Part 1 - Wide Awake

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{ Hi y'all! it's your local angst lover here😭 Before we'll start reading this mess i wanted to inform you about a few things. First of all, English isn't my native language so ignore my typos and bad spelling! Also i got my bad humor from twitter so y'all have to bear with it!🫶 it's my first time writing a story so I'm trying to come up with something original and entertaining but it'll include a lot of drama w a happy ending because I enjoy crying while writing }

Atsushi's POV :


I woke up hitting my head hard in the corner of the closet i was sleeping in. Hot sweat was taking over my body while my breathing was getting heavier. What the hell just happened!

I quickly pressed my hands against my chest. No, I wasn't bleeding. What just happened was a very awfully realistic dream. I tried to catch my breath and calm down but i had this weird feeling that kept on haunting me.

I got up and closed the curtains before checking all the locks once again but the anxious feeling didn't want to leave my body. I was used to sleeping besides Kyouka but once she had to switch rooms and keep Kenji some company, everything was going downhill. I feel like I'm going crazy! It's like I'm being watched every second. The worst part is that I don't have my guardian angel with me anymore. There was no one to protect me now that Kyouka had to spend all her time with Kenji. After all, it was Dazai's idea. He wouldn't listen to me even if I complained about it.

The thought made me bitter but I wasn't mad, more like just really anxious. I know half of the world wants me dead right now so how could i  be able to concentrate on anything? I scratched my head and mumbled something meaningless before laying back down. I have to get some sleep.


I found myself tossing and turning in my bed. As you can assume, I wasn't able to sleep after that horrifying dream. Just the thought about it made me shiver. I dragged myself up and felt my head aching really bad. As I looked at myself in the mirror, i saw the dark circles under my eyes. I wasn't able to sleep after that incident at the grocery store last week.

Flash back

I was walking towards the grocery store with a long list that Dazai gave me, since he was too lazy to go buy them himself. As i got to the store i could feel the goosebumps upon my skin. What is this awful feeling?

All of a sudden i felt the strong urge to get out of there as fast as possible. As i was turning away i saw my life flash infront of my eyes.

I felt a tangy pain growing in my chest as I fell on one knee. I quickly groped for the bullet as i felt my hands trembling all over my chest. I was trying to get rid of it so desperately but i already felt my eyes closing. Could this be the end?

{ Sorry that i made this first part so short! I just wanted a nice lil cliffhanger in here }

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