Episode 1 Tourist Trapped: Chapter 4

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Once we arrived at the shack we went into the gift shop. Emmy and Karlie went exploring through all the box's and merchandise. Lucy was at the cash register listening to music on her Ipod. Wendy was nowhere to be seen. I wondered where she was at since Wendy usually worked the cash register. Lucy looked up and saw me and took her ear buds out. "Where have you been?" She asked curious. "Mabel came back but you weren't with her so Wendy and I were wondering about you."

"I took Karlie and Emmy to lunch. This is Karlie and this is her sister Emmy." I said pointing to Karlie and Emmy. "Karlie likes to be called Irony." Emmy and Karlie were playing with the grappling hooks as I was talking to Lucy. Lucy just stared at them.

Karlie heard her name and she quickly put the grappling hook away as if someone caught her trying to steal it. She walked over next to me and looked at Lucy and said "What's up?"

"The sky" Lucy said and Karlie laughed. Lucy managed a grin but refrained from laughing. Emmy didn't pay any attention and was swinging on the grappling hook smiling from ear to ear.

"Did Mr.Pines notice I was gone?" I asked Lucy.

"No, he was too busy with the tourists to notice that you left." Lucy said. I sighed with relief. Now I just needed to sneak Emmy and Karlie into the tourist group because I was not going to pay for them to get in. For a tour it was way too expensive. "Is he still in the museum?" I asked.

"How should I know?" Lucy said putting her earbuds back in her ears to say this conversation is over.

"Well I guess we better go look for him and his tour group." I said to Emmy and Karlie.

"Okay! Let's do this thing!" Emmy said excitedly and dropped with the grappling hook. She landed on her feet and said "Servant I'd like to have this."

"Me too!" Karlie said.

"Fine" I said and took their grappling hooks up to Lucy but she looked like she was lost in the music so I just looked at the prices, did the math and left the money on the counter. They both had big smiles on their faces but Karlies smile was more of a evil smile than a happy smile. Once they had their grappling hooks we went into the museum to look for Mr.Pines.

Dipper POV


I have to tell Mabel that Norman is a zombie before he eats her brain! I thought. I walked in to our room that was the attic and saw Mabel brushing her hair in front of a tall mirror. "Mabel. We’ve gotta talk about Norman." I said closing the door behind me.

"Isn’t he the best? Check out this giant smooch mark he gave me!" Mabel said showing  me her cheek, which had a big swollen spot on it.

"Ah!" I gasped in shock at seeing the swollen spot. What did Norman do to her?! I thought in horror.

"Ha, ha! Gullible. It was just an accident with the leaf blower!" Mabel said laughing. Then she became lost in the memory and said "That was fun."

"No, Mabel, listen! I’m trying to tell you that Norman is not what he seems!" I said bringing out the Journal from my vest.

Mabel gasped and said "You think he might be a vampire? That would be so awesome!"

"Guess again, sister. Sha-bam!" I said holding the book open in front of my face for her to see.

"Agh!" Mabel said in disgust. I looked and saw it was on the gnome page not the undead page.

"Oh, wait. I'm-I'm sorry..." I said and flipped to Undead page "Shabam!"

"A zombie? That is not funny, Dipper." Mabel said. I put the Journal back in my vest.

"I’m not joking! It all adds up: The bleeding, the limp. He never blinks! Have you noticed that?" I said trying to convince her.

"Maybe he’s blinking when you’re blinking." Mabel said. Ugh! She wasn't listening to me! I thought.

"Mabel, remember what the book said about Gravity Falls? Trust no one!" I said.

"Well, what about me, huh? Why can’t you trust me?" She said. She then said as she was putting on her star earrings "Beep bop!"

"Mabel," I said shaking her. "Listen to me! He's going to eat your brain!" Why wouldn't she listen? I thought.

"You sound like Prudence! Today she was yelling at me that she had a bad feeling about Norman." She said getting mad. So Prudence had a bad feeling about him too. I wasn't going crazy! I thought.

"SEE! She senses that he's a zombie too! I'm not crazy!" I said.

"Dipper, listen to me. Norman and I are going on a date at five o’clock, and I’m gonna be ADORABLE, and he’s gonna be DREAMY," She said pushing me out of the room.

"Bu-bu-but" I tried saying to her but she intreptutted.

"And I am not gonna let you ruin it with one of your crazy CONSPIRACIES!" She yelled and slamed the door on me.

I sighed and sat down against the door. "What am I gonna do?" I said to myself.  Then I remebered what Mabel said. Prudence had a bad feeling about Norman too. Maybe I could tell Prudence about it and she would believe me. I got up and went looking for her.

Prudence's POV


We had finally found Mr.Pines outside after what felt like forever looking for him in the museum. At least Emmy and Karlie liked making fun of the oddites in the museum. Mr.Pines was showing off the face rock outside on a stage next to the shack. I was bored out of my mind watching him present the rock to the tourist group.

"People are so f***ing stupid." Karlie said to me.

"I know right!" I said to her. I was starting to sound like a teenager which wasn't completely a good thing. Emmy was squeezing through the crowd to get up front since we were all the way in the back of the group and couldn't see very well even though I honestly didn't want to see the rock.

Emmy looked like she was determined to get up there and was pushing people out of her way to get up front. Karlie went after Emmy looking irratdiated with her. I was about to follow Karlie but I felt someone grab my arm.

I spun around and saw it was Dipper. "Dipper?! What's wrong?" I asked concerned. He looked like he was going to have a panic attack.

"Norman is a zombie!" He said sounding crazy. A zombie? Zombies aren't real. They're just works of fiction. Dipper has officially lost it I thought. I stared at him for a moment and I could tell he wanted me to believe him desperately but I didn't.

"Dipper," I said calmly and in a voice like a mother trying to calm a child. "Norman is not a zombie." I said putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and was about to say something to defend his statement but stopped. He sighed and pulled out his video camera he had in his other hand.

"Your right." He said sounding defeated. "I don't have any real evidence." He said as he looked through the videos. I went to his side to look at the videos. The videos showed Norman and Mabel. One had Norman and her playing hopscotch. Norman had fallen on his face while doing hopscotch but got up and looked okay and not hurt. "I guess I can get a little paranoid." He said as we looked at a video of Norman with his right arm around Mabel shoulders.

Then all of a sudden in the video Norman's right hand fell off! "Wait WHAT!" Dipper said shocked and rewinded the video to show it again.

"OH MY GOD!" I said in shock and terror. "Norman is a zombie!"

The Mystery Twins and Prudence Season 1: Gravity Falls FanficWhere stories live. Discover now