The Circus

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A/N:Big Top Scooby Doo does not belong to me and all the characters in this story do not belong to me and the images do not belong to me

(Alex was in the back of the mystery machine playing on her 3ds) Daphne:a whole week in Atlantic city this is going to be the greatest vacation since cisco beach Shaggy:didn't we get attacked by a demon clam there

Daphne:okay since sana Fa

Shaggy:we got attacked by mutant cactus monsters Daphne:Washington D.C Shaggy:washington what happened there (Alex put her 3ds away in her bag)

Alex:we got attacked by the Lincoln memorial

Shaggy:that's right lincoln almost stepped on Alex and Scooby-Doo

Scooby:please don't remind me (he shuddered remembering the zombie Abraham Lincon) Velma:relax scooby there's nothing to be worried about Atlantic city is completely safe Daphne:well except gang shootouts

Velma:well yeah there's that but other than that it's completely safe (she took out a map)

Velma:they got beaches,shows ans- (shaggy screamed cutting off Velma in the process ripping the map) Shaggy:like its my favorite band

(they saw the sign he was pointing to saying wolfsbane)

Shaggy:like gang we have to see them while were here they're lead singer Wulfric is so cool Fred:you think he's cool check this you (they looked to where he pointed to with histhumb seeing tents) Fred:the circus

Alex:do i have to give another lecture about being cool Fred

Fred:I love the circus you know i took a circus class last summer Them:we know Fred:i think i really could have mastered the trapeze but i broke all those bones the trick is don't fall Shaggy:that's great fred but not everyone-

Fred:we gotta go there tonight

Velma:really I think--

Fred:my treat Daphne:maybe another-

Fred;I insist

ALex:but i'm-

Fred:you can sleep there

Scooby:but we don't really

Fred:great let's go (he took a turn) Shaggy:yay the circus

Alex:but how did he know what i was going to say though (at the circus) (they all got out of the van looking at the sign saying it was closed) Shaggy:see its closed lets go

Fred:wait i want to take a look around to see if anyones here

Alex:but fred it says its closed Shaggy:yeah and i'm not going into a dark circus (Fred opened the door which was unlocked) Fred:see the doors open lets have a look around (they went in with shaggy and scooby running after them)

Shaggy:okay i am not staying in a dark creepy circus

Alex:yeah even the dolls ae kinda creepy (she joged up to the others) Fred:hello is anyone here (alex stopped seeing shaggy and scooby go a different way) ALlex:what are you guys doing Shaggy:finding a way out of this creepy circus Scooby:yeah Alex:but what about the oth- (she froze seeing something behind them)

Scooby:what's the matter Alex (shaggy saw her face and sigh)

Shaggy:there's something behind us isn't there (she nodded as they looked screaming seeing it they three ran till the crashed into the other they yelled till the thing turned out to be a man walking into the light) ???:what are you doing here

Fred:Were sorry the door was unlocked and- ?

??:unlocked I could've sworn I locked it (they heard a howl) ???:he's here come quickly (thy started to follow him) ???:we should stick together

Velma:but who

???:hurry he won't escape from me this time


???:the werewolf

Shaggy/scooby:the werewolf ?

??:yes i thin he went this way (Alex stay behind with shaggy and scooby) SHaggy:like lets get outta here guys Scooby:okay Alex:no guys we need to (they didn't listen and ra off) ALex:of course there not gonna listen with that wolf around (she ran after them seeing them play with the baboons) Alex:what are you baboons doing

Scooby:playing with the baboons

Shaggy:yeah like they copy whatever we do try it (alex mimicked a wolf scaring the baboon) Shaggy:Alex you scared it

Alex:i didn't mean too i'm sorry (they heard a feral growl they turned seeing the werewolf growling at them they screamed and ran the son seeing the others) Alex,Shaggy,Scooby:werewolf (alex jumping behind the popcorn stand white the other two went in it) Daphne:There's nothing there

Fred:yeah guys it's nothing

Shaggy:nothing oh thank goodness (they turned to Alex freezing seeing the werewolf behind her) Alex:if it was behind me you all would say something right (she looked gasping at the wolf the wolf tried to sash here but she dodge ripping some of her hoodie then they all ran then split up in different directions with alex gong with shaggy,scooby and velma) Alex:okay guys slow down i think we lost it Velma:i think we lost everyone alex (alex winced holding her side) Shaggy:like are you okay alex

Alex:I'm fine that wolf slashed my hoodie that's all

Velma:hey guys lets try to find that werewolf Shaggy:find it i want to run away from it like a terrified schoolgirl Scoobyyeah

Velma:let's find it so you know which way to run

Shaggy:i uh you have a good point (alex saw a sign seeing the guy they saw from before on it) Alex:hey guys i guess that man's name is Marius Velma:he probably runs this circus (they started to look further)

Shaggy:hey Alex,Scoob i think it went away (they heard a howl)

Alex:you had to jinx it uh Shaggy (they ran) Alex:wheres Velma

Shaggy:i don't know (they found the others and ran to them) Shaggy:Velma's-

Marius:shh quiet (they saw the werewolf) Marius:i can handle it (it growled walking towards them as Marius pulled out garlic) Marius:back (it kept walking towards them) Daphne:thats vampires


Daphne:yeah garlic's for vampires

Marius:really are you sure because i really think (the wolf knocked it out of his hands growling) Daphne:i'm sure (it was gonna attack but a light shined on it and it ran off they looked up as it turned off seeing Velma) Velma:i thought a little light would help (Marius wen after it but saw it jump the fence) Marius:its gone (he jumped down from the containers) Marius:for now (he took a breath) Marius:thank you i am Marius owner of this circus how can i repay

Velma:for one you can explain what's going on here and two help our friend i'm sure she's bleeding

Alex:am not (Velma pointed at the red spot) Alex:oh guess i am (they all left to his trailer).

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