💙Right Where He Wants You💙

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[CW: This part of the Story contains a bit of lewd teasing and mentions of stripping]

   "Oh...Fuck." I say with a deep exhale as I'm trapped in a now stopped and completely dark elevator. I hear the sounds of mechanical adjustments and watch as 2 glowing red eyes appear above me.
. . . .
{the conversation as the lights turned off}
Sun: Moon I swear to god if you touch them I will...
Moon: You'll what?
Sun: JUST DON'T it's their first day, my sunflower is nervous enough without you being a creep!
Moon: oh look at them they love it! and they are My Starlight~
Sun: You DON'T know that for sure!!!
Moon: look I promise I won't touch them but just watch this goofball...
. . . .
"Please Starlight~ watch your language," he growls as I swallow hard watching as he almost defies gravity on the elevator's interior walls creeping towards me. "Sun made the mistake of coming in the elevator with you didn't he?" he added menacingly.
                "you won't hurt me," I say with as much bravery as I can muster watching his dark crimson eyes drop to my level.
                "no, I won't hurt you little star-" he admits as his long arms press the walls of either side and successfully cornering me into feeling even more claustrophobic than before. "I do however find you to be quite the little tease if I may say so," he says softly bending his body down so his face is just above mine as I look up to meet his gaze.
                  "you keep saying that but I don't know what you could be referring to," I say a bit intimated but slightly turned on by his sentiment.
                   "you know exactly what I mean, your every move is a tell, the way you look at us, the way you.... the button on your shirt" he pauses and hopes you don't notice his blush. " Naughty, Naughty little Staaaarrr...." he finishes in a deep but soft tone. I try to find a bit more courage but I don't want to get on his bad side im still trapped with him alone here in the dark.
                    "so you can see me in the dark?" I ask trying to change the subject and appeal to his better nature.
                    "Yes, quite clearly in fact every bit as clearly as if you were in the light," he says still not giving me an inch to move. I raise my eyebrow and unfasten one button off my top just to test his reaction. "GAH!" he grips the wall shakily staring now at my slightly exposed chest. "naughty, naughty, NAUGHTY!" he moans as if he was in pain.
                    "Says the one trapping me in a dark corner" I tease trying to read his dark face that has yet to move its gaze away from my bodice. "you seem to find pleasure in this." I giggle a bit heated by his attention.
                   "you're making this very hard starlight, I promised Sun I wouldn't lay a finger on you,"  he confessed. and I contemplated opening another button just to piss him off more.
                    "give me some space OR the shirt comes off." I threaten him without thinking. his eyes widen at my audacity and he slams his hands against the walls with force.
                     "is that a promise Little Star~?" he asks in a dark evil tone that shook me more than the force of his body being hit against the metallic wall as I stood there in complete admiration. I bite my bottom lip softly. at this moment I didn't really have a plan I just hoped Sun might convince him to back off after that proposal.
"whatever gets you to back up faster," I said with a bit more force than I expected. he did not back down, I assumed he called my bluff. he just kept staring at me watching my chest rise and fall. he was so entranced his mind was almost too readable to me. I can only imagine what Sun must be saying to him at this moment to keep this beast at bay.
. . . .
{more inner monologue}
Sun: they could be serious and I don't think even I'll be able to stop you if they do that!
Moon: their bluffing sun, they wouldn't do that.
Sun: just back up and ask your question.
Moon: maybe I want to see how far I can take this~
Sun: no! This is inappropriate behavior!
Moon: to hell with that I WANT THEM~
Sun: this is NOT the time nor the place for this!
Moon: ...
. . . .
"Grrrrrrrr" Moon growls ferociously and backs away slowly giving me a bit more space to breathe.
"good boy," I say as if he were a dog teasingly and I almost was wishing he wouldn't stop.
"don't push your luck starlight. One of these times sun won't have the strength to hold me BACK!" he spits out as if he's a maniacal villain who has been defeated by the hero of a cheesy action movie.
"do you have a question for me?" I ask trying to lift his spirits as I re-button my uniform to its more conservative state.
"yes, I had one already in mind but I think I'll ask this question instead and please do tell me truthfully, Did you truly intend to remove your shirt in front of me a moment ago?" he said cracking a wide smile that made my body feel like it could melt into a puddle right then and there.
"Yes, Yes I would have," I said in all honesty. watching his eyes closely look me up and down as he grinned.
"Good to know starlight~," he said just before the lights turned back on and the elevator started to traverse back down I almost fell from the shift but luckily Sun grab me from underneath my arms and lifted me back up straight as if I was as light as a pillow. "CAREFUL!" he said realizing he had pressed my breast with his thumb, quickly relinquishing me from his grasp. he turned around awkwardly and escorted me back into the daycare in silence. they must have been arguing together now that sun was in control.
                           .           .           .         .
                         {inner monologue}
Sun: you best watch yourself!
Moon: oh I'm sorry did I ruin your precious intimate date with them?
Sun: we just shared a milkshake nothing more!
Moon: way to go groping the poor thing, and you call ME "inappropriate"
Sun: They were about to fall!!! I wanted to help!
Moon: oh yeah Suuuuuure you did...

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