Werewolves Attack

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(Alex and the gang were back in their regular clothes and Alex was playing on her 3ds in Marius trailer) Fred:you know the circus is a bit different than i had thought Marius:hows so Fred:its filled with crazy people Oliverio threatened to pop my head off

Alex:oh really Daph said something worse when (Daphne kicked her shin) Alex:ow okay staying quiet 

Daphne:Marius i don't know if your werewolf is real or not but if you're looking for someone who has a grudge there's many suspects like Schmatko he has a lot of bitterness about being a clown Velma:Ashambult seems nice but he looks like a werewolf

Shaggy:i mean that doubleday guy doesn't mind losing his job but i don't

Marius:i know but there's also another suspect (he took a poster and showed the of Wulfric) Shaggy:wolfsmoon no Marius:they have been performing wherever the werewolf appeared Shaggy:oh so you're going to blame them because they were there and the lead singer claims to be a werewolf


Daphne:you could have said something sooner Shaggy:its just for publicity Alex:really like my mom tells the publix she's from Iceland

Shaggy:is she

Alex:no i was bening- (her phone buzzed she looked as she gasp) Fred:what happened Alex:the new game i was waiting for just came out shaggy,scooby you two have to come with me Shaggy:wait what (She dragged them out of the trailer) Marius:b back before the show Marius:uh is her mother rich or something

Fred:yeah but she doesn't like to talk about it (at the game store)

Shaggy:come on Alex i'm hungry

Scoooby:yeah i'm hungry too

Alex:oh be patient (the game owner pulled out a game called Pokemon X) Alex:yes how much for that and the pikachu stuffed animal

Owner:70.00 dollars ma'am (she pulled out a hundred he took it) Alex:keep the change (she grabbed the bag which had the stuffed pikachu and game in it then walked out of the store with shaggy and Scooby) Shaggy:you know i'm surprised he didn't check if it was real


Alex:most of the game shop owners know me guys

Shaggy:now let's get something to- (they suddenly heard growling they looked seeing the werewolf growling at them as Alex and scooby ran leaving the clueless shaggy) Shaggy:okay on the count of three (he saw us running already) Shaggy:hey don't leave me (he ran)

Alex:in there (they ran in a jewelry store they gasped seeing a knocked out guard then heard a rash as the see the wolf taking an emerald necklace they screamed running out of the shop) Alex:how the hell did it get in there so fast

Scooby:i don't know (they ran in the street stopping as the mystery machine)

Fred:hey its Shaggy,Scooby and Alex (they turned crashing garbage cans into the wolf they then got out)

Fred:what's going on

Velma:guys i think we hit something (the wolf emerge from the garbage cans) Shaggy:werewolf (a second werewolf wearing Schmatko clothing jumped on the van roof)

Fred:there's two Daphne:and that one i think is Schmatko Velma:i beg your pardon Daphne:one of the clowns i recognized his costume (it jumped off the van lurking towards them growing) Daphne:Schmatko it's me motorcycle girl (it snarled at her) Fred:he doesn't seem very nice Daphne:he wasn't really nice to begin with(they ran with the wolves chasing the) Alex:split up (alex went straight down as the others went in different directions but the wolves decided to go after Alex)

Alex;oh come on why me (she stopped reaching a dead end) Alex:okay nice wolfie (the rest of the gang hid behind a garbage tin) Velma:Alex is in trouble we have to help her SHaggy:like how Fred:i got an idea (alex threw a garbage can at the which they easily slashed away but the mystery machine drove in pushing a garbage tin the wolves luckily jumped out of th way before the garbage tin fell over spilling all the garbage on top of Alex they got out of the van seeing the wovles go up a pipe running away) Fred:man there fast

Daphne:where's Alex (Alex pushed a garbage ag away from her) Alex:this is so gross (she took a banana peel off her head then panicked till she saw her bag with her pikachu stuffed animal and pokemon game) Alex:one thank goodness two gross (VElma helped her out as Alex punched fred in the stomach) Alex:could've said Alex watch out but no (she sigh) Alex:now come on i need a shower

Daphne:a long shower (hey got in the van leaving) (at the Circus) (marius was in a red ring master suit pacing) Marius:oh this is worst than the sword swallower got the hiccups did he at least leave a note (Sisko honked his horn)

Marius:what about on the fridge (Sisko honked his horn again) Marius:no i on't think your stupid i (Sisko honked his horn till MArius stopped him seeing the gang)

Marius:thank goodness you're here Schmatko missing Sisko hasn't seen him since 6 am (Sisko honked his horn again) MArius:sorry 6:30

Alex:well we found him as a werewolf

Marius/Sisko:what/"honk" Daphne:we just got chased by two werewolves one was was wearing Schmatko clothes

Shaggy:they broke into the muse stealing an emerald necklace

Velma;he's collecting more jewels and he's making new werewolves just like the legend (Sisko honked his horn) Marius:i know is is bad but we have a show to do in half an hour (Sisko honked his horn) Marius:nothings impossible Daphne you stand in for Schmakto

Daphne:say what now

Marius:well need time

Alex you'll do your routine first

Alex:great (Alshambult walked in) Ashambult:i can do cowboy routine

Maris:not the cowboy routine Ashambult:why don't you like cowboy routine i'll make it space cowboy for the celestia routine (Marius sigh) Marius:fine this will do as long as Shaggy and Scooby do well (scooby gave a paws up) Marius:now everyone get into costume its showtime (he sniffed the air) Marius:what's that smell

Alex:oh Fred decided to push a container of garbage on me

Ashambult:you know how to party Alex (she sigh walking away).

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