Part 3 - Change of Plan

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{i'm really tired rn so i'm sorry for the typos i'll fix them later }

Akutagawa's POV :

I'm staring at the black screen, waiting for a message from Dazai. Can't he reply any faster? I have no idea how to continue our plan if i can't get any answers out of him. It's bad enough that Atsushi got hurt because of my embarrassing idea. I'd want to blame it all on Dazai but i really need this. I can't mess up again by acting all awkward and dry.


Finally! He answered. "Be here in 15 minutes."
I quickly brushed my hair back and picked a black well fitting jacket from my closet. I snatched my car keys and ran out of the door.

Atsushi's POV

Why am i feeling this weird anxious feeling again. I'm trying to calm myself down by breathing slowly but i seems like I'm just gasping for air. It's happening again? I quickly turn around to dodge the bullets. They're targeting me in the middle of the day? In the armed detective agency?!

I didn't have time to think when I heard the windows shattering down behind me. I'm ready to fight. All of a sudden someone pulled my hand and i was getting dragged into a dark room. My mouth was covered with a cold hand. I tried to scream but then I recognized that deep calming voice. "It's me. Keep it down if you don't want to die..." akutagawa whispered. I got this tingling feeling in my stomach again. I'm trying to concentrate but akutagawa's eyes catch my attention. When he turns to face me I can't hide my flushed face anymore. I probably look so bummed right now. For the first time in such a long time i can see him trying to hide his smile by coughing again. That's cute. Just as i felt like we were having a moment there, i saw the door behind him opening. Dazai entered the room. What a mood killer!

"Atsushiii-kun! We need to talk" Dazai came in with a scary smile on his face. He pointed towards the door and akutagawa understood to leave the room and give us space. "You know it's such a shame that we haven't found anything about the terrorists targeting you. But you know what would be a great idea?" dazai said exitedly . He sounded like a little child asking for an ice cream. "Whatever you're thinking of right now Dazai-San... I don't think it's a good idea"i replied while my voice was shaking.
"Oh Atsushi-Kun. i think it's a great idea..." dazai said. I had no choice. "Go on Dazai..." I hesitated. "Since it's not safe for you to stay in here, i was thinking that you could temporary stay with akutagawa. He said it's okay for him!" Dazai enthused.

"You said WHAT NOW?!" My jaw dropped. That was the worst idea Dazai had ever suggested. I'd have to have dinner and conversations with him. And I'd also have to sleep next to him...

"So it's settled? Come pick up your tiger boyfriend. You're leaving now!" Dazai was yelling. Akutagawa is going to kill me...

As I waved my goodbyes to ADA, kyouka looked even more worried than i did. She promised that she would visit me if Dazai doesn't figure out who's behind this soon enough. I clenched my fists as i was walking towards the parking lot with akutagawa. He didn't say a word. It looked like he was avoiding me? This couldn't be more awkward. Neither of us said a word to each other as we were driving towards akutagawa's house. I felt like we're both so nervous. I mean my hands are sweating and my face feels hot. Akutagawa definitely noticed that and he finally opened his mouth. "Are you... okay? You seem a bit uncomfortable." I was shaken by that sudden question. "Yeah... of course! It's nothing haha...." I tried to laugh it off awkwardly. It just made everything worse. Now it was deadly silent again.


We're finally here. Akutagawa's house is HUGE. As I expected, the palette is really dark. Even the bathroom is covered in black stone walls. It gave me shivers for some reason but at least it was easy to tell who was living in here. "Welcome to my home or whatever..." akutagawa said silently. I could tell he was nervous. I need a beeak. "Umm... where's the bathroom?" I asked. "Upstairs, and then turn left. The door is left open"

As i got there I locked the door and texted dazai. "Are you sure this is a good idea after all?" I questioned as I always do.
No answer...

I sighed and opened the door just to see akutagawa standing right infront of me with a bummed look on his face. "Were you trying to eavesdrop ny conversation akutagawa...?" I was scared to ask. "Jinko, everything isn't about you. I was just bringing you a towel just in case you'd like to take a shower" For some reason i started overthinking the simple question. A shower... does that mean i smell? Or does it mean he wants to see me naked?! What a perv.

My thoughts were quickly shaken away as i saw akutagawa waving his hand infront of my eyes. "So do you need this towel orrr?" How dare he interrupt my deep thoughts like this? "I'll take it!" i snapped as I snatched the towel from him and locked the door between us. I sat down on the floor as i felt my anxiety grow. How the hell am I supposed to spend my time in here if i can't even properly talk to him?

With those thoughts spinning in my mind, I closed the curtains and turned on the shower.

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