Part 6 - Blackout

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Atsushi's POV :

Chuuya popped open the wine bottle. We were enjoying the night in the middle of nowhere. Sitting on the bench like two idiots. "All this over some stupid men?" Chuuya asked. I chuckled. I gotta admit, it was funny. We've already emptied one bottle even tho it's the first time I'm drinking. I never had anyone to actually drink with. I might've taken a few drinks but I've never even been drunk before. I filled my glass again while listening to chuuya, who was now telling his whole life story. I had already forgotten everything about akutagawa until Dazai called. I was stupid as usual and picked up the phone.

"Where are you! It's getting really late" he asked. He sounded really concerned but i just answered with some nonsense. It didn't take much time for him to realize i was drunk. Really drunk. "I'll be there in 10 minutes"

Dazai's POV :

I quickly grabbed my keys and left to get my car. It was really difficult to see since it was getting so dark, but he can't be far can he? As i was driving through the alley, i saw some figures laying in the ground. It must me Atsushi... and....

"CHUUYA?!" I gasped as i got a closer look. I parked my car and ran there as fast as i could. "What happened?!" I was trying to get something out of Atsushi but he was just mumbling nonsense. I took them both to the car and drove back to Akutagawa's apartment. I carried Atsushi inside and yelled "I need to go, it's urgent. Take care of Sushi. Make sure he drinks a lot of water or he'll throw out for sure!" I closed the door and ran back to the car.

Akutagawa's POV :

I woke up from my long nap just to hear Dazai yelling something stupid from downstairs...
Wait. He mentioned Atsushi... is he okay?!

It wouldn't be a surprise if he didn't want to talk to me anymore after what i said. I didn't mean it. Really... as i was bouncing these possibilities in my head i started hearing voices from downstairs. Was that a shattered glass?

"A-KU-TA-GA-WAAAA....." someone yelled from downstairs. That's definitely jinko but what the hell is he on?

I went to check on him and as I entered the kitchen, it was a mess. Atsushi stuttered "i wasshh... trying... to make food" he said before spilling tomato juice all over his new shirt. Then he started laughing hysterically. That was scary indeed. It reeks of alcohol in here. This is bad...

"Maybe it'd be better if you went to sleep, like right now. Let's go change those dirty clothes first" i said as i started carrying him to the bathroom. I lifted him to sit on the cabinet. "Raise your hands up please?" I said in a calm voice. "Are you trying to flirt with me... haha" he replied. He's really testing my patience right now. He raised his hands up and I slid the shirt off him. His body looks so soft... and his waist... but this isn't the right time to get distracted. Pull yourself together, akutagawa! I slapped myself quickly before looking his way again. "Can you take a shower by yourself?" I asked. "Will you help me if I can't" Atsushi replied with a playful smile. If he keeps on acting like this, it's not safe for either of us.

I tried to undress him without peeking. I don't wanna seem like a pervert but it's really difficult. You'd know what i mean if you were in my situation...

I held on tight as i was leading him to the shower. It was difficult to multitask when he was unavailable to do anything. After the shower, i got him some new fresh clothes and carried him to the bed. I sat besides him and tucked him in. It might sound dumb but I actually like to take care of people. Especially him.

Just as i was getting up, someone grabbed my hand. My face was flushed as I turned to face Atsushi. "Do you... need something?" I asked. "Not really. I just want you to stay next to me" he answered as he pulled be back down. "Why?" I had to ask. "I don't know..." he was still holding mg hand. "I just feel safe when I'm besides you" he said with a soft voice.

I was shaken up. "I... what do you want from me? Honestly..." i asked as i was sweating a lot. It wast deadly silent again. I don't even know if i want to hear the answer. I didn't have a choice anymore as he finally opened his mouth. "Isn't it obvious? I like you." He said with a cold tone.

I tried to shake his hand away from mine. "Atsushi, you're drunk" i quickly replied. "Akutagawa ryunosuke, stop avoiding me already" he sounded pissed. I tried to get up but he pulled my collar so i'd have to face him. He was staring at me with those bright sparkly eyes. I can't do this. My breathing was getting heavier but I couldn't stand up. Not when i was finally this close to him. I might make the biggest mistake by taking a step closer, but this is my only chance.

I didn't think straight as I closed my eyes as I pulled him in for the kiss.

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