🌮Tacos with Sun🌮

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sun drops me off as we get to a place with cameras so we don't look suspicious as he heads our way up to the main atriums for tacos. we are both silently walking together and it felt a bit awkward since not only did we just make love we also confessed our feelings to each other. my mind was spinning with thoughts and questions about how on earth our relationship could work out or even be possible. I don't think I can talk or say swears around him let alone have him inside of me... he was built to attend the daycare not to make love to lusty, lonely employees who are disgusted by even the thought of human intimacy. He made me feel safe, secure, and loved, but was it all in his programming, or did we truly love each other like anyone other couple?
                 "What's on your mind little cloud?" he asked me making a concerned face as we left the elevator.
                  "There's just... Just a lot to process here for me. I do love you sun and moon as well." I said assuringly. "however I am a human and to the rest of the world you are a man-made Machine that is only programmed to love and feel human emotions." I said solemnly as his face dropped and he was silent for a while as we headed towards El Chips.
                   "It feels real enough to me princess, I love you, I care about you so much and I always want to be by your side," he promised.
                    "you don't need to convince ME! it's the world that would try and tear us apart, I mean most humans can't even accept two consenting humans of the same sex to be in a relationship let alone a human and a robot..." I said without thinking. he stopped in his path and pinned me up against the wall.
                    "I don't care what they think. you are MINE and MINE alone. no one is going to take you away from me sunshine." he said in a tone I've never heard him speak in before. "Mine..."
                    "Not here sun," I said motioning to the camera that was about to look out direction just before he moved away. He scoffed at it and we walked into El Chips.
"Hello and welcome to El Chips, what can I get for you today?" the staff bot asked behind the counter.
"I'd like a #2 combo faz-meal, with 2 soft tacos and a faz-cola fountain drink, with cherry flavoring, please," I answer.
"that'll be right out!." it said as it hurried off. it made me wonder how much different robots are from humans. I prefer robots sometimes because they make me feel less uncomfortable speaking to them. humans always make me fearful. I sigh and look up at the sun who seemed deep in thought as well.
"I enjoyed that experience, you know that don't you sun?" I say trying to cheer him up.
"I'm glad I could help you feel as good as you've made me feel..." he said shyly. "I've never felt so close to anyone especially a human like that before."
"I do feel the same way Sun I hope you understand that," I added just before the bot came back with a tray.
"here you are, #2 combo soft taco and cherry cola drink!" he said handing me the food "Thank you for choosing El Chips!" he added as Sun grabs my arm tightly and I also drop my food as he pulls me to a seat as if we where in a rush.
                    "What's wrong sun?" I said a bit taken back by his expressions
                     "I just found the most amazing person and now I'm scared you will end up going away," he said a bit shaken.
                      "I'm not going anywhere sun I want to stay here, if there were a way I could be here more I would take that chance." I said honestly. "this place makes me so happy." he flinched as I said that.
                     "just the place? do I make you happy?" he asked a bit aggressively.
                    "of course you do sun! you know what I mean," I said a bit annoyed but still trying to be patient and understanding of his feelings since they were new to him.
                   "I hope so..." I could tell his gears were moving. "maybe, you can ask your uncle if you can move in with me!?" he asked.
                 "Sun... 1: I've only known you for three days now, 2: I'm still not even fully trained for this job, and 3: that might look suspicious..." I answered as bluntly as I could.
                   "None of that matters to me little cloud, I want you all the time, every day," he said sounding a bit childish. I started eating because I knew I'd need all the strength I can get to have this conversation with him. he was silent as I ate but continued thinking to himself. This was new to me as well, as far as relationships go humans tended to avoid me growing up and I never really had that many friends let alone a romantic partner. I finished my meal without saying a word. I was just going to come out and be as honest as I can.
               "Things moved a bit faster than I expected then to sun I'm still catching my breath from this evening and this conversation is a bit heavy for me at the moment," I admitted
                "Oh, well did you still mean what you said or... was that just... where you saying that just to say..." he stuttered a bit.
               "If you're asking if I love you, I do. I didn't say it back just because you said it. I really do have strong feelings for you and I want to establish a long relationship with you." I answered whispering as looking into his eyes.
                "I love you too," he whispered back again. "I just want to make sure."

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