Part 2 - Just in Time

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{I'll try to make this part a bit longer}

Am i in heaven? I felt my eyes finally opening. My vision was still blurry but i felt strong arms around me. The cold breeze was hitting my face while i was being carried god knows where. As i narrowed my eyes i saw a strong jawline. Damn, maybe i AM in heaven? Who could have such a-

I paused.. NO. FUCKING. WAY.

I quickly jumped off his arms and stumbled to the ground. The man chuckled. And when i tell you my jaw was literally on the floor. I didn't know if i was more shocked about the fact that the man standing right infront of me was akutagawa ryunosuke OR the fact that he just chuckled. He's literally a little demon with shaved eyebrows. But as shocking as it was he actually reached his hand out.

"Can't get up on your own? Pathetic" he said hiding a little smile. It felt weird enough that he even talked to me. "You're in a good mood, huh?" I asked. He replied faster than I thought.
"I got a good reason to be"  he spoke while wiping that cheesy smirk off his face. I felt a weird tingling feeling in my stomach but I tried to ignore it. I pulled myself up and shook the dirt off my jacket. I had totally forgotten that my chest is still bleeding until akutagawa brings it up.

"We might need to fix that" he said with a worried expression on his face as we started walking towards the agency.

End of the flashback

As i was waiting for the rest of the agency to wake up, i was caught up in my thoughts. I still had no idea why akutagawa helped me back then? I shook the thought off my mind and went downstairs. The last thing i needed right now was a little more confusion about him.

These past weeks have been so stressful. I can feel that someone is watching me but if they really want to hurt me,  why don't they just do so?

I haven't left my house since what happened last time and i really needed some support. I called kyouka and hoped she'd pick up. Luckily she did and later on showed up at my doorstep. As i was telling her about what happened at the grocery store i also slipped out that I've been thinking about akutagawa lately. Not in a weird way I promise! It's just that i want to know why he helped me after everything that's been happening between us. Kyouka raised her eyebrow while mumbling "did you hit your head or why are you thinking about that jerk so much..." i was offended by that comment.

"I wish i knew! It's just weird how he acted like he doesn't hate me." I was scratching my neck while explaining our conversation. "You're thinking way too much. Maybe he wss just in a good mood?" Kyouka said.

"Have you ever seen him in a good mood?" I sighed. Kyouka laughed a little. "Not really, I'm not the one paying attention to him"

That made me realize how much of my time I've spent thinking of him. This needs to stop.


As i was walking into the ada, I bumped into Dazai. He was texting with someone and i know it isn't often my thing to snoop into others conversations but it felt odd how he was hiding his phone from me. Is he gossiping about me? I mean that wouldn't be a surprise since it's Dazau we're talking about but who's "chibi" and why does he keep hiding their chats from me?

I gave dazai a questioning look before leaving him alone. I know there's something fishy going on based on the way he was sweating right when he saw me. I just need to discover what it is.

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