Happy Father's Day!!!!!

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a/n: same as before= I cut out anything non-spider-man related. ^^

a/n: yeah I know it's a day late but I was busy yesterday so here you go... ;)

Peter and his (adopted) Dad (Tony Stark): An Irondad and Spider-son fic

Peter heard the familiar sound of a whiskey bottle being opened. His heart sank, and he raced down the stairs as fast as he could to see Tony sitting in the living room, raising the glass of whiskey to his lips.

Peter racd over and grabbed it from him.

A brief flash of anger went over Tony' face before he slumped down in defeat. Peter tilted his head at him, and said with traces of anger and fear in his voice, -fear due to remembering what it was like the last time Tony drank and how he acted completely different from the man Peter knew, respected and loved-, "Why dad? Why!?! You know what happens when you start drinking! You promised you wouldn't!!!!?!?"

Tony looks up at him with pools of sorrow in his eyes. Peter puts the drink down on the coffee table and walks over to Tony, sitting on the couch next to him and giving him a hug before pulling back and looking him in the eyes.

"Tell me, dad."

And so he did. Of course Peter knew it was Father's Day, he had made Tony breakfast in bed, and taken him to his favorite restaurant (Delmar's after Peter made him try a sandwich from there), and even to the rooftop where they first met when Spider-Man beat Iron Man in a fight.

And of course ending with movie night and a ridiculous amount of sugar. eter had felt of course that Tony was off all day, but thought maybe he just wasn't doing a good enough job of celebrating Tony on the Father's Day.

But as Tony explained it to him, he was just upset over his dad. He tired not to be. He said the man didn't deserve that, and from what Petr had heard about him, he agreed.

But . . .

He was still his dad. No matter how badly he had treated Tony. some small part of him had always wanted Howard Stark to be proud of him. And every Father's Day it just all came rushing back. And so they talked. Peter and Tony. For hours, remembering Tony's father, both the many memories of bad, but also of the however limited good ones.

A barley approving nod over something Tony had created.

A hint of a smile when Tony had first shown an interest in inventing.

Peter helped hi forget the bad ones. To push them away, far better (and healthier) than alcohol ever could. And so they talked that night until they both fell asleep. And the next morning Pepper awoke to a picture sent to her phone from FRIDAY of them both asleep on the couch.

And Tony was okay.

Because Peter just made everything better.


a/n: I'm sorry people for this next one, i didn't want to write it cause i'm going to cry while writing it but it needs to be written and get out of my head. SO i'm here to write it and torture your poor minds still healing after Endgame. Sorry not sorry. ;')

Peter stared at the gravestone. Traced his fingers over the name like he had done every year before this one ever since it had happened. Ever since Tony had snapped and had saved the whole universe but broke something in Peter's heart that could never fully be fixed or healed. No matter how everyone around him tried.

Peter was less... joyful after Tony had died.

Less innocent, less... himself.

Tony had taken a piece of Peter with him when he died.

And Peter was never the same.

He and Mj had named their firstborn son after him. Pepper cried when she was told the news.

Mj smiled softly and nodded when he had suggested it, knowing how important this was to both Peter and to herself. She had loved to see Tony grow to be a father figure to Peter, and was frustrated that he had to lose yet another one.

Doctor Strange had since grown close to Peter. But he was no Tony Stark.

No one could replace Tony Stark.

And no one should ever try...

It had started to rain, the sky matching the feeling in Peter's heart. Even all these years later, it still hurt just as much t think of Tony being dead as it had since the first moment he knew Tony had died.

The worst was the first few days after. When he would wake up with a brilliant new suit idea or new invention, all excited to show Tony and he would race down the stairs and run to Tony's lab only to find it empty and have the cold feeling slowly return to his heart, and tighten his chest.

A warm shoulder presses against his, such a stark (yes I know I'm evil haha) contrast against his cold and soaked boy that he turns his head in surprise to see Morgan Stark, his sister there beside him. SHe had grown into a fine young woman, one Tony would be proud of, with his eyes, trademark smirk, and sense of humour haunting Peter and Pepper. It was both a blessing and a pain to be around ehr, for how much she reminded them both of Tony.

She smiles sadly at him, taking his hand in hers, and they both stare at Tony's grave.

"I miss him," Peter says, voice breaking.

"Me too," Morgan replies.

"But one day we'll see him again. We've just got to stick together until then. Forever together through thick and thin..." She says, tailing off looking at him expectantly.

Peter glances at her, even though it breaks his heart to look at her because she's practically the girl version of Tony, he has made sure all these years to be the best big brother he can to her, hoping to make Tony proud. And with every story he told her about him, somehow his heart felt a little bit lighter. And so with that in mind, he finishes their little poem/promise to each other.

"No matter the weather or villain we face..." Peter continues, thinking with a small smile of Morgan in her suit as Iron-girl, which she did partly to be like her dad, and partly to honor his memory and make sure no one ever forgets him.

I know I always have you in my corner..." Morgan says, tears running down her cheeks now, along with the rain.

And I will always catch you if you fall from grace," they finish together.

Then they both break into sobs, holding each other tightly.

a/n: my heart broke..... did you like it? ;')


not sorry...

*sobs in marvel*

a/n: Happy Late FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!?!?!?!! ;) Make sure to appreciate your dad's, not just on Father's Day, but every day. I am continually grateful for mine. Both the one on Earth and my Holy Savior in Heaven. (1,219 words)

Proverbs 6:20-22 says: "My son, keep your father's commands and do not forsake your mother's teaching. Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you."

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