Episode 1 Tourist Trapped: Chapter 6

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"Help!" Mabel screamed from a distance. I couldn't stand hearing her scream for help. The cart was going as fast it could but hearing her scream made me feel like we weren't trying hard enough to save her.

"Hold on!" Dipper called to her. I could tell  he was worried and scared for his sister. I was too.

"She sounds like she's somewhere in that direction" I said pointing to the his right. We needed to find Mabel and fast. He made a quick turn and we headed to a drop in the road. The road had a drop in it and at the bottom of the drop was more road. It wasnt a cliff where we would fall to our deaths but it was still scary. "Dipper!" I said frightened.

"Hang on!" He said to me and he drove the golf cart down the drop. I hugged onto Dipper's arm out of fear. I felt like I was going to be sick. I was biting my lips trying to hold back a scream and any possible barf that might of wanted to come out. Once we had gotten back on flat ground again I felt relieved and let go of Dipper's arm. He didn't seem to notice I had grabbed his arm during the drop or that I  had let go of his arm.

The part of the forest we were in looked...magical. It looked like a fairy garden. There were big mushrooms and beautiful flowers. In a little clearing I saw Mabel and...gnomes. Why were there gnomes? I thought. Dipper drove the cart towards the clearing.

"The more you struggle, the more awkward this is gonna be for everybody! Just, ha ha, okay. Get her arm there, Steve!" I heard a gnome say. As we drove closer we saw they were grabbing on to Mabel and trying to pull her down to the ground.

A gnome was biting Mabel sweater arm as she yelled "Let go of me!" She punched the gnome off and he bounced on the ground, stood upright and puked a rainbow. I was disgusted and couldn't believe it was even possible to barf a rainbow. Dipper had stopped the cart and we ran over to the gnomes.

"What the heck is going on here?" Dipper asked looking around shocked. I was thinking the exact same thing. There was no zombies anywhere. Believe me that was a good thing but Dipper and I were confused. Why were there gnomes here? Did they take her away from Norman? If so why? I thought. They didn't look like they had rescued her and we're going to send her home. They looked like they had kidnapped her.

A gnome then came up to us and hissed. Dipper and I both jumped. I still had the Journal and I held it in front of me and Dipper incase that gnome decided to attacked. I lowered the book when the hissing gnome ran away. Why the heck did that gnome hiss at us?

"Dipper! Prudence! Norman turned out to be a bunch of gnomes! And they're total jerks!" She told us. As a gnome pulled on her hair she said in pain "Hair! Hair! Hair!" Norman was a bunch gnomes? Not a zombie? This day is getting weirder and weider I thought. I wouldn't have been surprised if a unicorn came out of nowhere on rainbow made out of skittles and started singing Somewhere over the Rainbow. That's how weird that day felt like to me.

"Gnomes? Huh, I was way off." Dipper said. Yeah Dipper I'd say you were off by a lot.

"You think?" I said sarcastically to him. He looked at me like 'So I was wrong cut me some slack!'

I saw I still had the Journal. Maybe it could tell us how to stop these gnomes. I flipped it open to the page about gnomes and read aloud the page while Dipper looked over my shoulder at the Journal. "Gnomes: little men of the Gravity Falls forest. Weaknesses: unknown." I looked up from the book and saw that the gnomes had managed to tie Mabel to the ground with wire. Where did they get the wire from? I thought. 

"Oh, come on!" Mabel said about being tied up. I would be just like her if a bunch of gnomes tricked me into dating them and then tied me to the ground. These gnomes apprantly didn't have a weakness. You'd think they'd have had millions of weaknesses.

The Mystery Twins and Prudence Season 1: Gravity Falls FanficWhere stories live. Discover now