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a/n: I wrote these authors note and posted this a while ago as you can see in my random short stories collection... I'm literally just copying and pasting them over here. After I'm done with that, I'll start writing some one-shots for here. I will not post them into my random short story collection just to be clear. ;) <33

a/n: a tribute to May the fOuRtH..... (an irondad and spider-son fanfic). Sorry, it's short, but I really wanted to get an Irondad & Spider-son fanfic out on the fourth of may and i forgot until today the actual fourth of may so,.... yeah ;)

Peter yawned as he stood in the elevator that would take him to the penthouse where Pepper and Tony lived in the Stark Tower. It had been a great May the Fourth. Mj at lunch even watched a star wars clip with Ned and him during lunch. He and Ned had built up several Star Wars lego sets after school, including the death star finally.

Now, he had been going to work with Tony in the labs, but he had sent him a text to tell him to come up to the penthouse instead. He stepped out of the elevator, and opened the doors to the penthouse, calling out for Tony as he passed by the kitchen.

"Hey Peter!" Pepper called out, seeing him pass. "I was just making the popcorn, it'll still be a few minutes though."

Peter scrunched up his nose in confusion. Popcorn...??? He walked into the living room to find Tony dumping a ton of different types of candy on the coffee table.

"Mr. Stark!?" Peter asked, a little confused.

"Hey, underoos, I was thinking that instead of working in the lab tonight, we could have a little movie marathon." Tony motioned for him to sit down beside him on the couch. "Pepper will be out with the popcorn in a minute."

Peter scurried over to the couch, and plopped down beside him. "Wow, thanks Mr. Stark!!! I love movie nights!! But what's with all of the candy?"

"Well, I didn't know what type of candy you liked, so i got them all." Mr. Stark replied.

"Mr. Stark, you didn't need to do that, I'm fine really with whate-"

Tony cut him off. "Just be quiet it and do me a favor and eat it all, I don't need the temptation in my house." He grinned at Peter who grinned back.

"Ok, thanks Mr. Stark." Came the reply as Peter ripped open a pack of nerds, pouring them in his mouth.

"Hey, what's with this Mr. Stark business? You call Pepper with her name. Call me Tony, kid."

"Ok, Mr. Stark, what movie are we watching anyways?"

"Star Wars, of course." Tony said slyly.


Tony cut him off, "Ok, Peppers here, lets start the movie now. And of course I remembered, its important to you." Tony looked away, sheepish.

Peter blushed slightly, embarrassed that Tony remembered. Pepper settled down on the other side of him, and he cuddled next to Tony. Halfway through the marathon, something occurred to him. "Wait what about Aunt M-".

"I already called her, she's enjoying a calm night at home."

Peter smiled, and laid his head back down on Tony's shoulder, and Tony instinctively wrapped his arm around him, his hand already combing through the boy's curls. Peter relaxed instantly at this calming touch he had grown used to, it was almost like a security blanket to him now. A sign that he was safe.

Pepper looked over at them, quietly asking Friday to take a picture.

Toward the end of the marathon, Tony looked down at the sleeping spiderling, smiling softly to himself.Peter looked adorable sleeping like that. He shared a smile with Pepper, and he stopped the movie, picking Peter up, and cradling him against his chest, carrying him to the room he slept in when he slept over. He laid Peter down, and pulled the blanket up to his chin, tucking it in around him.

As he walked to the door, he heard a sleepy voice behind him, "Thanns, g'night dad..luv you". Tony stiffened at the doorway then as he closed the door,he whispered to back to PEter, "Goodnight, son. Love you." And with that he closed the door.

It was a pretty good May the Fourth, the best one he'd ever had.

a/n: Yeah, really short, I hope you enjoyed though!!! ;) (731 words)

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