To K!ll Tony Stark [1] - Peter & Penny

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@ Kittenlover3ooo2019 thanks for the prompt idea, I hope you like it!!!: Would you consider doing like Penny Parker and Peter Parker? One. shots or something? I always thought those were extremely cute. Our spider girl one shots. I don't know. Just something fun. Like with Tony of being alive and the Avengers together. You don't have too, but something like that would be awesome. So, thank you!!

I combined your idea with the Hydra trope, where Peter breaks into Avengers tower but with a twist that he has a twin!!!!

Note: Civil War never happened and IW/Endgame haven't happened and will never happen in this universe bc Marvel causes us too much therapy already :]

Ever since they were little, they had been inseparable. It wasn't just Peter, or just Penny. It was always Peter and Penny. They did everything together. And when their parents died, they just grew closer.

They shared a room, refusing to be in separate ones, and even shared the same bed for the longest time. Through the loss of their parents they just grew to rely on one another more. And while they loved both their Aunt and Uncle, it was Uncle Ben that they came to for comfort. 

So they grew up, and the years passed. Then the field trip came.

It was announced during class, they would be taking a field trip to Oscorp. 

Two spiders escaped. Two heroes were born.

Spider-Man, and Arachni-girl.

And then IT happened.

The fight with them and their Aunt May and Uncle Ben.

They ran out, and Uncle Ben followed....

And it ended with a bang, and blood covered hands... and an important lesson:

"With great power, comes great responsibility."

And they took that seriously. 

Maybe not the way he meant them to take it..2.

Because by the end of the week, the twin 12 years olds, vanished. 

They left to keep Aunt May from harm, too bad they did not foresee the emotional toll this would take on her... but that's for later.

Because after about a month of having run away, and an enhanced metabolism drying up their meager funds, two more people vanished. Spider-Man, and Arachni-girl.

Taken by Hydra.

12 years old and in two separate cells, the twins grew up. Through torture, and scars, through brainwashing and broken limbs, they were disciplined and trained, in all forms of combat and weapons, strategy and hacking. By the time they were fifteen they were the best of the best, the most formidable agents Hydra had ever seen. 

And to top it all off, they didn't remember anything before they came to Hydra.

Which is why they were selected for the mission to break into the Avengers Tower and kill Tony Stark.

They were dressed in all black suits, head to toe, with just the blood red color of a spider on their chests. 

After being briefed for the mission, and given blueprints and other information they needed on the tower, and memorizing everything, they were herded into a stealth helicopter and off they went.

It was night, and Penny and Peter were memorized by the glowing lights they saw in the sky, they didn't know they had seen them before and once swung beneath them. 

They were dropped off on the top of the tower and they stealthily crept down the sides the of the Tower to the window that was always left open and let themselves inside. 

They then proceeded to open a vent and crawled into it, following along it the twists and turns from the map they had memorized and stopped just above the one that led to his bedroom.

Where only a sleeping woman lay.

Frowning they continued on till they found his lab. Pausing above the vent where they could peek through and see their target, Penny paused. For a second she felt a flicker of doubt. But she pushed it away when Peter nudged her, and slowly unscrewed the vent cover and moved it away, preparing to leap down and fulfill their mission in its bloody goal.

(658 words)

I made this into two parts because I'm tired but wanted to get something out as soon as I could, so there will be a second part, much longer than this. ;) 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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