Facing your fears - a Peter Stark story

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a/n: Happy Fourth of July everyone!!!!🇺🇸🎆🎇🧨🎉🎊✨🙃❤️
Yeah I know this is a little late but I was busy yesterday so here you go!!


"You excited buddy?" Tony asked, smiling down at his precious little smol bean. Peter's big brown eyes stared up at him as he nodded his head.

Tony ruffled the four year olds hair, and sent Happy a thumbs up.

This was the first year they were doing fireworks with Peter. Tony being the overprotective dad he was didn't want to scare Peter so he and Pepper had held off from doing fireworks at celebrations until now. Tony still thought he was too young, but Pepper insisted, saying he couldn't live his life being afraid. Tony had a feeling she had meant that more towards him, but he chose to not comment on it.

They had celebrated with grilled hamburgers and hotdogs earlier, and Tony had even hosted a parade.

Peter had gotten his face painted like the American flag and Capsicle had cried with joy.

Peter had insisted that everyone paint their faces with the American flag too and since he had all the avengers wrapped around his tiny finger they had all complied.

Even Nat had the American flag painted on her cheek.

Clint who one of Peters favorite avengers, they liked to prank the others, had gone all out and painted his arms, face, and legs in a giant version of the American flag.

Peter had giggled at the sight and that made it worth it to Clint. Even when he realized that he had forgotten to use the washable paint.

But now it was getting dark and they were out on a balcony of Stark Industries as the avengers and Happy tried to figure out how to set off the fireworks.

Now Peter was clinging to Tony's leg as he watched Happy light the firework.

Tony was ready to just relax and enjoy some fireworks this evening. He still thought Peter wasn't ready for it, and he had to admit to himself he sort of was overprotective of Peter. But ever since he had been captured by Hydra for a couple of months (the worst months of Tony's entire life) a year and a half ago, he couldn't help it.

Not to say that Pepper wasn't protective of Peter, she was just more realistic in realizing that we can't protect him forever and as she puts it, 'the little things' especially. Such as fireworks.

Not to mention that after Tony and the avengers had rescued Peter, he had the powers of a spider. They still didn't know to what extent but they did know he could stick to stuff and almost gave Tony a heart attack when he check in on him at night. The sight of his baby boy hanging from the ceiling drove his blood pressure up.

He always said to Pepper that this kid is causing him grey hairs.

Happy ran away from the firework as it started to spark and then it went off!! Bright colors filled tree sky and popping noises resounded throughout the city. It was beautiful and Tony looks down to ask Peter what he thought when he realized he wasn't there. He frantically looked around him and then saw him on the other side of the glass door to the balcony with Pepper.

Tony trots over to them and closes the balcony door behind him. He crouched down next to them and says, "Why're you guys in here, Pep?"

She glances at him with a worried look on her face and replies, "You were right, I think it as too soon. We should have waited another year."

Tony glances down worriedly at Peter, who has his hands clasped over his ears and a tear running down his cheek.

Tony picks him up and takes him over to the couch, setting him down and sitting on the floor so that they're at the same height. He glanced back and Pepper who's watching them and makes a motion for her to go back outside, she agrees thought reluctantly and goes back in the balcony where the fireworks are still going.

"Don't cry, kiddo, just tell me what's wrong." Tony wipes away a tear Peter's cheek and smiles gently at the frightened boy.

Peter hiccups in a little bit way and his brown eyes meet Tony's. "It's too woud." He sniffles.

Tony runs his hands through Peters hair reassuringly. "I know the fireworks are loud buddy, but they can't hurt you."

More tears start to run down Peters cheeks and Tony feels like his heart is breaking. He knew he could never be a good father, he was turning into Howard wasn't he? That's why he couldn't help Peter.

"But it does hurt daddy." Peter cries harder and Tony picks him up, cradling him close to his chest. Peter buries his face into Tony's shoulder.

"It hurts my ears, my head, and my whole body." He sobs and Tony starts to get the feeling he's discovering another of his sons powers. Enhanced hearing it sounds like.

His reaction at first to the noise seemed normal like any other child but him saying it hurts and crying like he is now probably isn't.

Tony then remembers how Cap is wearing sound deadening headphones right now and how he reacts to loud noises.

Obviously not with crying like Peter, but wincing and admiring it hurts him.

Tony quickly stands up, still holding Peter and speed walks to the elevator and down to Caps room.

And sure enough in his desk drawer is an extra pair of the sound deadening headphones.

Tony quickly slips them onto Peters head, while already thinking of designs for a smaller set and possibly higher sound proofing than Caps. He had no ideas if the level of his sons ability.

And his heart pains to think of all his sweet innocent son has to go through at such a young age.

Tony tentatively makes his way back upstairs and toward the balcony door watching Peters reactions closely.

After he put on the headphones he stopped crying almost immediately. And he hasn't shown any sign of pain since.

"Do you want to try and go out again Underoos?"

Peter thinks for a moment and then says, "But I'm scared daddy...."

Tony then remembers what Pepper said and repeats it back to Peter.

"I know Underoos, but we can't let fear stop us from living our lives. Sometimes we gotta push through to reach the other side. And it's worth it every time I promise."

"Have you ever been scared?" Peter's small voice asks. He gazes at Tony with such a serious face too that Tony almost laughs.

"Yes buddy, I have been." His mind races to when he was held captive and had to build the first version of the Ironman suit to get out of there. He shakes his head to get rid of the flashbacks. "I was very scared but I pushed through and I'm better for it now."

I'm alive now because if it.

Peter nods his head thinking and then says, "Okay then, I want to go outside."

Toy smiles, proud of his kid.

As they step back outside, Pepper glances over worriedly but calms down when she sees Peters no longer crying. Though she sends him a confused lol about the headphones.

And he does look pretty goofy with them on top of his head like that. They're way too big for him, and look extra clunky. It only makes him look that much cuter.

If that's even possible.

Tony watches Peter watch the fireworks and it warms his heart to see him smile and laugh at the fireworks, clapping his hands as if he could capture the colors in his hands.

Pepper walks over and Tony kisses her cheek. "You were right," he whispers in her ear.

"He just needed to face his fear...

...and so did I."


;) (1,317 words)

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