Episode 2 Legend of the Gobblewonker: Chapter 3

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Once we had gotten our sunscreen and life jackets on we headed for Scuttlebutt Island once more on Soos boat which I just found out is called S.S. Cool Dude. Typical for Soos boat's name to have dude in it since he said dude all the time.

Anyway I was sitting on the stairs that led below deck just thinking while Dipper, Mabel, Emmy and Soos were on the top deck doing who knows what. My head hung low and I became lost in my thoughts. What happened to that poor old man that made him the way he is? I asked myself. My dad said McGucket had been like that for almost 30 years but my dad said he didn't know how or why. Maybe a accident happened I thought but I didn't know for sure.

I also wondered about the Gobblewonker. I was nervxicted about the monster. What's nervxicted? It's a word Emmy said when we were in the fish shop and that word summarizes how I feel. I'm nervous and excited.

I wasn't really nervous for my sake, more for Emmy and Soos sake. Believe me I know Emmy can defend herself but she wasn't expecting the monster to be real. She was probably expecting us to find nothing and just have fun and goof around. I cared about her. Sure she was loud, obnoxious, and well..different but she was like the sister I never had. I didn't want her to get hurt. I didn't want any of us to get hurt.

My instincts told me I shouldn't be hunting a monster but I felt excitement and a adrenaline rush when thinking about the monsters. It was like I was born to hunt theses monsters. I was also interested in them. I wanted to know as much as I could about them. Who knew what secrets they hold.

It may seem strange but I like sitting alone with my thoughts so don't think I was turning all loner and depressed. It was peaceful at times and I figured out a lot of things when I was left alone with my thoughts. I was use to being alone too. At school I was the kid always reading a book and never talked to anyone. I never really had friends before Dipper, Mabel, Emmy and Karlie.

Most people can't handle no interaction with humans but I could. Sometimes I wished to be alone but even when I was alone I didn't feel truly alone. I always felt like somebody else was with me and I couldn't see them. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. It was like somebody was watching me waiting for me to make the wrong move.

The first time I felt it was when I was very young. I remembered it like it was yesterday. I was about 6 years old. A group of older boys decided it be funny to take my books and leave them in a tree on the highest branch where I couldn't reach after school. I walked home from school since my parents worked till 4. I know a 6 year old walking by herself isn't really smart but I guess my parents trusted the town and everyone in it.

Anyway there was this tree in my neighborhood and the boys had stolen my books and climbed the tree leaving them there. I had chased after them but they were gone when I reached the tree.

I didn't know how to climb a tree and I couldn't ask anyone for help so I decided to try to do it my self. I took my backpack off and kept trying to climb it but I failed everytime. I collapsed on the ground and cried. I was so full of emotions and I felt like a failure. Then I felt it. The Presence.

It felt like someone was encouraging me to keep on going to show those boys I wasn't a weakling. It was comforting like a friend I never had, I tried again. I was able to do it and I climbed to the top and I got my books. I sat up in the tree and opened one of my books to find the boys had written inside the cover. They wrote mean things I dare not repeat. I cried up in that tree feeling like what they said was true. The presence came back and I felt like I was being comforted.

I wiped my tears and climbed back down the tree with my books knowing I'd have to go home soon. I was on the second to lowest branch and my foot was reaching for the lowest branch. My foot slipped and I fell back, my books falling to the ground. I grabbed the nearest branch and I dangled above the ground. I could let go and fall or try to pull myself up. I was going to go with my instincts but I felt like I should let go and I did. I fell to ground scraping my knee and it began to bleed. It hurt and I sat there holding on to it. The presence came back but this time it was not a comfort or a motivater. No, this time it seemed to laugh at me making me feel worse.

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