Meet the Boys and The Basket Case: Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading my fanfic! I hope you all like it so far! I know it's kind of dragging out and is long but please stick with me because it'll get better and more interesting later on!
Anyway to the point! I'm going to do once in a while things I'll call bonus episodes and they'll be events that happen in between episodes.
For example this one is inbetween Legend of the Gobblewonker and Headhunters. I'll do these once in a while when I get a good idea for a episode. Hope you like! Thanks again for reading!

Jon's POV
I blame everything on her. If I didn't bump into her my life wouldn't be so crazy and such a mess! If I didn't bump into her I would of lived a completely normal life! Then again lots of the greatest things that have ever happened in my life wouldn't of happened...but that doesn't make up for everything else she's done to my life! She made my life a living hell and the best at the same time!

I had just turned 14 and I would be going into high school after the summer. I dreaded going into high school since none of my friends would be going to high school. All of my friends were younger than me or going to a different high school so I'd have nobody to hang out with in high school.

I was a drummer and drumming was my life. Like literally. When I wasn't hanging out with my friends or playing video games I was drumming. I carried my drumsticks with me all the time anywhere and everywhere. I would sometimes pretend to be playing the drums with them imagining the beats in my head as I drummed them up and down in the air.

One day that fateful summer my father came to the conclusion that I didn't read enough. Tbh I hated reading. I'd rather play video games or play my drums. So my dad got a 'great' idea to have Ronnie take me and Avery to the book store. Worse. Idea. Ever!

Ronnie was my best friend. He was a grade lower than me and he hadn't turned 13 yet. He loved books but he didn't look like a book nerd. He had short dark brown curly hair, tall and wore rubber bracelets showing his favorite bands like Green Day and Black Veil Brides. Ronnie of course immediately agreed to my dad's idea of taking me to the book store.

Avery was my cousin on my father's side. She was 14 just like me and was staying here in Gravity Falls with my dad and me for the summer. My dad had told me that her parents were split up and she hated her father and her mother, who was always traveling, so my dad offered to have Avery live with us for the summer. Once again worse idea ever.

I tried talking to Avery but she would just stare at me very creepily and say nothing. Honestly she was a train wreck. She was always locked up in her room reading and she never talked at the dinner table. In fact I've never even heard her voice before. I tried being nice and talking to her but she ignored me like I wasn't even there.

There's also the matter with her clothes. She wore baggy jeans and a black vest with sewn on grey sleeves and a hood from a jacket. Her hood was always up concealing most of her face. Actually I don't even know what she looks like! The only things I knew about her appearance was that she was short and she had green eyes. Even under her hood I could see her bright green eyes. They were like beautiful emeralds and she'd probably be considered pretty if she didn't dress like a hobo.

So there I was at the old book store that was on the corner of some street in town. Ronnie had left me to go to the teenager section while Avery walked around the store with her hands in her pockets and her hood up. I was alone and left to wander around.

The store was made completely of wood and the light from the windows shined down upon the store showing how much dust was in the air. The store had been around since the town was founded explaining why it looked so old. The store smelled of old books and the only people I could find in there were old people drinking tea and reading. "I hate this place" I mumbled as I began to walk further into the store.

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