Part 5 - Misunderstanding

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{ this chapter includes angst }

Atsushi's POV :

"Dazai you don't understand! These feelings are horrible! My stomach is tingling and my head feels hot" I whined. "I understand how you're feeling. I went through that with chuuya but trust me, it isn't a bad feeling" Dazai comforted me. Just as he was giving me a friendly tap on my shoulder, someone slammed the door open. Akutagawa looked  furious. He dragged Dazai out of the room mumbling something. Well that was unexpected...

Akutagawa's POV :

I was mad, like really mad. If I didn't make that promise to Atsushi i would kill Dazai right here, right now. "What the hell was that Dazai?! Acting all lovey-dovey with Jinko?" I yelled. "Whqt are you talking about?" He asked. Of course he knows what I'm talking about. "Stop pretending like you don't know! What about the plan? You promised you'd help me..." i complained.

"What plan?"

I turned around and saw confused Atsushi leaning on the door frame. Shit! I tried to come up with something but my mind was blank. "It's none of your fucking business, is it?" Harsh...

Atsushi seemed offended but he understood. "Right. I'll give you some space"
that was the last thing I heard from him before he left. I sat down on the couch and sighed. "Was i too harsh on him?" I asked. "He'll get over it. Don't worry" Dazai said. I could tell that he didn't actually mean any of that but it was the first time he ever comforted me. I had to let it slide. "I'll get a glass of water for the both of us" he said as he left to the kitchen.

Atsushi's POV :

I'm running through a dark alley as fast as i can. I have nowhere to go and my legs are already numb. I can feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. I was hurt by what he said and i'm not turning around.

After running for a while, my legs couldn't carry me anymore and I dropped to the ground. I screamed so loud I'm sure the whole world could hear me, but i was still all alone. I hate being alone. I closed my eyes and prayed that someone would take me away from here. Why? It wouldn't effect me if it was someone else saying something that harsh to me. I should already be used to it, but god why did it feel so awful?

As i was laying in the ground with my eyes closed, I heard loud footsteps. As I slowly opened my eyes, i saw something unexpected. No, someone unexpected.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned tone. "Chuuya....? What are you doing here" I asked since i was still in a shock. He chuckled a little. "I was just fetching something important" he said while carrying a fancy looking bag full of wine bottles. "Those are enough for the whole year!" I joked. "Well enough talking about me... you seem like you aren't really enjoying the night, are you?" I went quiet. I was thinking of the safest answers but I guess it's better to tell the truth since he can see right through me. "It's that obvious? I don't know...I haven't felt this way like ever" I hesitated. "Are you going through a heartbreak?" Chuuya questioned. "I don't know if you can call it that. I never thought of him as more than an enemy but lately... maybe i just wished he would pay more attention on how he talks to me" i replied.

"You're talking about Akutagawa, aren't you"

He knows. Everyone knows.

"I feel like a total fool! I know he likes Dazai but I somehow still wished it would be me" I yelled. Chuuya froze. "You said what now?" He said in a deep voice. "So that's why Dazai's been avoiding me, huh? He's spending time with somebody other than me." Chuuya seemed offended. I walked closer to him and gave him a warm hug. I don't know if he's going to kill me after this, we aren't really that close...

"You know what atsushi... i have a better idea"

"Let's get rid of this irritating feeling."

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