Part 4 - Feelings

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Day 1

Akutagawa's POV :

I've never felt this fucking stressed in my life! Normally I'm not that type of a guy to overthink anything or in general "care" about something this small, but sleeping with Atsushi...

I haven't even properly spoken to him. I don't know what to say without making it sound awkward and mean. I know he could never see something in a murderer like me but something makes me feel like i have to at least try.

I take a deep breath before knocking on the bathroom door. "Are you done already... sorry if I'm disturbing you" I mumbled. Instead of an answer, the door opened. "Yeah i think I'm ready. Do you need to take a shower too?" He asked. I couldn't answer. My eyes wandered down his damp body. My eyes froze when I realized he was only wearing a towel around his waist.

"Akutagawa... are you okay?" He asked. He was concerned about me? I started blinking awfully fast. "Oh yeah... i just got something in my eye" i came up with new lies as I quickly relied. Atsushi chuckled. "Whatever you say. Could you borrow me some clothes though? I left all my stuff at the ADA" I could sense that he was nervous asking that so I replied with a small smile on my face "Sure, let's go look for something fitting"

Atsushi's POV :

I felt the goosebumps upon my skin as he smiled like that. Is he planning something? Without thinking it any further I followed him to the bedroom. (Y'all dirty hoes it ain't what you're thinking‼️)

He gave me a big t-shirt and some plaid pajama pants. It's lowkey cute that he has so many pajama's! "Thanks Aku!" I said while patting his shoulder. Just as i was walking away he mumbled "Aku?"

"Oh sorry! I thought i could call you Aku since it's shorter?" I explained. "Oh... I guess that's fine" he said. Well that's surprising. "Uhh... where do i sleep by the way?" I asked carefully. Akutagawa started sweating. "I mean you could... sleep here? The bed is big enough i guess..." we were both flushed. "Yeah s-sound good i... yeah!" I stuttered. That's so embarrassing! I scratched my neck and sat down, taking deep breath. I pulled the blanket over my head and closed my eyes hoping I'd fall asleep but it was impossible. I couldn't sleep knowing that I'm sleeping next to a mafia member who wants me dead. Someone who once told me "the weak will die. Die and make way for others" I crossed my arms, thinking of ways how i could fall asleep until i felt a light touch. Akutagawa was literally poking my back. I turned around and asked "what is it, akutagawa?" He sighed. "I just wanted to ask you...did you also hear that cracking sound? Not that I'd be scared or anything!" He snapped. "What sound..." I asked.

"We need to check who's making that sound..." akutagawa said as he got up. I took the slipper off my feet rising it in the air. "What are you gonna do with that? You have an ability" akutagawa laughed a little. "I don't know! We'll find out. You go first" i quickly said as i got behind Akutagawa's back. We started sneaking around akutagawa's house towards the door. The noise was coming from there. What... someone's unlocking the door?!

As the door opened I jumped into akutagawa's arms yelling. I heard a familiar voice asking "Oh sorry, did i interrupt you?"
It was Dazai. Oh god i was so relieved. I took Dazai's hand and dragged him into the closest room. I locked the door behind us.

"Dazai. We need to talk"

Akutagawa's POV :

It was quiet again. Seeing Atsushi taking Dazai's hand so confidently, it broke my heart. It felt like thousands of needles were stabbing my heart until it ripped apart. I didn't want to be here right now. I closed the door behind me quietly and went to get some fresh air. As the cold breeze was hitting my face, i felt my eyes watering. Not because of the breeze...
It's because of him.

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