Part 9 - Some peace of mind

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{sorry y'all! I haven't been writing in a while after my little accident, when i fell off a horse. My neck was hurting so bad but I'm back now!}

Akutagawa's POV :

Our week went by rather smoothly. I feel like we haven't had much time to talk tho. Not after Dazai's plan to find out who has been targeting ataushi continued. I need some time for just the two of us. To at least get back to the talking stage.

I gently tapped on Atsushi's shoulder. "Uhhh.. can i talk to you.. in private" I hesitated. "Sure." He answered as he hung up the phone. He followed me to the living room as we sat down on the couch. " i just feel like we haven't talked much lately. It has been bothering me" I admitted. I felt a bit embarrassed, but oddly he agreed. "Yeah... we've had too much work to do with dazai" he answered.

"I think we need a weekend off" he said. "That's... a good idea." I admitted. "I'll call dazai right away!" Atsushi said as he picked up his phone. I got up and gave him some space to talk.


I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Come in." I said. "Dazai approved!" Atsushi said. I could tell he was just as exited as i was. "We could book a restaurant for tomorrow yk..." i suggested. "That sounds great!" Atsushi said. "Let's leave that for tomorrow, I'm really tired" he said before yawning. "Yeah... i think a nap would sound great." I mumbled. Atsushi crawled in right besides me. "Good night akutagawa" he said before closing his eyes. "Good night..." I whispered. I pulled him in my arms and hugged him tightly before falling asleep.

8 am

I woke up to a really good smell of fresh food. Atsushi came in with a plate that had everything you could imagine. There were fried eggs with salad, some vegetables and a strawberry yogurt. "I cooked you a little something" he said with a bright smile on his face. I could feel my eyes lighting up. How cute...

I digged in the second i saw the food. I was so hungry. Atsushi chuckled as he watched me stuff food in my mouth. "Don't choke on that! I wouldn't want you to die before our date." He laughed. "A date...?" I asked. Atsushi blushed, avoiding me. "Well I thought... it would be a date" he mumbled. I could feel my cheeks burning. "Yeah... right! A date..." i blushed. I realized how awkwardly dumb I sounded and quickly started stuffing more food in my mouth. Atsushi got up. "I'll take a quick shower, get ready we're leaving in 20 minutes!"  He said.

I'm finally going on a REAL date with him!

Atsushi's POV :

I was brushing my hair as i got lost in my thoughts. I still haven't directly told him about my feelings. I shifted my gaze to my wardrobe. Do you think akutagawa would like me to wear a blue... or a red outfit?

Blue looks nice. I picked up my light blue sweater and styled it with some white linen pants and a collared shirt. I think this should be fine. I stepped out of the bathroom as i saw akutagawa with a fancy dark blue suit and a black tie. "Was I supposed to.. put on something fancy?" I asked. "No, that's cute. I just like to... overdress i guess" he mumbled. I blushed a little. Cute?

"Let me help you with that" akutagawa said as he grabbed a hair dryer. I sat down on the floor as he started to dry my hair. This felt nice. After getting my hair done we headed out. I hesitated before I grabbed his hand. It didn't seem to bother him tho? It definitely didn't. Akutagawa's whole face was flushed now.

As we finally reached the restaurant, i let go of his hand. Just in case he wasn't comfortable with people seeing us... holding hands. We stepped inside the restaurant looking for out table and sat down. "Pick whatever you want, I'll pay" akutagawa spoke. He was so generous! I ordered my favorite, Tea over Rice. It wasn't really on the menu, but akutagawa made sure i can order whatever i want to. he ordered himself a small portion of donburi.

After eating we headed out to a ice cream stand nearby. After ordering we sat down on a bench. I rested my head on akutagawa's shoulder. Looking back to our first interactions, I would never guess that I'd be here besides him. Back then akutagawa used to hate me, like really hate me. Even tho some could blame Dazai for it, I'm not that kind of a person. I think it's in the past and we've all moved on already.

Akutagawa could see that i got lost in my thoughts. "Are you okay?" He asked. That woke me up. "Oh.. yeah i was just thinking... of the past us" i answered. "wouldn't have guessed but here we are, sitting together on a bench like an old married couple" Akutagawa chuckled.

"Oh right... it's getting late. Should we head back in?" I asked. Akutaga seemed to agree as we got up. Just as we started walking back home, it started raining. Neither of us had an umbrella, of course. Akutagawa had a better idea. He grabbed my hand and started running. Akutagawa has never liked rain, but i don't think I've ever seem him smiling so brightly. It made me feel relaxed. As we got back inside, we fell on the bed, exhausted of all the running. We were both laughing so hard my stomach hurts. I turned my face to look at his, but he was already staring at me. Intensively. I felt the spark between us again. Now is the right time to tell him how i feel...

"Akutagawa... i need to tell you something"

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