Revenge of the Fifth (Sith)!!!

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a/n: Basically a part two of my May the Fourth be with You!!! (an irondad & spider-son fanfic)

Peter looked around. He was standing in a wide open space. Pure white, with no one else around. He got a bad feeling, and his spidey sense was sending cautionary shivers up his spine.

He was totally alone.

He felt that he had been here before, though.

All of a sudden he had a sensation of falling,








and suddenly he was on a battlefield, and a giant purple guy was standing in the middle.

It all came rushing back to him. The stones. Thanos. The Snap. He was back. Or was he?

He could see everything going on around him, could see himself reuniting with Tony.

But he couldn't move. Why couldn't he move? He started to panic.

He felt dizzy, and suddenly he was in his room again.

Standing in the corner. He turned his head, the only thing he could move an dsaw Thanos standing in his room, right outside the window.

He started to shake all over, his heart roaring in his ears, his spider sense screaming at him to do something. Run, hide, fight!!

He watched as Thanos walked over to the bed. That's when he noticed himself asleep in the bed. Thanos raised his hand over Peter's sleeping form. And snapped.

Then Tony was in the room. Running at Thanos. TOny had the gauntlet. Words were said.

HE snapped his fingers.

Tony on the ground. Dying. Peter's vision was blurry and he realized he was crying.

What was happening!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?

Peter sat up with a scream in his bed. Arms were around him, and he thrashed instinctively. His body was in panic mode, and his chest was tight, and he couldn't breathe. HE couldn't breathe!! Why couldn't he breathe???

Words were being spoken in his ear, and he as his body gradually relaxed, he stopped fighting, realizing Tony was holding him, gently rocking back and forth. "Sh, Peter it's okay. You're okay. You're safe. Breathe Peter, breathe. You're okay. I'm here. Just breathe." Tony soft murmuring calmed him, that and the fact he was running his hand softly through Peter's hair.

His chest opened up, and suddenly he could breathe again. His face was wet, and he realized he was sobbing. He turned and buried his face in Tony's shoulder, his body racking with his tears of agony.

"Shhh, it's okay underoos. It's okay Pete. I'm here, I'm here."

Peter gradually calmed down enough to speak. "I-i'm sorry, i-i w-woke you u-up Mr. S-stark." He choked out. Tony just shushed him.

"I'm always here for you Pete, never apologize for waking me up. you can always can to me when you need me."

Peter wiped his tears away with the back of his hands. "I had the dream again."

Tony was quiet for a moment.

"But you managed to save me. Remember that. I'm here, I'm alive. I'm okay. Thanks to you kid."

They shared a soft smile.

Peter had used a protocol in his spidey-suit, that was meant to shock his heart awake, and connected his suit to Tony's arc reactor in the ironman suit, to shock the arc reactor and Tony's heart back to life again. A while back before the first Snap, Tony and Peter had been studying Peter's blood and isolated the healing factor in his blood. They had been able to recreate it in the beginning stages of a new worldwide cure. Peter had had a few samples in his suit, for emergencies. He didn't need them of course, but they were to be used to help anyone he came across who needed it on his patrols. Instead he ended up using it to save Tony.

He was forever thankful to have Tony in his life. He couldn't imagine how he could have gone on without him. He had nightmares about it though, still. And he expected he always would. But Tony would be there to help him through it all, just like Peter was there for Tony.

And Thanos would never be bac to take his revenge. He would just have to settle for Peter's nightmares.

And Tony would be there to save them all again.

He truly was Peter's hero.

And dad.

a/n: Sorry again, really short. Didn't have much time today, but had this chaotic idea earlier, and saw a gif about revenge of the fifth, so yeah, this was born. Mostly a lot of fluff, may have overdone it, idk, you tell me. ;) (743 words) 

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