The Explanation

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(Alex and the gang were in Marius trailer and Alex had her hoodie off lifting her shirt to only see the cuts so Daphne can bandage her side while they listened to Marius)
Marius:i inherited this circus from my uncle last year trying to modernize it more stylish uh like spice up the animal acts and what not oh and i also cleaned the toilets major improvement all this leading to our latest show (he motioned to a poster) Marius:celestia 

Fred:this is so exciting did i tell you i love the circus (Marius sigh getting slightly annoyed) Marius:yes like the millionth time

Daphne:but what about the werewolf (she finished bandaging Alex as Alex put her shirt back down) Marius:its terrible (he walked towards the window) Marius:i thought tonight while my employees were out in town i would find some clues about the wolf i (he looked back at them) Marius:i think the werewolf is someone in the circus (shaggy gulped) Shaggy:like in a disguised Marius:maybe it's not a disguise (he was surprised that he didn't get a reaction out of them) Marius:you do know i"m saying that this might be a real werewolf right

Alex:yeah and

Marius:well i thought i would get a better reaction out of you i said it so dramatically Velma:moving on

Marius:okay for several months this werewolf has attacked wherever we went scared off many of my artist and at each city we visited it has stolen jewelry


Marius:yes jewelry and i had a thought why would a werewolf wan jewels Shaggy:maybe its a lady werewolf (they all gave him a are you serious face) Shaggy:just a thought (Alex too the popcorn he was eating)

Velma:i think remember a case like this in 18th century vendaia may i use your computer Marius

Marius:of course (se spun around looking up the legend) Velma:hereit is a werewolf named Hans collected certain gemstones to increase his power normally a werewolf becomes a wolf in the full moon but with the right combination of jewels Hans was able to change from man to wolf at anytime he and the werewolves he created terrorize Engalsta for ages Mariu:wait you said they were created Velam:yeah whoever the wolves bit changes into a werewolf apparently they claimed hundreds of victims till Maximillion the third drove them off Daphne:wow Alex your lucky that werewolf only scratched you (alex was eating the popcorn she took from shaggy) Shaggy:yeah thank goodness (alex started to cough) Fred:oh no she's turning into a werewolf (Marius threw the garlic hitting her stomach coughing out a popcorn) AL\lex:some friends you are i was choking on a piece of popcorn instead of helping me like you should have your reaching for silver bullets (she coughed a little) Alex:see silver bullets for werewolves and garlic for vampires Marius:who are you people and how do you know so much about werewolves Daphne:we solve mysteries it's a hobby

Marius:stamp collecting is a hobby solving mystery (he paused for a second) Marius:thats it why don't you all help me investigate this werewolf

Fred:yes and we can pose as circus performers

Daphne:sure why not

Alex:what the heck sure

Marius:of course it will be dangerous

Shaggy:and there's the why not (they were gonna leave bt fred stopped them)

Fred:we have to do it shaggy for the good of the circus

Fred:okay for the good of the public


Fred:for all the cotton candy you can eat

Shaggy:and churros

Fred:and churros Alex:make it two and you got yourself a deal


Alex:well im in Marius:if you all are going to perform you all are going to need a costume change and a little bit of work (he pulled out a circus outfit) Alex;okay i'm leaving (she was gonna leave but Daphne grabbed her) Daphne:if im doing this your doing it as well (Alex sigh regretting her choice). 

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