Chapter 9: Has

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Peter walked to school, hoping that Morgan was doing okay. He didn't know what he would do if there was any lasting damage.

Although he was worried for Morgan. He couldn't wait to see MJ. It has been a while. He's been so obsessed with protecting Morgan that he hasn't been focusing on working up the courage to ask her out.

Peter closed his locker to find Ned with an idiotic grin plastered on his face.

"What?" Peter asked, suddenly self-conscious.

"MJ's looking for you."

"M-me? Why?"

"Well it's about the academic decathlon coming up. She's wondering where you've been."

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no!"

Peter walked swiftly up the stairs with Ned following close behind.

"Peter, you can't avoid the team forever...unless we change your identity and-" Ned started.

"Mhm, and what am I supposed to say when I show up to a meeting after almost a month of not being there?" Peter asked and mocked, " 'Hey, sorry guys, I was just trying to find my former boss' 5-year-old daughter who was kidnapped by Vulture's nephew, aka Liz's cousin?""

"Well, I mean, you don't have to go that detailed. Why not just tell them?"

"Then they'd be just as in danger as I would be."

"I know."

"Because just one person other than my Aunt May. Plus you can actually help me."

"Maybe you can tell Flash? Then your enemies will know..."

Peter considered it for a good few seconds then shook the idea out of his head.

"Yeah. I mean no!" said Peter rather quickly.

As they turned to the corner, Peter ran into MJ and fell to the ground.

"Do you ever watch where you're going?" she asked in her usual emotionless monotone.

Peter scrambled to his feet and looked to Ned, silently begging for assistance.

"Ha, yeah, I don't think he ever does..." Ned stammered, "...welp, we should go."

Ned grabbed Peter's backpack and led him away.

MJ however stuck out her arm, smacking Peter's chest, bringing the two to a halt.

"Yeah, you better be going to the meeting." she said.

"Yeah, we were just...going for a drink." replied Ned as he walked away slowly.

"I hope I get to see you two losers at the meeting in 5 minutes."

Peter nodded and followed Ned to the water fountain.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Ned punched Peter's shoulder.

"Ow!" Peter yelped in surprise, "What was that for?!"

"MJ is so into you!" said Ned.

"Ned, she threatened me..."

"True love."

"Yea, as much as I want it to be real, I don't think MJ is into anyone...alive anyway."

"Yeah, well, you'll find love eventually but until then...Millennium Falcon?"

Peter playfully rolled his eyes with a smile.

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