Episode 1 Tourist Trapped: Chapter 3

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When we finally arrived at the Diner I was starving. Okay I wasn't literally starving but I was really hungry. The Greasy Diner was owned by Lazy Susan, a strange old women who had a lot of cats. The diner was shaped like a log and looked like log. It was like your every day american diner. It had burgers, breakfast and other fatting foods. That's why America has such a big obesity problem. It's because our american diners sell fatting foods.

We walked inside and took our seats at a booth by the door. Karlie and Emmy sat next to each other in front of me. My fist was still hurting from punching the tree. I guess I didn't know my own strength or how hard a tree's wood could be. I looked at the menu and couldn't find anything healthy. Would it kill them to have a salad on the menu?

When the waitress came by we told her what we wanted. Emmy ordered a burger with onions, no tomato and no cheese. Karlie ordered a burger with only cheese on it. I ordered a burger with all veggies on it. The waitress looked at me like 'What kind of kid eats her veggies willingly?' but she didn't question me. It was my money I was spending and my burger. 

"As part of being our servant for the day we get to ask you anything and you have to answer." Emmy said smiling misheviously.

"Okay." I said nervously. Who knew what they would ask. They could ask embarrassing questions like...well I don't know! But I bet they could think of something embarrassing.

"The first question is the most painful question of all." Emmy said and paused for effect. I was pretty nervous. How could a question be painful? I thought. "Favorite color?!" Emmy asked smiling. 

"You just crossed the line." I said in a serious tone but after I said it I began to laugh. Karlie and Emmy laughed too. "My favorite color is purple. As you can tell from my shirt." I answered pointing to my shirt.

"Speaking of the shirt, why does it have a peace sign on it? After seeing you blow up and hit a poor defenseless tree I don't think your so peaceful anymore." Emmy said. I couldn't explain it but I've always loved peace signs. It's one of those things that it feels like you were born to love it.

"Well I've always loved peace signs and nobody is ever going to be a fully peaceful person. Everybody has a dark side and or is violent deep down. It's just how we were made. There are people like me who try not to show that side though." I answered.

Karlie nodded to agree and said "That's deep bro." I couldn't help but smile. I guess I could be pretty deep. "Whats your favorite singer or band?" Karlie asked changing the subject. I had to think for a moment because I loved all kinds of music. I loved pop and indie music but I also loved old music from the 60's and 70's.

"The Beatles" I answered. "My dad is a big Beatles fan and he introduced me to them when I was young and I love them. I would of loved to have seen them in concert."

"Now for the deep questions...Who do you like?" Emmy asked. That wasn't hard I didn't like anybody. It was the truth. I didn't like any boys. The only boy I knew my age was Dipper but I barely knew him and he didn't seem like the guy I'd fall for.

"Nobody" I answered.

"That's okay. I don't know who I like either!" Emmy said smiling. I smiled back. I always wondered why some girls like Mabel were boy crazy and felt like they needed a guy. While other girls don't like any guys.

"What's that book your reading?" Karlie asked pointing to my book. "You seem pretty interested in it."

"Its a book that contains all of the Sherlock Holmes stories." I answered. My dad got it for me because he knew how much I loved books and mysteries.

"How long have you known Mabel for?" Emmy asked.

"Only for a few days. She and her brother are staying with their grunkle at the Mystery Shack for the summer. I work there so that's how I met her." I answered. 

"She seems pretty awesome! Did you know she has like a million sweaters?" Emmy said. I shook my head to say no. "Well she also has a collection of stickers and she loves fashion!" Emmy said. I could tell Mabel and Emmy were going to be best friends by the way Emmy talked about her.

"Why don't you like people compareing you to others?" Karlie asked me. I was hesitant to answer because that was a pretty personal question.

Emmy could read my expression and said "We won't judge you. This is a judgement free-zone. Also your our servant for the day and you have to answer."

I stared at them and took a deep breath. Everytime I talked about it I began to cry. So I took the deep breath before I talked about it to calm myself.

"Well it kind of started when my mom left my dad when I was 9. They got into fights a lot when I was younger and one night they had a big fight and I heard my mom scream 'I can't take this anymore!' She was going to go to Seattle to live with her mom. The next night she came into my room and told me how much she loved me and how she didn't want to leave me. She said 'Don't let anyone tell you that your anybody else because you are you. Your like nobody else.' She was crying as she said that to me. I cried myself to sleep that night and she was gone. I haven't heard from her since. My dad always says how much I look and act like her but I don't want to be like her! She left me!" I said with tears falling down my face.

Dang it! I thought. I hated crying in front of others. It made me look weak and people treated me like a baby when I cried.

Emmy moved from her seat and sat next to me and hugged me. "Hey, don't cry. That's a order." Emmy said smiling. I smiled back and wiped my tears. Karlie reached her hand out and grabbed mine and squeezed. She squeezed a little too hard on my inquired hand but I felt better inside but not physically.

I felt like I could talk to them. Which was a nice feeling. I couldn't talk about it with my dad. He would start to cry when ever I mentioned my mom.

Finally our lunch came. Emmy and Karlie ate like they hadn't eaten in forever. I ate slowly and enjoyed every bite of my burger. They finshed theirs before me and talked about something called anime but I didn't really pay attention to that conversation. I was enjoying my burger too much to care.

Once I finshed my burger I grabbed my book and began to read. I saw a hand come over the page I was reading and cover it. I looked up to see who it was and it was Karlie.

"So what's so interesting about this book Prudy?" She asked staring at the cover and studying it.

I put the book down and told her "Well I love mysteries and Sherlock Holmes is the best detective in literary history. It also take place in Victoria England. You might like it. Some of the mysteries are murder mysteries." 

Karlie smiled evily and said "I might like it if there's murder. It might give me some good ideas." She laughed at my reaction to her saying that.

"You know you should read The Hunger Games. It's the book that the movie is based off of. The movie came out a few months ago." Emmy said. The Hunger Games. It sounded familiar. I remebered  Lucy listening to the soundtrack for the movie and said how much she loved it.

"I've heard of it. Lucy loves the soundtrack. Maybe I'll try the book out." I answered.

"Another book that's awesome is Wolf Brother by Michael Paver." Karlie said.

"Those sound like really good books I'll have to ask my dad to get them for me." I said. They truly did sound really good. Especially Wolf Brother. It sounded like a  Native American book. I was pretty interested in the Native American culture.

The waitress came by with our bill. I looked at it and saw my burger was the most expensive since I had a lot more on it then Emmy and Karlies burgers. Also it seemed like healthy food was more expensive than junk food. I payed it and after the waitress collected it we just sat there for a minute. "Now what your majestys?" I asked. I couldn't think of anything to do. Like I've said before there's nothing to do in this town.

"We'd like to see the Mystery Shack." Karlie said. Why would they want to see the Mystery Shack? Didn't they know it was a tourist trap and all the oddities were fake? Maybe they did but still wanted to see it.

"Alright what ever you say. To the Mystery Shack we go." I said. They smiled and we left the diner to go to the shack.

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