'Till the end of time - a spideychelle story

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a/n: TW: blood, and descriptive descriptions of wounds 

Peter sat beside MJ in the coffee shop, just talking and laughing and the occasional smirk (from MJ). Of course he hadn't actually ordered coffee, he got his usual hot chocolate with marshmallows and the sugar did more to wake him up than caffeine ever could.

MJ just got plain black coffee. As dark as her soul she liked to say, but he knew better. Her outer shell may be dark, but that's just what she wants everyone else to think. He sees the real her. The soft, gentle, loving side she never shows anyone else. She trusts him enough to show him, and he feels honoured. It only makes him love her more. He hadn't told her yet though. 

He was just waiting for the perfect moment.

They had been dating for almost two months now, and she knew he was Spider-man. She just figured it out somehow, because.... well... because she's MJ. 

He tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and she playfully swatted his hand away. He smirked at her, and she just shook her head, leaning forward and kissing him on the cheek. 

Sometimes his heart ached with how much he loved her. 

 ~time skip brought to you by Dave~

Peter groaned, his hand held to his side. He could feel blood oozing between his fingers, and he was starting to feel light headed and dizzy. He had stopped the kidnapper, but had gotten shot multiple times in process by him and his buddies. A witness had called the police and was comforting the little girl, s at least he didn't need to worry about that. 

He looked up and saw the girl looking at him with an expression of worry on her face, so he smiled as best as he could for her sake and with a wince, shot a web at a nearby building and swung away.

He could tell right away he wasn't going to make it home, and quickly searched his brain to figure out if anyone he knew was close enough. 

With the last of his strength, he swung to Mj's house, collapsing against her window and blacking out.

MJ looked up from her book when she heard a thunk on her window. Confused, and wary, she grabbed her pocket knife from her nightstand and slowly approached her window. She threw back the curtains and gasped, dropping the knife in her surprise.  

There was Peter. Or more accurately Spider-man, bleeding out on her window. She couldn't even tell if he was conscious. 

She quickly opened her window, and grabbed him as gently as she could, dragging him inside her room, and to the bathroom. She set him down, not even caring at the blood trail on her carpet, and running to grab the first aid kit she had just for situations like this. And a couple of towels. 

She knelt down beside Peter, and gently took his mask off. His face was pale, too pale, and she was starting to freak out. She took a few deep breaths to remain calm. 

Come one, MJ. Freaking out won't help him. 

Still her hands shook slightly when she opened u the first aid kit, and started to tend to his wounds. First she had to wet the towels to clean the blood off of him. For this she moved him to the bathtub. Now that she could see what she was dealing with, she saw he was shot in three places. His left shoulder, his right leg, and his left side, near his ribcage. Thankfully though, all the bullets had gone straight through him, it would have been a pain to get them out. 

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