The Day Later

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(The gang was sleeping in the trailer till Marius walked in) Marius:UNBELIEVABLE (they jolted awake) Alex:what is it the werewolves (he walked over holding newspapers) Marius:there were critics in the audience last night Velma:there are circus critics

Marius:these are the most greatest ratings ever they all thought the werewolves were part of the act and look at this Alex they were so amazed at your gymnastics skills they calling you them most greatest circus artist ever since Felix

Alex:oh wow i uh

Daphne:that's amazing Alex


Marius:listen to this the performance of young talented Star Alex Light must be so great because of her mother oh wow that was kinda harsh Fred:yeah geeze Alexits fine Marius:this is fantastic i have to show these around Shaggy:looks like your a hit Alex (alex sigh as her phone ranged she looked and the caller id says mother she declined the call as Ashambult walk in) Ashambult:have you heard the people are loving the show were selling many tickets now oh and Alex rumor says that uh Miss Light and Mister Light is coming

Alex:say what

Ashambult:yep and you all and come to breakfast Ashambut is making best pancakes ever (He looked in the shelf grabbing a key accidentally knocking a book down) Ashabult:breakfast will be ready soon (Velma kneeled down picking up the book)

Ashambult:oh Ashambult can put that back up on shelf

Velma:wait this book is about the Egnalstaf legend about werewolves

Daphne:but i though Marius haven't heard about them before

Fred:that's what he said

Shaggy:maybe he bought it yesterday Velma:it was printed in 1885 Ashambult:what your saying Marius is werewolf Alex:but he was there when the werewolves attacked Daphne:he still might be one of them if he can change like the legend Velma:someone circled all the jewels Hans has stolen there the same ones the werewolf has stolen except one it says thats it a carnalment and Ocean Shaggy:whats a carnal

Alex:it means black jewel and Ocean is a Ocean blue gem both very valuable

Scooby:how do you know Alex:my mother has a gem collection and has the only Ocean gem Ahsambult:okay now Ashambult finish making breakfast now come (they all exited the trailer but alex stopped seeing a black limo parked) Alex:oh dammit Scooby:is that Alex:yep (a woman in a fancy dress exited the back of the limo) Lilith:ah Alex my darling (Alex walked towards her) Lilith:come we have much to talk about

Alex:about what mother

Lilith:your talent now come your fathers wait (Alex sigh looking at the gang) Alex:i'll be back guys (she got in the limo driving off) (in town) (they walked in a fancy restaurant seeing her father) Alex:hi dad

Adam:ah alex it's so good to see you again (he gave her a hug as the all sat down) Lilith:Alex me and your father will be watching you perform tonight Alex:yeah i uh kinda figured

Adam:aren't you surprised

Alex:well there's already rumors that your coming

Lilith:well do the rumors say i might put you back i gymnastics

Alex:mother i don't really want to do that again

Lilith:well i said might and you don't have a choice if i do put you back in

Adam:hon let's just enjoy breakfast (Alex had cut into her french toast but stopped seeing her mothers necklace) Alex:wait is that your uh Ocean blue necklace

Lilith:Oh yes i decided since it was celestial themed i might as well wear this it'll look better in my blue dress i'll be wearing

Alex:oh uh that'll be beautiful

Adam:yep and i'll be wearing my police uniform

Alex:oh that's good father(they ate breakfast) (meanwhile with the rest of the gang) (Marius was walking to his trailer but the gang stopped him) Velma:want to explain this Marius:well its a bool with word in it Daphne:ts a book about the werewolves Fred:we found it in your office Marius:and what that makes me a werewolf (they saw their faces) Marius:my doors always unlocked anyone could have planted it there (marius saw a man in a yellow suit and glasses holding a clipboard) Marius:over here Mr.flexman 

Phill:its phil everyone calls me Phil Marius:h in my office Phil (Phil and him walked in his office) Scooby:weird

Shaggy:yeah you can say that again (a limo pulled up the Alex exited the limo) Lilith:remember to give that Marius fellow that envelope for two seats

Alex:ok mother (she shut the door the the limo drove off as marius walked out with Phil) Marius:thank you Phil:no problem and thank you (he left) Marous:guys guess what the guy just bought out all the seat for tonight were doing a private show for the wolfbanes guy 

Alex:so i guess you won't be needing this envelope then 

Mairus:what is it (he toolkit opening it and reading the letter as he held out a check) Marius:oh your parents are more than welcome to come to the show Alex

Alex:damn it

Marius:i'll get everything ready for the show (he let pasting Velma) Velma:well i was looking up the gem the werewolves are looking for Alex:well i found one

Scooby:where's that A

lex:my mother is brining the Ocean gem tonight

Shaggy:and look (he pointed at the sign and saw the black gem around Wulfric neck)

Velma:well i guess we know were the wolves are target is

Fred:and well be ready 

Alex:great (she sigh leaving to get ready).

Alex Light & Big Top Scooby DooWhere stories live. Discover now