Chapter 6: That

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"Peter," May started, "whatever that woman says to you, this isn't your fault okay?"

"Okay, Aunt May." Peter replied.

"When you get back, Ned's been asking about you."

Peter then said that he'll see Ned tomorrow. May asked if he'd be home for dinner, but Peter just wanted to go. May then begged Happy to tell Pepper.

It took Peter forever to stop blaming himself for Tony's death and she didn't want it to start all over again for Morgan.

"You're saying you think she's-" Peter started.

"No!" May interrupted, "I'm just saying...please be careful not to let her response, you know...affect you. You're a good boy and this was an accident."

Peter nodded and they started out the door.

An accident? No, to Peter it wasn't. Well, Morgan getting kidnapped was, but an accident implies it wasn't on purpose, "Vulture 2.0" certainly planned this. He waited for the right opportunity. He waited for someone he loved so he'd use her against him

This was no accident, this was him not being able to save someone he loved...again. Peter stepped into the car and started brainstorming ways to get the little girl back, and ways to tell Pepper that the person she trusted couldn't be trusted.


Peter stepped out of the car. His shaky dragged him towards the front door of the Starks' cabin, buried deep in the serene woods of upstate New York.

Before he had the chance to knock, the door swung open and he was consumed in a welcoming yet shaky hug from Pepper.

She pulled away and looked at Peter cheerfully.

"Peter!" she said, "I'm glad you stopped by, I wanted to show you something."

She motioned for Peter to come inside, but it felt like his feet were cemented into the porch. He wore an emotionless, hollow look. And what he looked like directly reflected how he felt right now. Pepper's face goes from Happy to white as a sheet when she remembers.

"Where's Morgan?" she asked.

Peter took a deep breath and tried his very best to talk to her without falling apart again.

He was supposed to be there for Mr. Stark's family, he needed to be strong, especially when he was too weak to protect them.

"Pepper...I-" Peter started.

"What?" asked Pepper.

"I lost her. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I don't know how this happened. I was right there and I tried, but he took her and flew away and shook me off somehow. I dont...I can't imagine how you feel about me right now. I'm so sorry..."

Pepper just stared at Peter in disbelief. Finally her blank expression turned angry, then guilt spread across her face.

"It's my fault." she started, "I left her with you...I shouldn't have."

"Pepper..." Happy said from behind Peter.

"I'm sorry, Peter, it's nothing against you. The city is a dangerous place. I mean that's why Tony and I raised Morgan out here. I should've known better than to send her with a 16-year old."

Even though Peter expected her to say things like this, actually hearing it broke his heart. He broke her trust, she regrets sending Morgan with me. Who could blame her? Peter felt he made her lose Tony, and now Morgan? Why couldn't he just leave their family alone?

Pepper walked away without another word, leaving the door opened for Happy and Peter to come in. As he was about to go through, Happy grabbed his arm.

"Peter, don't take it personally." he said.

"No," Peter protested, "I deserved it. I deserved a whole lot more than what she said to me. I lost her daughter, Happy."

"The same thing would have happened if she was walking with Pepper. The city is just dangerous. And you have nothing to be upset about. We are going to find Morgan, okay?"

"What if she's already d-?"

"She's not. I won't let her be. And I definitely know you won't let her be."

Peter shook back his tears and put on a fake smile.

"We'd better go back to the city." Happy suggested, "Banner's already searching for her."

"I want to check on Pepper first." said Peter.

"Give her time, Peter. It will be better to go to her with Morgan than empty-handed."

"I need her to know that we're going to find Morgan."

"Okay, but make it quick."

Peter nodded and made his way into the cabin.

As soon as he stepped through the door. He smelled smoke. He ran to the kitchen and saw a pot of something boiling on the stove and a towel draped over it, sparkling flames around it. The place was hazy and Peter began to cough and choke in the air.

"Pepper!" he yelled, "Where are you?! Pepper!"

Peter ran through the cabin.

He went down every hallway and through every door. He looked just about everywhere. As he was about to search the kitchen which was now engulfed in flames.

Peter pulled up his sweatshirt over his face. His eyes burned as the smoke seeped through and made them water, blurring his vision.

"Pepper!" Peter yelled.

His yelling was muffled and he could barely breathe anymore. He made his way to the front door but collapsed in the living room.

Her head hits the wood with a thud and the room starts to spin.

In the background he could hear a faint yelling and the window breaking. He could hear Happy shout angrily at a group of people, probably firemen.

He stared into the ceiling. Mr. Stark's entire life was gone today, a few hours and everyone he loved, who he died trying to protect, was gone. In a single snap.

Peter rolled to his back and drew out what seemed to be his last breath.


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