Cursed to be alone [3]

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He abruptly stops falling and the buzzing in his mind fades away, and he can feel himself be set gently down on something cold and rough.

His chest is still tight and his lungs still refuse to work and he's hyperventilating and then suddenly something warm and strong is holding him. "Breathe, Peter, breathe, come on Roos, breathe for me, just breathe", he hears in his ear, sounding like they're coming from far away and slowly he forces air down into his lungs as he tries to obey the voice. He begins to become more aware and his breathing soon slows to match the breathing of the person behind him, and his heartbeat matches as well in the steady rhythm.

He blinks his eyes open, not even aware they were shut, and through his tears he finds Tony's arms wrapped around him, rocking him slowly side to side and murmuring comforting things in his ear, while they sit on the roof he just fell from.

Tony must sense the change because he shifts so that Peter can turn around and without hesitation he does, wrapping his arms around Tony and feeling the shock of almost dying hit him.

That he almost let himself die..

That he would've if Tony hadn't caught him..

He feels slightly embarrassed as he starts crying again in Tony's shoulder, but soon feels his hand carding through his hair and he decides he doesn't care.

After a long time he finally settles down again, Tony the whole time just being patient with him and just holding him, letting him know he's there if he needs him.

Peter pulls back slightly, knowing what's coming, and keeping his eyes downcast while hurrying to try to explain himself. "Mr. Stark-I'm sorry-I-I wasn't-I didn't mean to-I couldn't stay and- I couldn't get another person killed-but I wasn't going to-"

Tony cuts him off with a look, running a hand through his hair. "You gave me quite a scare Underoos. Waking up to find you gone is not something I ever want to experience again."

Peter bites his lip, feeling shame come over him like a blanket on a burning hot day.

"I've been searching for you, tried to track your suit but evidently by that horrid onesie you're wearing you knew I'd try that." Peter lets a soft smile creep onto his face.

"I resorted to flying all over the city to find you, then started seeing Spider-Man videos popping up everywhere and started tracking those, trying to figure out where you were. And just as I find you, I see you falling off a building. YOu know, how my heart is Pete, It can't handle that. I couldn't handle that." After a pause. "I couldn't handle losing you."

Peter's eyes fill with tears. He looks up into Tony's face and sees them glistening as well, more emotion on the man's face than he's ever seen him show.

"Peter, life is a gift. Not everyone gets a lot of time. Don't waste it. And don't end it early either. No matter how dark things get, I'm here for you. You can come and talk to me. Killing yourself is not the answer."

Peter opens his mouth and then lets it close. He hadn't meant to fall off the building. Had he? But maybe when he felt himself falling it was just easier. Easier to let himself fall and be done with everything than to get up each morning knowing all his family was gone.

But maybe that's not true either.


Maybe Tony is my family now..

He holds Tony's gaze, and finally says "But my whole family's gone?" His voice cracks at the end, and somehow it sounds more like a question than a statement. "And it's my fault, everyone around me ends up dead."

And Tony stares right back before saying, "It's not your fault, Peter. None of their deaths were your fault. They were just victims of either horrible accidents or bad people. You didn't kill them, so it's not your fault. You can't blame yourself Peter. And on the topic of family, not all of it is gone, Roos. Peter, when you're ready and if you're okay with it, I was planning on adopting you."

 Peter stares at him in shock.

"Your Aunt and I-" Tony's voice cracks almost imperceptibly to anyone else but Peter knows him and hears it-"we had been discussing co-parenting and we had talked about shared custody, in case anything happened..." His voice trails off and he looks uncertainly up at Peter while his brain meanwhile is going a million miles an hour.

Mr. Stark wants to adopt..


"But why?"

Tony looks startled at the question. "Why?!" Peter, you're the smartest, kindest, purest person I've ever met. Since the moment I met you, you've been a light in my life. And seeing you falling off that building was the worst moment of my life. I love you Peter."

Peter's eyes again fill with tears and he feels like he's been crying all night and how could he possibly have any more tears left, but then he's hugging Tony again, crying happy tears this time.

"So I can adopt you?"

"Sure, dad."

Peter freezes for a moment and then smiles. He doesn't regret saying it, even if it just slipped out.

Tony smiles back.

He gets up, pulling Peter up along with him.

"Let's get home Underoos."

And as they fly back to the tower, Tony knows they have a long road ahead of them. There are long talks, panic attacks, and a lot of healing ahead of them but he knows Peter will be okay. After all, he has Tony now.

And Tony will do whatever it takes to give him the life he deserves. 

To the very end.


a/n: so hey y'all this felt a bit rushed,but I honestly didn't really have a lot of ideas after this, felt like it would just kinda be filler stuff so its short. but I tried so... remember to comment and vote if you want and I'll see you next time!! ;)

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