Words hurt

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I've decided to come see Michikatsu, as I personally thought he would like to spar or something. However, once I got there, I was greeted by a sweaty, shirtless Michikatsu slashing away at multiple targets like there was no tomorrow.

Each slash he made was as swift as a coursing river, and each strike had the force of a raging fire behind it. He looked both determined, angry, and lifeless, all in one. His hands were covered in cuts and splattered with blood that I could only presume was his own.

His chest heaved up and down heavily, his veins bulging from his skin, and his eyes contained dark circles, making him look like he hadn't slept in days (which he probably hasn't).

"Michi, it's me." I said as I walked over to him. He soon turned to see me and began to stop. His once ferocious movement came to a halt, and he sluggishly dragged his feet over towards me.

"Yeah no. Sit down! We ain't doing this standing up," I commented before plopping my butt on the ground of his training yard. He soon followed suit.

"Why are you here?" He asked

"Why am I here? I'm your sister; can I not visit you? And look at yourself: When last did you sleep?" I bombarded him with my worries as I shook his shoulders.

"Ah... sorry. I think it has been... 5... days since I've slept, I think." He replied, his voice weak and his eyes dark and empty. I brought him to the corner of the training yard so he could rest his back on the wall.

"Michi, this is not healthy. Why are you doing this?" I said it in a really worried tone. "Your wife called me over because you were training constantly. You haven't been seeing your son lately. I can't allow this to keep happening." My voice was getting louder as tears were mixed in my sobs. Michikatsu just stared back at me before lowering his gaze.

"Sorry, I just need to get stronger."

"You're jealous of Yoriichi."

"What!" He exclaimed, looking at me with a dumbfounded expression.

"I said you were jealous of Yoriichi. Ever since he came back, all your words have been laced with  envy."I repeat. My eyes are boring into his. "I'm right."

"It's more complicated than that."

"BULLSHIT!" I shout at him. "You are jealous of Yoriichi. It's so obvious to me because you can't beat him. I'm aware Yoriichi has talent that is unprecedented. He is better than us in every single way. But you can't keep doing this."

"Then what am I supposed to do?" He rebuttals with a yell.

"You don't understand how it feels to see someone just be good at something you worked incredibly hard for! You don't know how it feels to have your own twin be better than you."

"...I know that." I shouted back.

"What could you possibly know?" He said he was standing up, towering above me.

"You have always been smart. You had nothing to fear! You were destined for a good life; all you needed to do was get married. Look at you now! The only reason you have anything is because of your father giving it to you."

I stare back at Michikatsu. aggression in his eyes. The way he worked himself to near exhaustion His accusations. They all caused something to snap in me.

"What do you mean I could have a good life? I was forcefully married against my will to a man I did not know, who, for all I know, could have been someone forty years older than me. Though it may have worked out in the end, did you think over a decade of genuine worry just faded? How about years of passive aggression and, frankly, just insults from my father on how I shouldn't be doing this? He's telling me that I'll die alone for my actions in pursuing martial arts, a craft that was easily allowed for  you."I unearthed my anger at him that has been seething ever since I came here.

"How is any of that my fault?" Michikatsu responded

"That's the point! It's not, and neither is you hating Yoriichi and neglecting your family! You got everything handed to you as well. I spent years trying to get you to see that this isn't right; however, it seems to have just festered." I kept shouting and shouting, my anger and fear exploding, until I said something I instantly regretted.

"All for that stupid dream! I swear if Yoriichi had been the one to stay, then he would not have this  problem, he would have never been like you.

In that sentence, no more words were exchanged. Just the horrified looks on our faces at the words we just said Or the words I used to end the conversation.

"M-Michikatsu... I didn't mean what I  said.

"Save it. Just get out now, y/n. I need to think." He said, his eyes devoid of life, empty and drained.


"Get out!" His voice was louder and more imposing, yet he choked up with tears.

Before listening to his request, I quickly gave him a hug before he could resist. I buried my face into Michikatus' chest and held him tightly.

"I'm so sorry." I squeaked out.

He looked at me as I clung to him and repeated the words I said over and over. Soon he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm truly sorry too, y/n. I went too far. I think it's best if I'm alone for now. I'll go inside, go to bed, and see my kid."

We released each other from the hug. I looked up to meet his eyes before bringing him inside. After briefly explaining what transpired to his wife, I took one last look at Michikatsu and left.

I returned to my home and once again lightly explained it to Fumihito. Not wanting to force me to press further, he just pulled me into bed and held me as I sobbed.

That would be the last I would see of Michikatsu.

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