Happy Mothers Day!!! ;)

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a/n: Happy Mothers Day!!! This series of short story snippets is dedicated to mothers everywhere!!!!!

Here are some verses i like that relate to Mothers Day:

Proverbs 31:28

28 Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:

Proverbs 22:6

6 Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Deuteronomy 5:16

16 "'Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may go well with you in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.

and now for the story: ;)


Peter & Aunt May/Pepper Potts/His biological mother (last one sad... :'))

Peter scrambled the eggs, trying to remember how Pepper did it. He heard a beep in the oven and quickly turned and pulled out the muffins. They were a little lumpy, but they should still be good, right?

He heard a noise coming from down the hall, from his Aunt May's bedroom and he grabbed the eggs, and the muffins, placed a few on the plate, grabbed the glass of orange juice put all these things on a tray and headed down the hall.

He heard more noises coming from the room, and yelled out, "Hey don't get out of bed yet!!" He laughed.

He heard an answering chuckle and the sound of bedsheets moving. He opened the door to find Aunt May pretending to be asleep. He grinned and said, "Happy Aunts Day Aunt May!!".

She opened her eyes and laughed with delight at seeing the breakfast. He set it down before her, and she thanked him. He quickly ran back to his room and grabbed the card he had made, and the robe he had bought for her. He ran back and handed both to her, blushing at her praise and thanks. She got out of bed and wrapped him up in a warm hug, and whispered in his ear,

"Peter, you are the best nephew an aunt could ever wish for."

He grinned and blushed harder answering back, "And you're the best aunt I could ever dream of. Thanks for everything Aunt May." She pulled back and smiled at him. Life was good.


Life was great. ;)

Peter raced down the stairs of the school, burst through the doors, and out to the car, seeing Happy waiting behind the wheel. Looking slightly less grumpy today.

Peter laughed and buckled up, excited to get to the Stark Industries tower today more than usual. After the breakfast he had made for Aunt May this morning, he still had one more person to celebrate today.

Once arriving at the tower he practically flew by the receptionists desk and into the elevator, asking FRIDAY to take him up to the penthouse.

He arrived and once the elevator doors opened he raced into the living room, looking for Pepper. He finds Tony for once not in his lab but sitting on the couch, studying some blueprints.

'She's in the kitchen' he mouthed.

Peter nodded his thanks and made his way to the kitchen. Finding Pepper leaning against the counter, he shyly went over to her, blushing. She looked up at him with a warm smile. He looked down at the ground, shuffling his feet awkwardly. She just waited, letting him take his time to speak. He finally set his backpack on the ground and retrieved something wrapped in brown paper. He handed it to Pepper, blushing tomato red.

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