Meeting the Artist

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(It was five something in the morning still are tired except for fred surprisingly in their circus clothes except for Daphne) Alex:this is ridiculous

Fred:oh we should use code names

Alex:no fred that's more ridiculous than your outfit (they walked past him seeing Marius) Marius:good you all are up today you all are going to be meeting your fellow circus artist Fred:yay Marius:who can be a bloodthirsty werewolf

Scooby:boo (they all walked to a trailer) Marius:Whitney doubleday our animal trainer (the rest left while scooby and shaggy stayed behind then scooby knocked on the trailer door)

Scooby:hello (the door opened revealing a man who was hanging upside down scoby steamed) Whitney:oh sorry i do this little exercise everyday good for the low back im whitney doubleday (he shook scooby paw and giving him a dog treat) Whitney:good boy (e did the same with shaggy) Whitney:oh sorry i've been giving treats out to animals for so long that it became a hobby (shaggy swallowed the treat) Shaggy:its alright i'm shaggy and this is Scooby i'm his animal partner Scooby:yeah partner Whitnely:well if your a team that's different i thought it was odd Marius hired you (he guided them towards cages filled with animals)

Whitney:see Marius eliminated all trained animals acts in the circus

Shaggy:you must be angry and seeking revenge

Whitney:what no of course not i was retiring anyways because of the stories of animals trainers abusing their animals but i'm not like that uh Leone (he petted a lion) Whitney:but there's too many bad apples out there

Shaggy:hey have you ever trained wolves before

Whitney:wolves no there too unpredictable

Shaggy:oh then why are all these animals here if they not in the act

Whitney:i'm taking them to a sanctuary in California who agreed to take them (he sigh) Whitney:i'll miss the baboons the most there like humans Shaggy:i don't see the difference Whitney:i'll show you (he spoke something in spanish to make them dance) Shaggy:whoa Whitney:i use spanish words because they might get confused when the crowd cheers

(he said something in spanish to make them stop)

Shaggy:that is cool (the lion roared making the jump running away)

Whitney:they strange ones i'll give you that (with Velma)

(they rest of the gang walked into the tent as Velma screamed following with the others seeing a strong man) Marius:Velma this is Archambault you'll be working with him (they left leaving Velma with him) Velma:i huh

Archambault:don't be afraid my friend i'm not big werewolf that i very bad for circus (he kneeled down putting his hand on the ground)

Velma:what are you doing

Archambault:oh i forget your new to circus step on my hand trust Archambault

Velma:okay (she stepped on his hand the he lifted her up in the air) Archambault:see i'm not like any other fake strong man i am the real deal (he started to walk towards a cannon) Velma:but i don't understand (

Archambault:it's part of act i carry you to canon bada bing it shoots you i net (he had brought her over to the cannon she crawled in as he put a helmet on her) Ashambalut:good now let's do a test run and uh don't tense up (he pulled the lever it shot out Velma costume)

Velma:sorry i think i tensed up (with Fred) 

(they had walked over seeing a two people swinging above the net) Marius:there

Fred:those are the people who i'll be performing with

Marius:not performing your going to be by the net 

Fred:and do what

Marius:as little as possible well you catch them if they fall (he looked up at them) Marius:Oliverio,Lena this is Fred (he went near Fred ear) Marius:Oliverio is very jealous so don't look at Lena but don't act like your not looking at him because that look like its flirting Frd:wait what (they left leaving fred as Lena and Olivrio got down) Oliverio:ah the new net boy (fred started to try to look away from exact opposite of what Marius said not to do)

Oliverio:Something wrong with your neck

Fred:no (Lena went u to Fred twirling his ascot) Lena:maybe his scarf is too tight maybe come to my trailer later and i'll loosen it for you (she walked away) Oliverio:listen net boy you stay away from Lena or i'll pop you like the bottle cap (Fred sigh as Olivrio walked away) (with Alex) Marius:alex you'll be performing alone but remember what i said about tightrope

Alex:yeah why (he points above seeing the tightrope above a net) Alex:you want me to walk across that Marius:while doing some circus tricks like juggling and what not (he and Daphne left) Alex:why did Fred talk me into this (she sigh) (with Daphne) Marius:you'll be working with the clowns

Daphne:clowns are fun

Marius:yeah fun as a piece of stick


Marius:uh nothing there in there (he pointed to a purple tent) Marius:i gotta go (he left as Daphne went inside) Daphne:hello Schmatko:this is easy for you too say hello well maybe i don't feel hello

Daphne:are you one of the clowns Schmatko:no i am an actor presume role of a clown that there is a clown (a clown came out of a pile of clothes honking a horn making daphne laugh) SSchmatko:no you don't laugh at his horn it's very low comedy Daphne:im daphne blake (she shook hi hand) Schmatko:yes the new motorcycle girl Marius said (the other clown honked his hon0 Schmatko:this buffoon is Sisko (Daphne shook his hand then he honked the horn but was pushed) Schmatko:i am Shmatko (Daphne laughed) Daphne:Schmatko what a cute clown name Schmakot:its not a clown name Sisko is a clown name urgh i wanted to prom in the classic Daphne:like Boltan cough

Schmatko:you know Boltan cough at last at least there's one classic person around here Sico we must show this girl our new routine (he honked his horn)

Schmatko:Sisko (Sisko walked over and Schmatko hit him with an umbrella) Schmatko:so you like

Daphne:uh well yeah

Schmatko:great we'll celebrate with smoothies (Sisko honked his horn) Schmatko:one strawberry and you motorcycle girl

Daphne:oh no thank you

Schmatko:okay ill be right back (he left and a little bit out of the trailer he saw his shoe lace untied) Schatko:oh darn it( he was gonna tie it but heard growling he stopped seeing red eyes in shadows then the wolf ounces making him scream).

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