flame brain" laughed Gray

"Watch your mouth Gray" Natsu shouted as he and Gray began to go back and forth, the fight was cut short by Loke barging through the doors

"Erza's back!" The young wizard yelled in panicked voices, the entire guild looked as if a shiver went down their spin

"Who's Erza" Jen asked Lucy and Mirajane

"Seriously?" Lucy shouted "She's only the most powerful woman in Fairy Tail", Jen laughed nervously but before she could talk back she saw a girl with red hair wearing armour and holding a massive decorative horn

"I have returned, Mirajane where is Master Makarov" the redhead spoke with a sense of authority

"Welcome back Erza the master's just out at a conference right now and won't be back for a couple of days" Mira answered

Erza sighed at this news "Are Natsu and Gray here" she spoke, the two boys had been acting all friendly with one another in fear of Erza, "I need you two to do me a favour, while I was travelling I heard some worrying news, I'd normally consult with the master in times like these but we must act quickly, you two are the strongest wizards here, I could really use your help if you choose to join me meet at the train station tomorrow morning", the whole guild hall erupted in whispers about the three of them teaming up, and with that, Erza left the guild hall

"wow must be something pretty serious," Jen said while sitting next to Lucy and Mira at the bar

"yeah but I doubt Natsu and Gray can keep themselves from fighting long enough to get whatever needs done" Lucy sighed

"well that's something I wanted to ask you, Lucy, can you go with them and keep those two in check for Erza," Mira asked

"wh..what me, I can barely handle Natsu on his own" Lucy cried "Jen you're strong help me out here"

"alright I'll come with you" Jen laughed "I still owe you one for helping me find an apartment"

Jen's apartment

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