Tremor time

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Jen and team shadow gear were surrounded on all sides by giant spiders and Animo was laughing maniacally as the giant arachnids crept closer "It's hero time" Jen shouted as she slammed down on her Omnitrix and in a flash of green light she transformed into a large alien made of blue crystal "Diamondhead" she yelled, Jen started the offensive with slamming her hands into the ground causing crystal spikes to erupt from the ground giving the Fairy tail wizards some space, Droy threw a handful of green seeds onto the ground causing massive green vines to spring forward and wrap themselves around the spiders immobilising them, jet disappeared in a blur quickly taking out the immobile arachnids

"curse you, Tennyson, I won't let you ruin another one of my plans" Animo yelled as he climbed on top of one of the spiders and began to ascend the metallic structure in the centre of the platform
"We can't lose him!" Levy shouted as she cast her magic and the word lift materialised the Fairy Tail wizards grappled onto the word as it began to rise jumping off once they reached a higher platform where Animo was standing by a large control panel with several giant spiders guarding him as he pulled various levers the machine roared and shook with steam escaping various pipes

"hahahaha this mountain will become the perfect habitat for my next generation of mutated spiders" As he laughed the machine launched giant drills into the roof of the cave

"he's going to destroy the whole city!" Levy shouted she activated her magic and the word Burn appeared the letters making up the word looked as if they were on fire she fired this attack straight into the group of Spiders guarding Animo, seizing the opportunity Jen fired a barrage of diamond spikes in their direction which put an end to Animo's guard

Jen approached Animo as he cowered at his control panel "TURN IT OFF NOW!!" Diamondhead yelled as she picked up the elderly man by his shirt "DO YOU EVEN REALISE HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE IN THIS CITY!"

"oh but young miss Tennyson I couldn't stop this machine if I wanted to, you see your reckless attack on my guard has completely destroyed my controls" he laughed as he motioned to the control panel that had diamond spikes dug deep into them "there's nothing you can do to stop me!!"

Jen's eyes narrowed "We'll see about that" she said as she threw Animo on the ground and made him diamond cuffs, "we have to stop those drills!" She yelled to her teammates who all gave her a nod before each running to one of the four drills,
Jet became a blur as he disassembled the drill's base causing the massive drill to fall, Droy threw a handful of seeds onto the cave walls causing massive vines to erupt and entangle the drill crushing it, Levy ran to the edge of the platform and waves her hand creating the word explosion with her solid script magic she placed the word at the base of the drill and backed away as it began to make a ticking noise before erupting into a massive explosion destroying the drill

Jen ran towards the base of the drill and slammed her hands down on the ground causing gigantic diamond spikes to erupt from the ground piercing the drill and stopping it dead, just as Jen let out a sigh of relief the roof began to crack "We couldn't stop it half the city is going to collapse" Levy shouted
Jen dug both her hands into the wall of the cave and focused slowly massive diamond pillars started emerging from the walls and began to hold up the damaged roof Jen had never done something this big with Diamondhead before she didn't know if she could even do it but the had to push forward all the people were counting on her even if they didn't know it, once the roof was secured by the pillars the roof was coated with a layer of diamond to ensure it was stable, Jen let out an audible sigh as she fell to the ground and in a flash of red detransformed

Team shadow gear rushed to Jen's side and helped her to her feet "Guess we made the right choice to bring you along" Levy giggled as she made sure Jen was steady "Now I think we need answers" she said and glared at Animo who was trying to wriggle out of his crystal cuffs

"Alright Amino you're going to tell us exactly who you're working with" Jen said as she crossed her arms

"oh don't worry dear you'll find out the identities of my esteemed partners soon enough hahaha" he laughed any more attempts to make him talk on the walk back through the mines were fruitless

"so this little shrimp is the source of all my problems" the mine manager glared "I'll make sure he's handed over to the proper authorities, and I suppose you all deserve your pay for a job well done"

"ah just make sure you tell them he can control animals with his mind" Jen said as she handed Animo over and received a hefty sack of jewel in return

"Before you go you guys wouldn't happen to know anything about those tremors earlier there wasn't any major damage but half the town sure got quite the scare when the ground started to shake" the mine manager gossiped

"don't worry about that sir i don't think you guys will have to worry about another tremor happening" Jen laughed as the Fairy Tail wizards left and made their way to the train station

"so Jen I hope you haven't forgotten about explaining everything that just happened there" Levy smiled as the train pulled up, Jen sighed and smiled as she got ready for a long train ride full of questions but she knew she had to be honest with these guys now

alright and that concludes this arc I know it isn't the longest but I'm still learning how to do these but now we're going onto the Galuna Island arc hope you're all enjoying this fic see you next time

Jen 10: Alien of Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now