Episode 2 Legend of the Gobblewonker: Chapter 6

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Emmy was a suprisenly very good driver even if she was creating waves around the boat and causing it to shake a little. Other than that she was doing a excellent job!

While Emmy was driving I was at the front of the boat hanging on to the railing while directing Emmy which direction to go. "Left!" I called back to her as we were making our way around the island.

I had gotten the idea that if we led the monster on this chase long enough it would grow tired and give up but then I realized that the boat would run out of gas long before the monster would grow tired soooooo I came up with a new plan!

My new plan was that we'd scout out our surrondings and find some way to 'defeat' this monster..so to speak. I don't want to use the word kill since I've never killed anything before and I didn't want to kill it or anything. Sure, it's a monster that's trying to kill us but that didn't mean it didn't have a life, feelings or soul. But I'm willing to kill it, if that becomes our only and last option.

Emmy did as I said and turned the boat left following the shore of the island. "Soooo whats the plan again? I forgot!" Emmy called to me. Typical Emmy I thought letting out a sigh.

"We need to find somewhere where we can trap or defeat this monster" I looked back at her and explained. She thought for a moment about my plan and decided to question it.

"Why don't we just go back to town and run for our lives?" Emmy asked me believing that was the best and easiest option.

"Because the monster can just come on to shore and attack the town and kill everyone" I told her with a fake smile.

"Ooooohhhhh that make sense!" She replied finally understanding my plan. I shaked my head looking back out in front of me laughing to myself. You can't help but love Emmy even if she doesn't understand and questions your ideas and plans I thought to myself.

We soon made our way around the island and I still hadn't found anywhere or anything we could use to trap the monster. How are we suppose to get rid of this thing?! I thought to myself becoming irritated and hoping for a solution to this problem.

I would of asked Dipper for help and ideas but he was giving me the silent treatment. He was acting like a little bratty baby just because I broke his 'precious' camera. Boys get mad over the littlest things I thought. He was only mad at me too not Soos who, from what I recall, broke all of our cameras. Yeah get mad at the girl but not the guy I thought. He was probably just mad at me because I knew what I was doing, Soos did it on accident. So unfair I thought sighing irritated with Dipper and everything else.

I then saw in the distance the old boat that was covered with beavers that we saw earlier. "Great Scott" I whispered to myself pieces of a plan coming together in my mind. I contemplated my idea in my head and figured out all of the variables. Yes..it could work..YES! I thought the plan coming together. "THATS IT!" I yelled my brown eyes growing big at my mad crazy idea now finalized.

"What's it?!" Emmy yelled to me confused about why all of a sudden I yelled. I turned around and looked at her with a big smile on my face.

"I have an idea" I told her my smile growing bigger at each word I spoke. She looked a little freaked out because I looked crazy but a smile soon came across her face realizing I was acting crazy..for once!

"EMMY! BEAVERS!" Dipper all of a sudden yelled running over to the front of the boat stopping me from explaining my plan. Dipper there's no need to freak her out I thought.

"S***!" Emmy yelled painicing and realizing that we were heading to the old boat. Dipper was now standing next to me and I couldn't believed he just did and said that. Nice going Dipper! I thought giving him the look like 'seriously?!' He looked at me confused about what he did. I rolled my eyes at him because of his idioticy and turned my focus back onto Emmy.

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