Episode 1 Tourist Trapped: Chapter 9

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Prudence POV


I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was someone staring down at me. They were fuzzy at first and I couldn't make out who it was but then my vision cleared and I knew exactly who it was. I'd be able to recognize her anywhere. Before I could say anything she spoke.

"Guys! Shes awake!!" Emmy announced excitedly. She leaned away from me to announce that I was awake. I sat up and noticed that I was in a hospital room and lying on a hospital bed. I looked around the room and saw that Emmy had made her announcement to Dipper, Mabel, and Karlie. Mabel and Karlie were sitting in the chairs on my left. Dipper and Emmy were on my right. "Do you have 5 dollars?" Emmy asked me. I ignored her question since it was ridiculous and I needed to figure out what was going on since I couldn't remember what had happened in the last few hours and I didn't know why I was at the hospital.

The last thing I could remembered was Dipper claiming Norman was a zombie which was ridiculous. Zombies weren't real everyone knew that. What happened after that? I asked myself trying to remember. The very last thing I could remember was Dipper showing me some videos of Norman on his camera but I couldn't remember what happened after that.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Dipper had pulled Emmy back by the shoulders to the other side of the room out of earshot but I could still hear their conversation.

"Why are you asking her for money? She just woke up so of course she has no money!" Dipper yelled annoyed and angry. Emmy looked hurt but she quickly disguised the hurt. Jeesh Dipper cut her some slack. She was just being her weird self. I wanted to say but didn't.

What's got Dipper so wound up? I asked myself. He looked like a mess. He had leaves in his hair and his clothes had some dirt on them. Mabel looked the same with the leaves in her hair. Karlie and Emmy were the only ones who didn't look they had been rolling around in dirt. 

"You never know, she could have money and I wanted to get some more candy. She has finally woken up, this calls for a party!" She said pretending to dance to music only she could hear. Dipper didn't look amused. She stopped and asked trying to sound innocent "Do you have 5 dollars?"  Dipper sighed and fished out a 5 dollar bill out of his pocket and gave it to Emmy. She smiled and said "Thanks!" and hugged him but quickly let go 3 seconds into the hug. Dipper was blushing a little bit. I guess he'd never been hugged by a girl before.

I mean he probably had hugged Mabel a bunch and he's hugged me once but that was in a group hug. He probably had never hugged a girl one on one. Mabel giggled and fangirled when Emmy hugged him like they were her...what's it called? Oh yeah its called OTP which means one true pairing.

Once Emmy left everyone turned their focus onto me. Karlie and Mabel got out of their seats and leaned in closer to look at me. Dipper ran over to me and they all began speaking at once. They were all crowding my bed and I began to feel claustrophobic.

Dipper was talking with concern, Mabel was saying something about a golf cart and Karlie was yelling at me for getting myself in emergency! I just woke up from...who knows what and they're giving me a headache! I thought.

"GUYS!" I yelled at them to shut them up. It worked but when I yelled my head felt like someone punched me. "Owww!!" I said in pain. I lifted my hand to the back of my head were it was hurting and felt a cloth wrapped around my head. Panic filled my whole body and I began to tremble.

I'd never had been in a hospital before except for when I was born and for shots. My head had some type of cloth or bandage, my head was hurting, I had woken up from something which I hoped was not a coma, and I couldn't remember why I was there! I think I had the right to panic.

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