Episode 1 Tourist Trapped: Chapter 1

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I was cleaning the gift shop with Dipper as he was blabbering on about how weird he thought Gravity Falls was. It was starting to get annoying. Since that was all he talked about.

"Look what my mosquito bites spelled out!" Dipper said pointing to his arm where his mosquito bites spelled out Bewarbe. "Don't you see there is something weird going on in this town!" Dipper said sounding paranoid.

"I agree this town is weird and sometimes creepy but what does that got to do with your mosquito bites" I said as I was cleaning the front windows of the gift shop with a cloth. "Also I think you should get a doctor to check out those bites. I don't think it's a good thing to have that many mosquito bites." I said pointing to his arm. I walked over and threw the cloth in a bucket by the window and grabbed a broom and began to sweep the floor.

"Look something weird is going on in this town!" Dipper said getting irratdiated.  I have to admit having your mosquito bites spell out anything was weird but Dipper was taking it as a sign that could mean the end of the world.

"Ok it is weird that your mosquito bites spell anything but what do you mean by something weird is going on?" I asked.

Before he could answer we both heard Mabels voice "He's looking at it! He's looking at it!" She said sounding excited. She was hiding behind a shelf with Mr.Pines bobbleheads and she was staring at a boy.

A tan skinned boy was looking at a piece of paper and reading it out loud "Uh..Do you like me? Yes? definitely? absolutely?" The boy looked around for whoever left the paper.

"I rigged it" Mabel said smiling. She must of the left the boy a checklist that said Do you like me? On the top and underneath was check box's with the three choices yes, definitely and absolutely. Mabel did this kind of stuff all the time. Dipper and I looked at each other and I rolled my eyes and he nodded to agree.

Dipper squirted a tank full of fake eyeballs and began to wipe it with a cloth and said "Mabel, I know you're going through your whole 'Boy Crazy' phase, but I think you're kind of overdoing it with the 'crazy' part."

"Yeah Mabel. I'm not trying to be mean but I think your scaring them away. I haven't gone through my whole boy crazy stage yet but when I do I'm not going to stalk the boys" I told her. It was true she had been here only a few days and she had scared off half the boys in this town.

"What?" She said. She blowed a raspberry (she stuck out her tongue and blew spit everywhere basically) "Come on, Dipper! This is our first summer away from home! It's my big chance to have an epic summer romance!"

"Yeah, but do you need to flirt with every guy you meet?" Dipper asked.

"Yeah Mabel I think you should get to know the guy before you start to flirt with them. What if you flirt with a guy who's a complete nut job. " I said agreeing with Dipper.

I remembered all her failed flirting with different boys. Her most creepy one was her flirting with the employee at the Mattress Place Kingdom store. Dipper had told me that Mabel popped her head out behind some balloons and said to the employee 'Take me with you' apprantly she scared that poor employee. It's bad enough he has to dress as a king in tight tights but having a 12 year old say 'take me with you' is creppy.

"Mock all you want you two but I got a good feeling about this summer. I wouldn't be surprised if the man of my dreams walked through that door right now." Mabel said with confidence and pointing at the door that led to 'museum' part of the shack.

"To be honest I don't believe in that true love stuff or love at first sight." I told Mabel. She was about to say something but Mr.Pines walked in to the gift shop through the door that Mabel had pointed to and burped but the burp got caught in his throat.

"Oh! Oh, not good. Ow." Mr. Pine said as he tried to get the burp out by pounding his chest.

"Oh! Why?!" Mabel said in disgust. Dipper and I couldn't stop laughing at Mabels reaction.

"All right, all right, look alive people. I need someone to go hammer up these signs in the spooky part of the forest." Mr.Pines said.

Dipper, Mabel and I at the same time said quickly "Not it!"

"Uh, also not it." Soos said a little late. He was on a stool fixing a shelf while eating a chocolate bar.

"Nobody asked you, Soos." Mr.Pines said to Soos.

"I know, and I'm comfortable with that." He said and took a bite of his chocolate bar.

'Wendy, I need you to put up this sign!" Mr.Pines called to Wendy who was at the cash register on the other end of the gift shop and she was reading some teen magazine.

She stretched her hand out and pretended to reach for the signs "I would, but I, ugh, can't, ugh, reach it, ugh."

"Lucy you like dark creppy stuff, put up these signs in the creepy part of the forest!" Mr.Pines called out to Lucy who was sitting in a chair in a corner by the cash register.

"If you want them up so bad why don't you do it yourself." Lucy said.

"I'd fire all of you if I could. All right, let's make it... eenie, meenie, mieney… " Mr.Pines said as he began to do eenie meenie mieney mo between Dipper, Mabel and me. Finally he pointed to Dipper. "You."

"Aw, what? Grunkle Stan, whenever I'm in those woods, I feel like I'm being watched." Dipper said. I couldn't blame him I didn't like going in those woods either. 

"Ugh, this again." Mr.Pines said.

"I'm telling you, something weird is going on in this town. Just today, my mosquito bites spelled out 'BEWARE'" Dipper said showing Mr.Pines his arm.

Mr.Pines looked at Dipper's arm and said "That says 'BEWARB'." Dipper began to itch his bites as he put his hand down. "Look, kid. The whole 'monsters in the forest' thing is just local legend, drummed up by guys like me to sell merch to guys like that." Mr.Pines said pointing to a fat, sweaty male tourist. The tourist began to laugh while he was looking at a Mr.Pines bobblehead's head bobble.

"So quit being so paranoid!" Mr.Pines said as he shoved the signs into Dipper's hands. Dipper sighed and walked out the door.

The Mystery Twins and Prudence Season 1: Gravity Falls FanficWhere stories live. Discover now