🌙Rises The Moon🌙

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"HehehehehehHE HE, NAUGHTY STAR, NAUGHTY STAAAAAaaaaarrr" a deep mischievous voice caresses behind your head making you jump. "Teasing us like that. we've barely known you for but a moment little star~" the voice hisses further away.
"I don't know what you're talking about, now please give me back my flashlight!" I ask in a fearful but somewhat demanding tone. I hear his soft footsteps inch back closer to me and the soft shifting of his bells beacons me to turn around as I blindly reach out my hands through the darkness. only to be gifted with another round of menacing chuckles.
"Why don't we play a game starlight?" the voice asks in amusement. "tell me truthfully what your favorite flavor of Fazzy Faz is and I'll happily give you your flashlight back as a reward."
I squint and sigh "And if I refuse?" I rebuttal in a tempting tone.
"oh? Then I'll have to hide it from you till the end of your shift, and you'll be in the dark at the end of each hour without your precious flashlight" he revealed as he continued to dance around me in the dark. I could only feel the slight shift of air as he moved about me. I felt a ting of fear but I pushed it down.
"fine then I suppose that's easy enough, it's Glamrock Freddy's Orange flavor, what can I say it's a classic!" I say in a nonchalant tone.
"Lier, lier, pants on fire!" the shadow proclaimed childishly.
"I'm not lying, it is my preference out of the four flavors" I argue "Now again, may I please be rewarded my flashlight back?" my temper heightened.
"you lie little star, I know you do." the voice was more robotic than before. I feel a hand below the back of my neck and a slight pull of my hair and I wave around in the dark trying to hit whatever pulled me and let go.
Stop that!" I growl at the air, defeated I say "FINE! I like the flavor mixed with Sunnydrop's energizing candy okay? is that what you wanted to hear?!" I yell. just then I hear a paused silence followed by a thud in front of my feet.
"hehehehehhehheHEHE that's a good little star. such an imagination you have. thank you for playing with me." his voice echoes further and further into the distance as I bend down fumbling with the flashlight. I still felt eyes on me but I shook off the thought.
I frustratingly groan at the battery being dead even though it was full moments ago he must have drained it. I walk over to the security desk and spin around in my chair back and forth in the dark waiting for 7:00 pm to come around. I try to hide my smile in case someone was still watching me.
                a few mins go by and I have to blink slightly as the lights illuminate around me. I look around taking in all the visuals and multicolor stimulation. I take deep breaths. I get up to place my flashlight back in the charging station and I feel a presence behind me.
                  "oh my! sunshine!" a familiar voice exclaims behind me. I turn and meet his gaze with a soft smile. "how did you do during your first lights out?" sun asks in hesitation.
"well I meet Moon, and he was entertaining while he was around." I say in a lighthearted tone. "didn't seem to have much to say but I did play a game with him." I said half smiling at the nervous robot before me
"hmm, what game did you play?" sun asks inquisitively.
"he took my flashlight when I wasn't looking and make me answer what my favorite flavor of fizzy faz is and then when I answered he gave me back my flashlight but the battery was dead so I just kinda sat around till the lights came back after he left" I explained.
"Oh, well I'm sorry he did that to you! That was very rude of him! he doesn't like to play fair sometimes and it's sometimes we still need to work on." sun said apologetically.
"It's okay sunny, it was fun I just wish I could have seen him. it was too dark but I was brave!" I said trying to make him feel better, it wasn't a big deal.
"oh! alright little cloud as long as you are okay, please follow me I forgot to show you your locker!" he bows again and holds out his hand for me to take it. I do so and he leads me to the area just outside the front doors across the hallway 3 doors 2 are gender-specific bathrooms and the third is a door with the words "staff only" printed on which is the one we go through. it was a large room with a row of bathroom stalls, urinals, and a large wall of sinks on one side, on the other side further down a row of showers only one possessing a curtain and a pair of washers and dryers. at the wall next to the entrance door a row of red lockers 6 top and 6 bottom.
"here yours is #3" Sun digs through his pants pocket and hands me a yellow key. I take it and unlock my respective locker. "test it out for yourself " he backs up to give me space.
"it works! thank you sun!" I exclaim as I lock it back up and place the key securely in my pocket.
"This is where you can do common human stuff and feel free to use the showers or maybe do your laundry once in a while if you like," he said as if he was hosting a guest in his home. "I want you to feel comfortable here so please let me know if there's anything I can do or get for you." he smiles gleefully and I blush almost instantly at his sudden generous manner.
"I really appreciate that Sunny, it means a lot to me that you care so much for my comfort." I take his hand again squeezing it tight as I look into his light blue eyes. I feel his face lean closer to mine. he blinks and retracts.
"OOH Oh dear umm, THIS WAY! I must show you the gift shop" he states frantically and I am again pulled away from my spot left only to blink and follow him my face beat red and my mind swarming with thoughts. "Right this way little cloud!" he continues to hold my hand a skips gracefully as my arms swings with his. we stand at the front of the gift shop and he proudly presents the display of sun and moon plush toys and bags of candy that they advertise and sell at all the gift shops around the mega pizzaplex. shows me all the baby clothes and accessories for little ones to adorn themselves with. I try to sneak a peak at the price of a Sun plush toy. 24.99$ plus tax. I make about 7.50$ an hour so I might just use the first paycheck to buy myself the pair. but I don't want Sun OR especially Moon to catch me buying them. unfortunately, just then sun noticed me eyeing the doll
             "Are you interested in buying one? you get an employee discount!" he asked enthusiastically.
             "umm, maybe I always thought they were very cute-" Just as I finished the last word my face turned cold as I realize what I just said to who I just said that too. To my surprise, it seemed like it made him happy even if I was only considering buying one.
              I notice he was overheating and I turn to the bowl of candies that say "Try me" took one out of its wrapper and popped it in my mouth savoring the tart sweetness. which only made him overheat more.
                "um l...let's go back to the daycare it will be the next hour soon!" he stuttered his words frantically as he spoke. and we walked back to the doors of the daycare entrance. he opens it for me like a gentleman.

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